Are You Doing Too Much Volume? Optimal Frequency, Best Exercises for Abs & Traps – Episode 288

Over the last few years you may have heard some relatively new (less than 10 years of real world experience) trainers and online fitness guru’s regurgitate the following statement, “volume is the key driver of hypertrophy gains.” That statement is continually made these days because of some studies showing that those who did more sets gained more muscle. But it’s hardly conclusive and hardly the advice that everyone should adhere to. If you lack the requisite 10-25 years of real world coaching experience that it takes to wade through all this stuff, you just go with whatever’s popular at the… continue reading.

The #1 Limiting Factor in Your Training, Do you Need to Squat & Deadlift, IIFYM or Keto, Balancing Fitness & Life – Episode 287

Another solo Q&A episode coming at you this week. Pay extra special attention to what I’m spittin in the first and last answer. There’s a few tidbits in there that could make a huge difference in your training, your results, your recovery, and your overall enjoyment of life. Keep sending the awesome questions my way and I’ll keep answering. Thanks. Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes Click here to listen on SoundCloud Click here to subscribe via Stitcher Right-click here… continue reading.

Training Methods to Fight Stress & Anxiety, “Functional” Exercises, Parallel Vs. ATG Squats, Combatting Information Overload – Episode 286

Thank you guys for all the positive feedback on the last two Q&A episodes. And thank you for continuing to submit great questions and leave iTunes reviews. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. This show is for you so the more you let me know exactly what you want, the better I can make it. To kick this episode off I’m giving away several bags of Athletic Greens. So please listen for your name at the beginning of the show. After that I tackle the questions you guys asked! Scroll down for show notes:… continue reading.

28 Days to Shredded – Episode 285

Before I tell you what’s on today’s podcast, I wanted to thank you. The solo listener Q&A episode I did last week for you guys became our most downloaded episode in the first 48 hours in over a year. That tells me that we need to do more of these Q&A episodes. So rather than wait a few more weeks I figured we’d do another one right away. In today’s show I answer the questions you guys sent in. Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes… continue reading.

How I Stay Strong & Lean at 44 – Episode 284

It’s my first solo Q&A episode in far too long and I’m answering your questions.  Don’t miss this one! Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes Click here to listen on SoundCloud Click here to subscribe via Stitcher Right-click here and choose “Save As”to download this episode __________________________________________________________________________ This episode is brought to you by Athletic Greens. With 75 ingredients working together to help with 11 different areas of health, Athletic Greens helps detoxify your body,… continue reading.

A Power Athlete’s Guide to Getting Jacked with John Welbourn – Episode 283

In this episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast I have the pleasure of sitting down with 9-year NFL Veteran, and the founder of CrossFit Football and Power Athlete HQ, John Welbourn. John is the mastermind behind the online training phenomena, Johnnie WOD, the self proclaimed industry leading training program for packing on size and thick slabs of muscle. He also created his “Talk to me Johnnie” website and blog as a resource for power athletes looking to unlock their potential. Whether you want to get big and strong, lean and muscular, athletic and mobile or a combination of it all, you’ll learn… continue reading.

Strong Mind, Strong Body & Strong Coffee with Adam Von Rothfelder – Episode 282

Do you like the NBC show, Strong? If so, you’re going to love this episode with Adam Von Rothfelder. A fitness coach of some of the country’s most elite CEO’s and Executives, Adam was featured on Strong as one of America’s Top 10 Trainers. He is also a former MMA fighter, successful gym owner, fitness model and the Founder and CEO of Strong Coffee Company. In this episode I sat down with Adam, and previous guest on Renegade Radio, Kenny Santucci of Solace New York, to discuss training, nutrition, overcoming adversity, the power of coffee, marijuana, success and life. Scroll… continue reading.

