
Your Cell Phone May Be Killing You with Nicolas Pineault – Episode 380

Don’t smoke.  Eat healthy food.  Get enough exercise and quality sleep. Everyone knows the things they should and shouldn’t do to reduce their chances of getting chronic diseases like cancer.   But what about the cell phone that’s constantly glued to your ear?  Or the computer you sit in front of for 8 hours a day?  Have you ever stopped to think about what those are doing to your health?  Would you even know to think about it? Nicolas Pineault is the author of the best-selling book “The Non-Tinfoil Guide to… continue reading.

Protecting Your Health During Uncertain Times with Jonny Bowden – Episode 379

Known as “The Nutrition Myth Buster,” Jonny Bowden is one the world’s leading experts on nutrition.  He’s also a personal trainer and, now in his mid-70’s, he’s in better shape than some men half his age.   As Dean of the Equinox Fitness Training Institute, he began questioning the conventional wisdom on low-fat diets.  This led him to author the best-selling book, The Great Cholesterol Myth.  He has also written several other incredible books such as The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, Living Low Carb, Smart Fat and The Most Effective Ways on Earth to Boost Your Energy.   Back for his… continue reading.

How to Optimize Your Sleep – Episode 376

Do you want to finally build rock solid muscle, gain strength, and lose your love handles?   Would you like to look and feel 10 years younger and have people wondering what your secret is? Wanna create laser-like focus and improve your mental clarity so you can start dominating the important sh*t on your to-do list? The “secret” to having all this and more is… SLEEP Nothing else you could do can positively impact your entire life like getting more deep, restful sleep can.  Lucky for you, in this episode of Renegade Radio I’m going to teach you how to get… continue reading.

Psychedelic Solutions to Reduce Stress & Anxiety with Dr. Dave Rabin – Episode 375

Stress will KILL you.  Maybe not today… But, if you’re not consistently implementing ways to reduce stress and chill the f*ck out, you’re putting yourself on the fast track to an early grave.   Dr. David Rabin is a neuroscientist, board-certified psychiatrist, health-tech entrepreneur, and inventor who has been studying the impact of chronic stress in humans for more than a decade.   He’s also the co-founder and chief innovation officer at Apollo Neuroscience, which has developed the first scientifically validated wearable technology that actively improves energy, focus, and relaxation.   Dr. Rabin is currently conducting research on the… continue reading.

How to Stack Wins All Day, Every Day – Episode 374

Giving you the strategies you need to dominate your days, stack one win after another and develop unshakable self-confidence. continue reading.

Perfectly Hidden Depression with Dr. Margaret Rutherford – Episode 370

Dr. Margaret Rutherford is a Psychologist, successful blogger and host of The Self Work Podcast.  She is also the author of the bestselling book, Perfectly Hidden Depression: How to Break Free from the Perfectionism that Masks Your Depression.   During her 25 years of working with patients Dr. Rutherford discovered that many people heavily mask depression with perfectionism.  She has spent the last 5 years researching and writing about this topic and passionately spreading the message about becoming more comfortable with vulnerability in everyday life.   In this episode we explore the often unknown dangers of perfectionism, how to know if you… continue reading.

From Prison to Purpose with Erik Salzenstein – Episode 369

As a young man Erik Salzenstein struggled and battled with drug addiction, anxiety and greed.  His life spiraled out of control and he found himself in a courtroom facing prison time.   While serving his 4 years he made a decision to do whatever it was going to take to transform his life, and that’s exactly what he did.  He spent his time relentlessly pursuing personal development and creating the future self he wanted to be.   After regaining his freedom, Erik realized that he had a burning desire to help other people create massive improvements in their lives.  Now he’s on… continue reading.

