How to Get Ripped for Summer

Zac Efron’s Baywatch transformation and shredded 8-pack has had people talking for the last year. I’m finally weighing in on it in this episode. Is it possible naturally? Can you achieve similar results? If so what’s the exact diet you should follow? I break down the exact percentages and numbers you’ll need to follow to get ripped. What about Zac’s Baywatch workout? I go through the whole thing and break down the good, the bad and the ugly. Other topics include: A better summer training plan Ideal rep speed for maximum gains How to incorporate isometric pauses for muscle and… continue reading.

How Excess Estrogen is Making You Fat, Sick and Infertile

Did you know that fat cells can survive in your body for 10 years? And that they can retain artificial chemicals that act like excessive estrogen in your body? Excessive estrogen makes you gain fat in your chest, hips and thighs. It can also contribute to depression and numerous diseases. The problem is most of us consume estrogenic compounds and rub them on our skin all day long. Dr. Anthony G. Jay is my guest on the podcast today and he’s going to help you avoid this deadly problem. Topics include: The top 10 list of… continue reading.

How to Break a Plateau, Increase Energy, and Maintain Motivation

Can you allow your significant other to impact your fitness decisions? Should he or she influence when and how much you train? What you put in your mouth? Is your significant other helping you reach your goals or preventing you from achieving them? It’s a serious issue that needs further exploration. What do you do if you have trouble sleeping? Especially on days you train? You better have a solution because no sleep = no gains. Do supplements work? Which ones? What kind of diet should your dad follow? Can you make gains training just twice per week? What should… continue reading.

30 Pounds of Muscle in 30 Days?!

Is it really possible to gain 30 pounds of muscle in 30 days? A lot of people would say that’s impossible in a year, never mind a month. But in my 30 years of weight training, I’ve seen some incredible things. In this episode, I’m going to share some of my best-kept secrets about building muscle and gaining size as fast as humanly possible. You’ll hear all about the evolution of the training system that made my gym famous and ranked one of the best in the country by numerous fitness mags. And, I’ll finally reveal the two key components… continue reading.

Getting Jacked & Building an Empire with Mark Bell

When he was young and weak, Mark Bell had someone steal his football. It was a singular event that changed and shaped his entire life. He started lifting weights the next day and soon became obsessed with the iron. A few years later he was competing in powerlifting and setting records. That eventually led to a stint in the WWE minor league system, and the opportunity to train regularly at the infamous Westside Barbell Club in Columbus, Ohio. When his WWE career didn’t pan out, Mark moved back to California. Not long after, he opened what has since become one… continue reading.

Inflammation and The Truth About Medical Marijuana: Dr. Mike Hart

Pain and inflammation can be your worst enemy when trying to get in shape. If you’re hurting you can’t train. If it’s really bad you can’t sleep. Then things start to fall apart. So you start popping some Advil or, worse, prescription painkillers. Unfortunately, those can be incredibly harmful, and more addictive than many party drugs. So what other alternatives do you have? That’s what we’ll explore in this episode featuring Dr. Mike Hart. Topics include: What causes chronic pain and inflammation The role diet plays Possible benefits of a lower carb diet Opioids vs. Cannabinoids The real truth about… continue reading.

From Dumpster Diving to Multi-Millionaire: Bedros Keuilian

Bedros Keuilian is the American dream and an amazing and inspirational success story. He and his family escaped Communist Russia and came to the United States when he was six. They grew up rough, dumpster diving for food. But Bedros eventually turned it all around. He went on to build an ultra successful multimillion-dollar business, which helps hundreds of thousands of people every year. On top of that, he is also one of the greatest and most down to earth, loving, caring, generous, fun, funny people you will ever meet. And one of my best friends in the world. Topics… continue reading.

The 12 BEST Exercises, Forearm Training, & How to Condition Like an Athlete

In this episode, I break down the best exercises for every body part. They’re not what you might expect. But if you include them regularly you’ll get jacked. Even better, your joints will stay healthy. Ignore at your own peril! Summer’s coming and one part of your body that is always exposed is the forearms. So we’re digging deep on all the different methods you can use to increase their size and strengthen your grip. Other topics include: A necessary step in the path to fulfillment? Stupid things people do at the gym Optimal frequency for chest, back, and shoulders… continue reading.

