
A Brain-Based Approach for Optimal Performance with Dr. Heidi Hanna – Episode 205

Are you a stressaholic? I was for a long time. And I can tell you that it’s no way to live.  Instead of managing stress you need to master it. Dr. Heidi Hanna is my guest on the new Renegade Radio Podcast and she’s gonna show you how to do just that. Listen as Dr. Hanna reveals her brain-based solutions for improving your performance. She shows you how to use stress to fuel positive changes in your life. You’ll learn the most effective methods to reduce anxiety and overcome depression. Dr. Hanna shares simple strategies to optimize focus, creativity, and resilience. We discuss… continue reading.

Dr. Andy Galpin: Training Methods For Faster Gains – Episode 204

Getting jacked, ripped, and strong is the topic at hand today with my guest, Dr. Andy Galpin. Wanna learn simple, stress-free ways to lose fat and build muscle? The good doctor has your prescription for proper programming in this episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast. Andy has a Ph.D. in Human Bioenergetics and he is a professor in the Center for Sports Performance at CSU Fullerton.  He is also the author of “Unplugged: Evolve from Technology to Upgrade Your Fitness, Performance, and Consciousness” and he’s the host of the popular podcast “The Body of Knowledge”. Listen as we discuss: Andy’s Top 5 hip-hop… continue reading.

How to Lead, Command Attention, and Increase Confidence with Michael Port – Episode 203

Whether it’s in a boardroom in front of a group of co-workers, having dinner with potential clients, or giving a speech in front of your gym members, we all perform in some way.  If you want to learn the skills to deliver a great performance every time don’t miss Episode 203 of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast. Michael Port is my guest in this episode.  He was once a professional actor, guest starring on many hit TV shows.  Now Michael is the NY Times best-selling author of “Book Yourself Solid” and “Steal the Show.”  He is also the creator of HeroicPublicSpeaking.com and the… continue reading.

Death to Low Carb Diets? Ft Kate Deering – Episode 202

Have the diets you’ve followed so far failed to help you achieve the body and health that you want? Would you like to actually understand your metabolism and know how to improve it? If so, Episode 202 of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast will revolutionize your approach to nutrition. Kate Deering is my guest on this episode.  She is an NHI Certified Nutrition Consultant, ACE Certified Personal Trainer and owner of Deering Health Fitness.  She’s also the author of “How to Heal Your Metabolism”. After years of training and following mainstream diet advice Kate’s body began to break down.  While searching for… continue reading.

How to Get What You Want with Christine Hassler – Episode 201

Who are you, what do you want, and how do you get it? Often the questions we ask, and the answers we find, are what determine the course of our lives. Christine Hassler is my guest on Episode 201 of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast. It was the answers to these questions that helped take Christine from a massive quarter-life crisis to a best-selling author, keynote speaker, master coach and host of a popular podcast and hit TV show. Topics Include: Is an “Expectation Hangover” holding you back?  12:43 Why we often date the “same person,” and have failed relationships.  15:33 The essential… continue reading.

F*CK FEAR with Tony Blauer – Episode 200

If someone tried to harm you and your loved ones today could you stop them?  Would you know what actions to take to ensure your safety? Or would you become another victim? Tony Blauer is my guest on Episode 200 of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast.  He is the creator of the Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response self-defense system.  SPEAR is the world’s only behaviorally based self-protection method based on physiology, kinesiology, physics and psychology.  Tony teaches SPEAR to students worldwide, including Law Enforcement Agencies, Military Units and First-Responders. I sat down with Tony to discuss how he first started in self-defense and how he developed the… continue reading.

Getting More out of Less with Josh Becker – Episode 199

In the wise words of Tyler Durden, “We buy things we don’t need, with money we don’t have, to impress people we don’t like”. It really is true that the things we own end up owning us.  If you’re ready to free your mind, body, and life from the shackles of possessions then you won’t want to miss Episode 199 of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast.  My guest today is Josh Becker, the founder, and editor of www.becomingminimalist.com.  Josh is also the author of the books “The More of Less”,… continue reading.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck with Mark Manson – Episode 198

Has the same old, rehashed self-help advice failed to help you improve your life?  If “thinking positive” hasn’t led to the results you’ve hoped for you don’t want to miss Episode 198 of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast. Mark Manson is a professional blogger, entrepreneur, and author of the NY Times Best-Selling book, “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck”.  Through his books and blog Mark shares life advice that contradicts the information taught by most self-help authors. I sat down with Mark to discuss why people fail to improve their lives by following the usual self-help advice and the biggest struggles… continue reading.

