How to Become a Better Human with Ryan Munsey – Episode 228

In this episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast we explore how to do better and be better with Ryan Munsey of The Better Human Project. Ryan is a high performance consultant helping athletes and entrepreneurs optimize their mind and body so they can make a bigger impact on the world. He shares inspiring stories of people from all walks of life and provides you with tools you need to become better. He encourages and empowers people to give back in an effort to improve our communities. Ryan explains how he got into bodybuilding and nutrition. We discuss his transition from a gym… continue reading.

How to Heal Your Gut and Improve Your Performance with Dr. Zach Bush – Episode 227

In this episode I speak with Dr. Zach Bush. He is one of the few triple board-certified physicians in the country, with expertise in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, and Hospice/Palliative care. The breakthrough science that Dr. Bush and his colleagues have delivered offers profound new insights into human health and longevity. This episode is all about gut health and your microbiome. He breaks down the disconnect between the food on our plate vs. what is going on in your body and how our guts have become sensitive to grains, because of the chemicals in them. Find out practical advice/tips… continue reading.

Reinventing Yourself and Finding Your What with Steve Olsher – Episode 226

Steve Olsher is America’s Reinvention Expert and has taught thousands how to NICHETIZE!™ (nitch a tize) by identifying and monetizing their WHAT — that is, the ONE thing they were born to do. In this episode he discusses finding out what you want vs. what you need, being the critic vs. receiving criticism, and gives actionable tips on blocking out time and public speaking. Get ready to create a life of purpose, conviction, and contribution with this episode of the Renegade Radio Podcast. Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe… continue reading.

Steroids to Psychedelics: A Journey to Self Love with World Record Holder, AJ Roberts – Episode 225

In this episode, I sit down with 2X World Record holder in Power lifting, and highly successful entrepreneur and success coach, AJ Roberts. We discuss his journey in and out of power lifting and how it almost cost him his life. We talk about why chasing the dream isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, discovering your path to self-love, how to train with flow and out of love, not anger. AJ goes deep into topics steaming from childhood trauma and how if you can’t love yourself, you cannot love someone else. We also cover some great tips to help… continue reading.

The 80/20 Principle for Maximum Results with Perry Marshall – Episode 224

In this episode, I sit down with business and marketing legend, Perry Marshall. Perry is endorsed by FORBES and INC Magazine, and is one of the most expensive business consultants in the world. Clients seek his ability to integrate technology, sales, art and psychology. Perry explains the 80/20 principle and how to apply it in all aspects of your life. We discuss finding your superpower, comparison syndrome, and embracing being the product. What is the Unique Selling Proposition, the 5 % method, and racking the shotgun? All this and so much more from one of the greatest marketing minds out… continue reading.

Powerlifter, Brandon Lilly on Getting Stronger, Measuring Success, and Finding Happiness – Episode 223

In this episode I sit down with Brandon Lilly. Brandon is a top ranked power lifter, author of “The Cube Method”, and “365STRONG”, as well as a respected strength coach. Brandon is ranked as one of the strongest power lifters of all-time. He has world class totals in multiple weight classes, both raw, and equipped — *2,110 lbs Raw Belt Only, 
*2,237 lbs Raw with Knee Wraps and 
*2,612 lbs Multiply Equipped. We discuss learning from every situation, how a devastating injury changed his life, being happy is his new drug, self-awareness, and, of course, training to get jacked and… continue reading.

Muscle, Mindset, Mastery with Ben Pakulski – Episode 222

IFBB pro bodybuilder, Ben Pakulski joins the show to tell you precisely how to build the most amount of muscle in the most efficient way possible. We talk about the importance of tension, volume, frequency, and intensity. Ben also tells you how to determine the optimal exercises for YOUR body. You’ll also learn the mindset secrets Ben uses to achieve incredible success throughout his life. He shares his morning routine, his favorite books, best advice and much more. Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes… continue reading.