Fit to Fat to Fit with Drew Manning – Episode 281

Drew Manning knows what it’s like to be overweight, out of shape, unhealthy and uncomfortable in his own skin. He knows the burden of being physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. If that’s where you are currently, he can relate. He also knows how amazing it feels to be healthy, lean and muscular. He has experienced what it’s like to have almost limitless energy and unshakeable confidence. If that’s where you want to be, he can show you how. Drew is a Fitness Expert, Personal Trainer and the creator of the #FitToFatToFit TV show and He is… continue reading.

The Realistic Approach to Eating Right with Dr. Chris Mohr – Episode 280

Do you find yourself confused and overwhelmed when it comes to nutrition? How and what should you eat? What should you eliminate? One expert says to avoid carbs at all costs, and eat a high fat diet, and the next says the exact opposite. One says you need to eat 5-6 times a day for optimal results and the other says meal frequency and timing doesn’t matter. It becomes even more confusing when you look at the plethora of diets; carnivore, low carb, high carb, carb cycling, keto, paleo, low protein, high protein, vegetarian, vegan, IF, flex dieting, and that’s… continue reading.

Becoming Unstoppable with Craig Ballantyne – Episode 279

Do you want to learn how to 10x your productivity, so you get more done in less time? Do you want to know how to identify what really matters to you, so you can spend your time, energy and effort on it, instead of burning yourself out on things that are meaningless? Would you like to know how you can achieve your goals AND have time to do things you enjoy? There is no one better to learn from than my guest in this episode of Renegade Radio. He’s often referred to as “The World’s Most Disciplined Man,” but I’m… continue reading.

The Setpoint Solution: Lose Weight and Keep it Off with SANESolution Founder, Jonathan Bailor – Episode 278

Have you tried losing weight in the past but just couldn’t make progress no matter how little you ate or how much you exercised? Even worse, have you managed to lose weight in the past only to gain it all back, and then some? The problem most likely is NOT a lack of discipline and consistency, or any character flaw. The problem is your current “Setpoint,” and learning what it is and how to change it will help you finally get the results you want. Jonathan Bailor is the founder of His SANE program is rooted… continue reading.

Overcome Your Fear with Self-Defense Expert, Tony Blauer – Episode 277

Everyone feels fear. From the biggest, toughest, most jacked dudes on earth to small children and frail, elderly women, fear is an emotion all humans know well. If we all feel it, what separates those who take action and do what’s necessary in the face of fear from those who let it cripple them? The answer can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. Tony Blauer has dedicated his life to teaching people how to understand and manage their fear even, and especially, in the most stressful, dangerous and violent situations. He is the creator of the Spontaneous Protection… continue reading.

The Body Coach, Joe Wicks: How to Get Lean in 15 – Episode 276

Joe Wicks is a man on a mission. Growing tired of seeing people struggle following the advice of an awful dieting industry, he decided to take action. He created a plan to educate people on how to correctly use food and exercise to build strong, lean and healthy bodies. Known as “The Body Coach,” he has helped over 100,000 clients transform their physiques and change their lives. He has sold almost 3 million copies of his books, including the best-selling diet book of all-time, “Lean in 15 – The Shift Plan: 15 Minute Meals and Workouts to… continue reading.

The Swiss Superman: WWE Superstar, Cesaro – Episode 275

Have you ever wondered how the stars of the WWE eat and train to build the amazing bodies they display in the ring? Or how they maintain the mental toughness required to compete at the highest level, day in and day out? In this all new episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast with WWE Superstar, Cesaro, you get to go behind the curtain for a backstage look at the nutrition, training and mindset it takes to become a champion in the ring and in life. Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes… continue reading.

Doing the IMPOSSIBLE with Joel Runyon – Episode 274

“You can’t do that. It’s impossible.” If ever in your life you’ve strived to do something great, cool, unique, challenging and awesome, you’ve probably heard this phrase in one form or another. But achieving greatness, or doing anything worthwhile, often requires doing things that average people say is impossible. And, perhaps more than anyone else in the world, Joel Runyon believes you CAN do the “impossible”. Joel is the founder of IMPOSSIBLE, a company dedicated to helping people push their limits and do impossible things. He is also the CEO of Paleo Meals LLC.,… continue reading.