
Doing THIS is Wrecking Your Shoulders – Episode 401

Shoulder pain is very common in almost everyone who lifts. But it doesn't have to be that way. There's a smarter way to train. You only get one set of shoulders so it's a good idea not to wreck them. continue reading.

Upgrade Your Brain Power, Health and Libido with Barton Scott – Episode 399

Barton Scott is a chemical engineer, who combined his background with his experience as a nutritionist and researcher, and founded Upgraded Formulas. Barton is passionate about helping people combat the stressors of daily life, the toxicity of the modern world, the utter lack of nutrients, and the mineral absorption issues that we all face, and he has made it his mission to reduce suffering by increasing the public’s understanding of the human body’s interrelationships. continue reading.

How to Get Fit After 40 – Episode 398

Discover the biggest mistakes that hold you back from building the body you want.If you're sick of rocking the dad bod, dealing with chronic joint pain, having low testosterone and lagging energy levels, this is the episode for you.I'll share the critical components that HAVE to be part of any over-40 transformation program. Ignore them at your peril! continue reading.

How to Boost Your Immune System, Dominate Your Day & Live Your Dream Life – Episode 394

I was a sickly kid. Couldn’t go longer than 6 weeks without coming down with something and missing a few days of school. That lasted until my early 30’s. It was then that I decided to do a decade-long-deep-dive on learning everything possible about bulletproofing your immune system. In this episode I’m sharing all of that… continue reading.

How to Gain 15 lbs. of Muscle in Your 40’s, Learning From My Biggest Mistakes, & Starting a Successful Online Biz – Episode 393

Can a guy in his 40’s gain 10-15 pounds of muscle? If so, how should he train to do it? What are the biggest mistakes I’ve personally made that prevented me from reaching my goals?  How did I overcome them? Get ready for an hour that can change your life!   continue reading.

Importance of HRV, Why High Reps Suck, Saving Your Joints, My Dream Clients – Episode 392

You want to know more about how I dominate my path and help my clients do the same… You like getting the inside scoop on how I, and the people I train, stay jacked and strong… So that’s exactly what we’re gonna give you in this episode of the world famous Renegade Radio Podcast. continue reading.

Your Warm Up Sucks; Here’s How to Fix It – Episode 391

If you wanna know everything I personally do to prepare to dominate my workouts, you’re in luck, because I’m gonna reveal some of my best strategies. And all that muscle doesn’t really mean sh*t if it’s covered up by a bunch of fat, so I’ll let you know how to boost your metabolism so you can finally get the jacked and ripped physique you want.   continue reading.

My Garage Gym, Top 5 Exercises For Longevity, The Best Pre Workout Stack, #1 Marketing Tip in 2021 – Episode 389

Questions have continued to pour in from you, the listeners, so we’re gonna keep giving you the answers.   In this info-packed episode you’re going to learn how to get jacked without beating the hell outta your joints, how to find the right coach or mentor, how to market like a genius, and a lot more to help you dominate your path.   Scroll Down for Show Notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunesClick here to listen on SoundCloud… continue reading.

Retaining Your Hard Earned Muscle, How Actors Get Jacked & Going Back to Cali? – Episode 388

Questions…. You have them. Answers… I got em’!  In this episode of the world renowned Renegade Radio Podcast we’re comin at ya with a listener Q&A.   I’m answering your questions on a variety of topics that will help you build a stronger body and live a better life. Scroll Down for Show Notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunesClick here to listen on SoundCloudClick here to subscribe via Stitcher… continue reading.

Becoming Ageless with Nate Wilkins – Episode 387

After 27 years as a park and recreation administrator Nate Wilkins decided to reinvent himself.  Inspired to overcome his own weight gain and health issues he set out not only to reclaim his own health and fitness but to also help others do the same regardless of age.   He became a fitness coach and he is the co-creator of The Ageless Workout, founder of The NOW Group, and co-founder of Panache Wellness & Fitness.  He’s also the author of The Now Factors for Success book series and recognized as one… continue reading.

Training with Shoulder Issues, Lean Bulking vs. Cutting, & How to Look Like You Lift – Episode 386

This week we’re comin at ya with another jabroni beatin’, pie eatin’, trail blazin’, eyebrow raisin’ Q&A episode of the world-famous, Renegade Radio Podcast.   If you wanna get jacked and strong AF, this is the episode for you.  Thanks to all of you who submitted your questions.  Keep em’ coming and I’ll keep giving you the answers to help you build a body that turns heads.   If ya smeeeeeeell what the Transformation King is cookin’!  Scroll Down for Show Notes:… continue reading.

How to Fix Your Elbows & Knees, High Reps vs. Low Reps, the Best Exercises for Core Stability & Lower Back Pain – Episode 384

In this listener Q&A episode we cover a variety of topics that will help you reduce injuries and improve your joint health, and build size and strength faster. We also talk about music, fashion, essential life skills and a whole lot more. Whether you want to bullet proof your body against injury, gain muscle and lose fat, or learn how to boost your confidence, you’ll find the answers here. If you ever miss an episode of Renegade Radio (and why would you?) you don’t want it to be this one! Scroll Down for Show Notes:… continue reading.

The Power of Positivity with WWE Superstar, Kofi Kingston – Episode 383

Kofi Kingston is a WWE Superstar and the first African born WWE Champion in the company’s illustrious history.  After years of grinding, his stoic mindset and unstoppable positivity helped him reach the pinnacle of Sports Entertainment.   In this candid and illuminating discussion Kofi gives you a behind the curtains look at the adversities he overcame and lessons he learned as he climbed the ranks to become one of the most recognizable and revered stars in professional wrestling.   Aside from his many in ring accomplishments, what’s most impressive is what a genuinely kind and incredible human being he is.  Whether you’re… continue reading.

Training Legs with a Bad Back, What Are “Effective Reps,” & Recommended Natural Grooming Products – Episode 382

On this week’s Q&A episode we cover training around injuries, building muscle, nutrition, music, grooming and more.  I also give a brief explanation of how and why I ended up moving out of LA and down to Austin. And then out of Austin to our new temporary home.  Grab your headphones (preferably with a wire to avoid EMF’s!), take the dogs for a walk (or go adopt one) and enjoy.  Scroll Down for Show Notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes… continue reading.

Building Pecs Like Arnold, On the Go Muscle Meals, and Shedding the Last Few Pounds of Fat – Episode 381

You asked for them so we’re bringing you more!  This week we have another great listener Q&A where I answer your questions on how to get jacked and strong. I cover how to build your upper pecs, quick and easy meals to gain muscle and lose fat, how to optimize a Push/Pull/Legs split, explain whether execution or effort is more important in your workouts, and a lot more! You don’t wanna sleep on this info packed episode!! Scroll Down for Show Notes: Click here to… continue reading.