If you want to know how to get brutally strong while keeping your body feeling great, this episode with Matt Wenning is for you.
Matt is a beast and one of the most knowledgeable trainers on the planet.
He owns three world records in powerlifting, a bunch of state and national records, and an equipped total of 2,665 pounds. He works with US Army Infantry and Ranger Divisions on strength, conditioning and wellness and has over 10,000 hours experience training elite athletes from the NFL, Divison-1 college sports and Olympic Competitors.
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This episode is also brought to you by Renegade Strong. If you want to build a lean, jacked and strong body with short workouts you can do at home, Renegade Strong is exactly what you need.
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Show Notes:
- His background, introduction to powerlifting and journey to strength & conditioning coach. [6:00]
- Do you need to get faster to get stronger? [10:13]
- The 3 tiers needed to be a successful coach. [16:07]
- Why you MUST base your percentages on what you can do ALL THE TIME. [19:38]
- His training methods for ultimate longevity and performance in the gym. [29:20]
- Building and optimizing the 4-day a week workout cycle. [37:50]
- The max effort range for the average aging lifter. [42:40]
- The optimum warmup routine to maximize your workout and avoid injury. [46:10]
- Why the core lift decides what happens next in the workout. [50:46]
- His dynamic lower body method for the average lifter. [55:19]
- How to get the most out of the max-effort method. [58:15]
- What recovery methods does he implement post-workout? [1:02:19]
- Why he is a huge anti-stimulant advocate. [1:09:12]
- How he uses food as fuel process more than a taste process. [1:12:50]
- Why is there no replacement for quality food. [1:16:39]
- The importance of having the right mentality when it comes to your nutrition and training. [1:17:57]
- Is Matt against overhead training? [1:20:45]
- What are his thoughts on mobility work? [1:26:55]
- The equipment and programs he designed for the ultimate athlete. [1:29:58]
- What is his opinion on scapular positioning on pressing exercises? [1:36:51]
Connect with Matt:
Mentioned in the Episode:
- Wenning Strength – Creating a Movement Around Strength and Fitness
- “Science of Sports Training: How to Plan and Control Training for Peak Performance” by Thomas Kurz
- “Vertical Diet Manual” by Stan Efferding
- A Sprinters Warm up: 3 Essential Rules
- Subclinical magnesium deficiency: a principal driver of cardiovascular disease and a public health crisis
- Twelve Benefits of Magnesium | Poliquin Article
- Mind Mag – ATP Lab
- NutriDyn
- Episode 289 of Renegade Radio: NFL Veteran, Heath Evans on Training, Nutrition, Recovery and Mindset
Want even more info on how to train to build your best body? Click HERE to listen to episode 314 of Renegade Radio, How to Get Jacked.
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- Right-click here and choose “Save As”to download this episode
If you have any questions shoot them my way via email at podcast@JasonFerruggia.com.
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