The Ideal # of Reps for Each Body Part & Exercise

What's the ideal number of reps? There is no cut-and-dry answer. But there are a few things that you need to look out for to determine what's best... continue reading.
What's the ideal number of reps? There is no cut-and-dry answer. But there are a few things that you need to look out for to determine what's best... continue reading.
The guys in the top 1% of muscle-building genetics have one thing in common. Most Type A guys are naturally wired the exact opposite. Here's what to do... continue reading.
Doing too little volume is never gonna get you anywhere. But too much volume will leave you sore, injured, and also get you nowhere. So how exactly do you know where you should be? continue reading.
In today's episode, I'm breaking down exactly what you can expect on your journey to building muscle. Plus, a few tips on nutrition, and much more. continue reading.
Biologist, and wildlife conservationist, Dr. Robbie Kroger, is here to take on some misconceptions about hunting and hunters, and counteract these views. continue reading.
Censorship is at an all-time high. The disinformation and "fake news" is prevalent. Today's guest, Tony Brasunas, is here to expose the truth. continue reading.
Do you include bodyweight exercises in your workouts? Should you? Can you maximize results by combining bodyweight training and free weights? continue reading.
Jean-Paul Gravel is here today to help you re-establish emotional health and inner strength, rekindle vibrancy and meaning in your relationships, and achieve peak professional performance. You don't wanna miss this one! continue reading.
I'm here today with the answers you need on the machines vs. free weights debate, body part by body part, to help you build your best body ever. continue reading.
You've got questions. And you know, I've got answers. I'm back with another jam packed Q&A to help you live and train optimally, feel your best, and crush your goals. continue reading.
Ready to obliterate obstacles, set PRs, and get shredded for summer? You asked the questions, I've got the answers! continue reading.
I'm issuing a federal MASS mandate. It's time to make men jacked again! And the best part is... When you finish the program, you get to keep all your gains. No dividing them up amongst the people. Socialism not included! continue reading.
Jake Steiner is a passionate advocate for eye health with a unique perspective: that we can reverse myopia naturally. He's here to share his journey from a -5-diopter prescription to perfect 20/20 vision, as well as simple tips to help you naturally regain your perfect vision. continue reading.
Lauren Johnson, former Mental Performance Coach for the New York Yankees, is responsible for aiding in the development of athletes and staff through education, application, and support.Lauren's practical, straight-forward advice and mental performance strategies help individuals develop mental toughness so that they can perform at their best regardless of circumstance. continue reading.
Since retiring from active duty Rich has worked as a speaker, facilitator and consultant with the Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute and Simon Sinek Inc. He's also the author of the book, The Attributes: 25 Hidden Drivers of Optimal Performance.In this episode Rich explains how you can discover and develop the attributes that will help ensure your own success as well as the success of any team you may lead. continue reading.