Getting Jacked After 40, Adding Strongman Exercises, & Connecting With Influencers

After you turn 35, things change and you’ll have to adjust your training. You’re not in your twenties anymore and can’t do things the same way you used to. But that doesn’t mean it’s over. Far from it. Age is just an excuse that the weak sheep use. If you train smarter, you can keep making gains at any age. In today’s episode, I’ll address what you need to do and how you can keep getting jacked well into your forties and beyond. I’ll also be answering your questions on a variety of topics including: Squats vs lunges Programming strongman… continue reading.

The #1 Thing to Help You Get Fit & Focused

We’re all overwhelmed with too many options and too much information. We all make the mistakes of trying to take on too many new habits at once. What if we could fix both of those? What kind of results could we get? Both in our fitness and in all aspects of our lives? The One Thing, one of my favorite books, talks about the 6 big lies between you and success.  One of them is that everything matters equally. That’s total BS. Very few things truly matter. Another is the myth of discipline, and that willpower is always on call. continue reading.

Gaining 80+ Pounds, Fist Fights, and the Legend of Renegade Gym

Back in the mid 90’s in a small town in Dirty Jersey, I opened Renegade Gym. It was one of the original hardcore, underground, warehouse style training facilities. The atmosphere was legendary, the results unmatched. Long before it was mainstream to push sleds and flip tires we did it. Way before you ever saw gymnastics rings in a gym we had them. Twenty years before it was cool to “train like an athlete,” we were doing it. Group workouts? Competitions? Record boards on the wall? Yup, we were doing that in ’96, son. As you approached the front door you… continue reading.

Training with Back Pain, 3-Day Workout Splits, & How to Stay Motivated

Not being able to do what you love sucks. Whether it’s lifting weights, picking up your kids or playing rec league sports with your buddies. You can’t do it when you have back pain. At some point in your life, you’ve probably experienced the misery.  Most people have.  Sometimes back pain can be avoided with smart training. Other times it’s just a freak accident and nothing could have prevented it. Either way, I’ve got you covered in this new podcast episode. I’m gonna tell you exactly what you need to avoid while rehabbing a bad back. Some of it will… continue reading.

The Shorter Workouts Experiment and How to Build Bigger Arms

I’ve been in the Iron Game for over 30 years. But I still like to experiment. Strength training is my #1 obsession and there’s always more to learn. I recently ran a little 90-day test protocol. In this episode, I’ll tell you what I learned, what I liked, what I hated, and what my conclusions are. After that, I’ll give you some of my best arm building secrets that will help you pack on some size for the summer. The weather’s getting warmer so you know what that means…suns out, guns out. Finally, I’ll give you some of the best… continue reading.

Training & Eating on The Road, and Overcoming Adversity

Last weekend, I was down in San Diego at the eleventh annual Fitness Business Summit, and I had an amazing time with some of my closest friends. While there, it occurred to me how much I used to struggle with maintaining my training and nutrition on the road. For some reason my workouts always sucked and my diet fell apart. But I’ve made a conscious effort to get a lot better at that. Today, I’m going to share some tips and sample workouts that should help you out. After I cover that, my good friends, Jay Jablonski and Craig Ballantyne… continue reading.

Getting Jacked, Strong, and Built Like a Badass — Joe DeFranco

Wanna know the best methods for getting big, strong, and athletic? Today’s episode is just for you. My guest is Joe DeFranco. Joe is one of the most successful coaches in the entire strength and conditioning world and has worked with countless pro athletes, including none other than the 14 time WWE world heavyweight champion Triple H. I’ve known Joe since 1996 and our training styles evolved in a very similar fashion, due to a lot of the same influences, which is one of the reasons I enjoy talking training with Joe more than just about anyone else on the… continue reading.