Healing Your Gut with Plants with Dr. Will Bulsiewicz – Episode 368

Dr. Will Bulsiewicz helps thousands of people create incredible results in their health and wellbeing with one simple act: learning to take better care of their gut health with the power of plants.   In this episode the author of the best-selling book, Fiber Fueled takes you through effective ways to heal your gut and improve your overall health.  Whether your goal is to lose weight, feel your best, optimize your health and physique, or all of the above, this episode is for you! Scroll Down for Show Notes:… continue reading.

The Wild Diet with Abel James – Episode 367

Abel James is a best-selling author, Top 10 App Developer, musician, podcast host, entrepreneur and veritable health crusader.  But he hasn’t always enjoyed the glowing health and lean physique he has today.   In this awesome episode the author of The Wild Diet explains how he dramatically improved his health and effortlessly shed 20 pounds of fat in only 40 days by doing the opposite of what “experts” and even doctors told him to do.  Even better, he explains how you can do the same. Scroll Down for Show Notes:… continue reading.

Raising Your Resiliency with Kris Coleman – Episode 365

Kris Coleman is the founder of Red Five Security which provides world class, state of the art security and protective intelligence services.  Working in both the private and public sectors throughout his 20+ year career, he has served with the CIA, the FBI, and as a former Principal with Good Harbor Consulting. His new book, Raise Your Resiliency, shares what it takes for you, your family, and your business to become truly resilient and ready for any challenges to come!   In this episode Kris takes you through practical and actionable ways you can quickly become more resilient and ensure… continue reading.

COVID-19: What No One’s Telling You, with Ivor Cummins – Episode 364

Since 2012 Ivor Cummins, The Fat Emperor, has been intensively researching the root causes of modern chronic disease. With an undeniable ability to detect contradictory science (and flat out lies) Ivor has correctly predicted so much of what has already happened during the pandemic and it appears he has a good idea of what’s still to come.   In this episode of Renegade Radio the author of the excellent book “Eat Rich, Live Long” gives us an absolute masterclass on getting and staying healthy during the pandemic (and beyond).  He also exposes so many of the lies we’ve been led to… continue reading.

A Masterclass in Health with Shawn Stevenson – Episode 360

“4 TRILLION dollars was spent in the US healthcare system this past year and you can’t even prevent a f*cking cold?  We could be saving so many lives if the system was focused on health.” Shawn Stevenson is the creator and host of The Model Health Show.  Each week he releases a “masterclass” episode diving into a wide range of health-related topics.  He uncovers the very best health information in the world and helps people create their own unique model of health, happiness and success.   This week Shawn brought his masterclass right here to Renegade Radio.  We cover why the… continue reading.

Defending Yourself Against Disease with Dr. Michael Lewis – Episode 358

Dr. Michael Lewis is an expert on nutritional interventions for brain health.  He is also a huge proponent of using proper nutrition for optimizing your gut health, building your immune system and safeguarding yourself from disease.   Dr. Lewis shares simple and effective tips for boosting your immunity, discusses the mistakes that have been made during the pandemic and details a more effective approach going forward, and teaches you much more that will help keep you healthy and strong!  Scroll Down for Show Notes: Click here to… continue reading.

Surviving Cancer with Beau Whitman – Episode 354

Beau Whitman is a former competitive athlete, fitness coach, and a cancer survivor.   After undergoing six major reconstructive surgeries he thought he had seen the toughest of times.  However, in 2019 he was diagnosed with Stage III Germ Cell Cancer.  He realized his entire athletic background was training him for this defining moment in his life.   Calling upon the lessons he learned from his past challenges, he shifted his mindset, put his head down and went to work overcoming his illness.  Today he is cancer free! Following his mantra, “Rebuilt to Inspire,” Beau’s passion has expanded from coaching injured athletes… continue reading.

How to Always Be “On” – Episode 351

Wanna know what it takes to always be “on”? In this episode you’ll learn how I do it, and other skills that will rapidly improve your life in so many ways. Click here to subscribe via iTunesClick here to listen on SoundCloudClick here to subscribe via StitcherRight-click here and choose “Save As”to download this episode ______________________________________________________________________ This episode is brought to… continue reading.