Bulletproof Your Body and Dominate Your Training with Steve and Lindsay Sudell – Episode 197

Wanna build muscle and gain strength without constant, nagging injuries? Imagine how much better your results would be if you could recover faster from training. If you want to bulletproof your body and feel superhuman, episode 197 of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast is just what the doctor ordered. My guests are Lindsay and Steve Sudell.  Lindsay is an Occupational Therapist and Fascial Stretch Therapist.  She’s also an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Crossfit L1 Trainer. Her husband, Dr. Steve Sudell, is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and a Licensed Athletic Trainer.  They run an innovative Wellness Clinic that provides a host of services focused on injury… continue reading.

Developing Skills for Life and A Warrior’s Spirit with Dan Millman – Episode 196

Get ready for a whole new look at personal development and prepare to unleash the warrior within. Dan Millman is my guest on Episode 196 of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast. He is a world champion gymnast and the author of 17 books. As a young man, Dan set out on a spiritual journey to find the answers to life’s most difficult questions.  The lessons he learned inspired his “Peaceful Warrior” series of books and led to the keynotes, workshops, and seminars he produces today. In this episode, Dan explains why there is a “Peaceful Warrior” within us all. We discuss the essential… continue reading.

How to Change Your Life Through Fitness with Chris Dufey – Episode 195

Training is not just about building bigger muscles. It’s about building a new you, inside and out. Ask anyone who’s experienced a real transformation. They’ll tell you the physical changes are only part of the equation.  It’s the newfound confidence and emotional strength that truly changes a person and sets them on course towards a new life. Chris Dufey is a personal trainer, author, speaker and podcast host.  As an overweight kid, Chris struggled with depression, shyness, and inability to make friends.  After high school he found fitness and it changed his life.  His incredible transformation inspired him to help other people change their… continue reading.

Sleep Smarter & Live Longer: Shawn Stevenson – Episode 194

Sleep is the key to optimal health and performance. If you improve your sleep everything in your life gets better. You lose fat faster, your brain works more efficiently, and your sex drive goes up.  Shawn Stevenson, the author of “Sleep Smarter,” and host of The Model Health Show, is my guest on this episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast.  We discuss how Shawn found fitness after being diagnosed with a devastating illness at the age of 20. He shares the three primary elements of… continue reading.

Smash Goals, Crush PR’s, and Optimize Your Life with James Clear – Episode 193

Why is it that so few people receive so many of the rewards in life? What does the top 1% know and do that most people, who are struggling to achieve their goals, don’t? If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels and start making real progress in life, you do not want to miss this episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast. James Clear is an author, entrepreneur, photographer and gym rat. Through his writing on JamesClear.com, he educates, entertains and inspires readers. In this episode, we discuss the mistakes that most people make when setting goals and how it hinders progress. continue reading.

Unleash Your True Strength with Elliot Hulse – Episode 192

Elliott Hulse wants to help you get strong in every way. In this episode of the Renegade Radio Podcast, you’ll learn how to be physically strong and mentally tough. You’ll discover how to break the shackles that hold you back so that you can finally achieve your goals and live the life you want. Elliot will help you unlock the secrets that will make you a KING. Within a span of ten years, Elliot has evolved from a struggling personal trainer to a YouTube superstar with over one million subscribers.  In this episode, we discuss how Elliott discovered strength training and… continue reading.

Leaner, Stronger, Healthier with Chris Bell – Episode 191

Wanna learn how to manage pain and addiction without resorting to dangerous pills that wreck your health? I discuss those topics and more with Chris Bell on the new #RenegadeRadioPodcast. Chris is an accomplished filmmaker and the director of many outstanding documentaries including Bigger, Stronger, Faster, Prescription Thugs and Trophy Kids.  In this episode, we discuss his struggles with pain and addiction, and how he found natural ways to regain sobriety and alleviate his pain. We delve into what inspired him to become a filmmaker, how his brothers have influenced and inspired him, his latest documentary, and so much more. continue reading.