Training Splits

The Perfect Training Split to Get Strong & Shredded – Episode 447

You don't wanna miss this Q&A. What are the best splits and how can you design them to maximize results, how to become an influencer, and much more... continue reading.

The Insider’s Guide to Optimal Strength Training – Episode 446

You've got questions. And you know, I've got answers. I'm back with another jam packed Q&A to help you live and train optimally, feel your best, and crush your goals. continue reading.

30 Days to Ripped – Episode 445

Wanna know how to lose fat fast? If you're ready to finally see your abs and lose the love handles once and for all this is the episode for you. continue reading.

How to Build Confidence, Fix a Broken Metabolism, and Stay Lean For Life – Episode 444

The only thing holding you back from the life, body, bank account and whatever else you want is you. There's a greater version of yourself within and I'm here to help you unleash it.  continue reading.

How to Maximize Your Genetic Potential – Episode 441

What kind of workout and diet should you follow? And how do your genetics play into that? I address that in today’s episode and also answer your questions. continue reading.

How to Optimize Your Training w/ Jason Brown – Episode 439

Jason has spent over 15 years training athletes to become healthier, stronger, and better conditioned. He's a contributor for,, works with the National Strength & Conditioning Assoc. and he’s here today to share his expertise. continue reading.

How to Eat More, Drink Alcohol, AND Get Lean – Episode 437

Is the all-in approach the only way to get lean? Can you really get jacked without sacrificing EVERYTHING? continue reading.

The Only Way to Actually Transform Your Body – Episode 434

Today's episode is gonna help you stop wasting time and start actually transforming your body. continue reading.

How to Instantly Improve Your Confidence – Episode 431

Do you command respect, display authority, and attract winners? If not, it begins in the mirror. And I've got the advice you need to change it. continue reading.

The #1 Key Ingredient to Health & Happiness – Episode 430

Learn my key to happiness, the holy grail of training, the best dumbbell squat variations, and more, in today's Q&A episode. continue reading.

The Cheat Code for Getting Jacked & Lean – Episode 429

Are you training efficiently? Or are you like the countless others wasting time and energy every time you step into the gym? continue reading.

Myth of Work-Life Balance, My Current Training Split, Virtue Signaling 24/7 – Episode 427

Work-life balance, virtue signalling... We're bombarded with these, and the many other, cultural "norms" on the daily. Well, I think they're all bullish*t. continue reading.

How to Build Big Arms, High Carb vs. Low Carb, When to Take a Rest – Episode 426

Looking to add more muscle? Arms not busting out your sleeves like you'd like? I'm back with the answers you need to maximize your gains... continue reading.

Best Workout For Fat Loss, Building Muscle on a Tight Schedule, Training When Sick – Episode 425

In this episode I'm slaying some sacred cows, like I normally do. I'm also sharing my thoughts on overrated exercises, things I've changed my mind on, and explaining why I think a lot of people need to get punched in the face... After listening, I'm sure you'll agree.  continue reading.

Do Pull Ups Suck, Is 1 Set to Failure the Best Way to Train, Is Stress Killing Your Gains? – Episode 424

Pull ups are on every top 10 exercise list out there. But does that mean they're really that great? Find out the answer and more... continue reading.