Do These 5 Things Daily to Dominate This Year – Episode 221

When you wake up every day there are 5 things you need to pay equal attention to. They all need nurturing. If one slips the others will suffer. We all know the unhappy rich guy. The guy who is in sick shape but broke. I believe you can have it all. How? By working to optimize these 5 things every day. To help you remember them I use alliteration and call them the Ferruggia 5. Fitness Focus Finances Family (friends) Fun I recorded a short podcast on these 5 things for you. I explain what needs to go into each… continue reading.

How to Find Your Purpose with Zander Fryer – Episode 220

If your life is missing purpose and passion the all new #RenegadeRadioPodcast can help you find both. Zander Fryer is my guest in this episode. He is the creator of the “SH*T You Don’t Learn in College” program, which helps people overcome their fears and turn their passions and goals into reality. Like so many others, Zander lived a “good” life and was successful by most peoples’ standards. He was a well paid IT Sales Executive for a large corporation and had a bright future ahead of him. The problem was, none if it made him happy or fulfilled. With… continue reading.

Nice Guys Finish Last?

If you ask any of my closest friends I’d guess they’d tell you I’m a super nice guy. Genuine, present, making people laugh and feel good. Always there when they need me. Always able to offer some valuable insight or feedback to whatever problem they are having. Always able to make a connection or two, since I know a lot of cool, successful people. I focus on others and always come with a giving hand, looking to add value. But I’m also relentless in pursuit of the things I want. You might even say ruthless. Like MC Ren. (If you… continue reading.

Paleo Chef, Mary Shenouda: Healing Through Nutrition, Living Your Passion, and the Magic of “F*ck It” – Episode 219

Has attempting to climb the corporate ladder left you worn out and uninspired? Do you dream of making a living doing work you’re passionate about? In this episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast you’ll learn how The Paleo Chef, Mary Shenouda, changed her health, career and life. Mary is the creator and founder of as well as the popular Paleo food product, Phat Fudge. As a kid she struggled with serious health issues. For years doctors failed to treat her with any success. Upon discovering that she has Celiac disease, Mary began following a Paleo diet. For the first time her… continue reading.

How to Overcome Insecurity and be Stronger Inside and Out – Episode 218

How can you overcome your insecurities and be a stronger, more confident person? I’ll tell you what took me from being shy, insecure and socially awkward to the person you see me as today. In addition we’ll talk about the safest, most effective ways to include Progressive Overload in your training. What’s the ideal training split for someone who is burned out and beat up? You’ll learn what’s worked for me and thousands of my clients. Wanna know how to improve your fitness biz, or any business for that matter? I’ll give you actionable steps to help take your business… continue reading.

No F*cking Excuses – Episode 217

How’s your diet going during the holiday season? Are you resisting temptation or giving in? Are you getting your workouts in or making lame excuses about not having enough time? Are you working on your personal development? Your relationships? Your finances? Or putting it off til tomorrow? Waiting til New Years like those who will never even come close to reaching their goals? F*ck New Years resolutions and whatever lies you’re telling yourself. It’s time to make some changes NOW. Click here to subscribe via iTunes Click… continue reading.

Steven Kotler on Ultimate Human Performance and Finding Your Flow – Episode 216

Think about the times when you’ve performed at your absolute best. The times when your focus and clarity were so intense that you knew exactly what to do from one moment to the next. The instances where you were your most productive, creative and powerful self. Athletes call it “the zone” but it’s also known as the flow state. Unfortunately, for most people flow states are sporadic and by accident, if they happen at all. But what if you could put yourself into a flow state anytime you need to? Imagine what it would do for your business, training, success,… continue reading.

Improved Performance, Effective Training, and The Art of Sports Science with Dr. Fergus Connolly – Episode 215

Whether you’re a player striving to elevate your game, a coach looking to lead your athletes to victory, or a weekend warrior with the desire to win, everyone wants to improve their performance. If you want the slight edge to help you rise above the competition look no further than the new #RenegadeRadioPodcast with Dr. Fergus Connolly. Dr. Connolly is the University of Michigan Football Performance & Operations Director. He previously worked as a performance expert with several NFL teams and Major League Soccer clubs. In his new book, “Game Changer: The Art of Sports Science,” Dr. Connolly tackles the… continue reading.