The REAL Pandemic – Episode 410

Posted by Jason Ferruggia

It’s time to build your back better (and your chest, shoulders, arms and legs… which could all use some hyperinflation).

We’re issuing a permanent lockdown on shitty, ineffective, dangerous training methods.

The Jacked Variant is here and MASSculinity is guaranteed.

It’s been over FIVE years since I released a new workout plan that’s been available to anyone but those in my coaching programs.

You’ve asked time and time again, and I listened.

You wanted my Push/Pull/Legs/Arms split all laid out in a fully detailed program.

I have delivered.

I’m issuing a federal MASS mandate.

It’s time to make men jacked again! And the best part is…

When you finish the program, you get to keep all your gains. No dividing them up amongst the people. Socialism not included!

To finally qualify as fully Jaxxinated go to today.

If you have any questions shoot them my way via email at

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