Training Splits

The Only 2 Things You Need to be Jacked, Happy, and Successful – Episode 300

We’re celebrating two milestones this week. It’s episode 300 of Renegade Radio. And, on top of that, as of July, I’m officially celebrating 25 years in the fitness industry. To kick off the show I’m giving away hundreds of dollars’ worth of supplements. So be sure to listen for your name. If you missed this giveaway, you’ll have another chance next week. On this episode I’ll get into serious detail on precisely how you should be training for the best results. I’ll give you the specifics of what to do when injured. And talk about the… continue reading.

The Best Training Program For Muscle and Strength Gains – Episode 297

I’m back from some recent travels with another solo Q&A episode. I start by sharing my thoughts on the end of Game of Thrones, Sorinex Summer Strong, old school kicks, wasting money and more. I also discuss my good friend, WWE Women’s Champion, Becky Lynch. Then we get into your questions and much more! Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunesClick here to listen on SoundCloud… continue reading.

How to Become a Great Coach, Cardio for Fat Loss, & Keeping Your Joints Healthy – Episode 294

On this week’s listener Q&A episode I give away a bunch of stuff, tell some stories, welcome a surprise guest to the studio, and answer a wide array of your questions. I also rant on a variety of subjects and tell stories ranging from Instagram handles to the stupid mistake I made in New York City not one, not two, but three friggin times.  Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes… continue reading.

The Best Rep Ranges for Building Muscle, Losing Fat Without Cardio, The Importance of Stability Training – Episode 291

The listener Q&A returns this week with some great info. I start out by giving a brief recap of WrestleMania week. Then I talk about my current diet, what my training has been like for the last two years and what it will look like going forward. In addition to that discussion and a few other tangents I answer your questions on a variety of topics you guys want to know about! Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes… continue reading.

Are You Doing Too Much Volume? Optimal Frequency, Best Exercises for Abs & Traps – Episode 288

Over the last few years you may have heard some relatively new (less than 10 years of real world experience) trainers and online fitness guru’s regurgitate the following statement, “volume is the key driver of hypertrophy gains.” That statement is continually made these days because of some studies showing that those who did more sets gained more muscle. But it’s hardly conclusive and hardly the advice that everyone should adhere to. If you lack the requisite 10-25 years of real world coaching experience that it takes to wade through all this stuff, you just go with whatever’s popular at the… continue reading.

The #1 Limiting Factor in Your Training, Do you Need to Squat & Deadlift, IIFYM or Keto, Balancing Fitness & Life – Episode 287

Another solo Q&A episode coming at you this week. Pay extra special attention to what I’m spittin in the first and last answer. There’s a few tidbits in there that could make a huge difference in your training, your results, your recovery, and your overall enjoyment of life. Keep sending the awesome questions my way and I’ll keep answering. Thanks. Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes Click here to listen on SoundCloud Click here to subscribe via Stitcher Right-click here… continue reading.

28 Days to Shredded – Episode 285

Before I tell you what’s on today’s podcast, I wanted to thank you. The solo listener Q&A episode I did last week for you guys became our most downloaded episode in the first 48 hours in over a year. That tells me that we need to do more of these Q&A episodes. So rather than wait a few more weeks I figured we’d do another one right away. In today’s show I answer the questions you guys sent in. Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes… continue reading.

Prevent Injuries and Build Muscle Faster with Dr. John Rusin – Episode 236

The doc is in with your prescription for muscle. For the first time in almost 2 years Dr. John Rusin is back on the #RenegadeRadioPodcast! He’s here to teach you how to get jacked and strong, while avoiding injuries, with joint-friendly, pain free training. John is an internationally recognized strength coach, speaker and writer and he’s one of the fitness industry’s leading experts in pain-free performance. He has advanced degrees in exercise science and physical therapy and more than a decade of elite-level training experience. His cutting edge training methods have revolutionized the way his athletes and clients look, feel… continue reading.

How to Overcome Insecurity and be Stronger Inside and Out – Episode 218

How can you overcome your insecurities and be a stronger, more confident person? I’ll tell you what took me from being shy, insecure and socially awkward to the person you see me as today. In addition we’ll talk about the safest, most effective ways to include Progressive Overload in your training. What’s the ideal training split for someone who is burned out and beat up? You’ll learn what’s worked for me and thousands of my clients. Wanna know how to improve your fitness biz, or any business for that matter? I’ll give you actionable steps to help take your business… continue reading.