If I Started Training Today HERE’S What I’d Do Differently – Episode 480

I'm back with another powerful Q&A to help you level up your training, and get the body and life you desire. continue reading.
I'm back with another powerful Q&A to help you level up your training, and get the body and life you desire. continue reading.
Want to drop the excuses, cut through the bullsh*t and finally get in great shape… and stay there for life? continue reading.
You asked for them so we’re bringing you more! This week we have another great listener Q&A where I answer your questions on how to get jacked and strong. I cover how to build your upper pecs, quick and easy meals to gain muscle and lose fat, how to optimize a Push/Pull/Legs split, explain whether execution or effort is more important in your workouts, and a lot more! You don’t wanna sleep on this info packed episode!! Scroll Down for Show Notes: Click here to… continue reading.
You guys kept asking for more of them, so this week we have another listener Q&A packed full of great info. I hope you get a ton out of it. And if you have any follow up questions or anything you want me to answer on a future episode please email podcast@JasonFerruggia.com and we’ll do our best to get to them all. Thanks! Scroll Down for Show Notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunesClick here to listen… continue reading.
Jen Widerstrom is one of the most bada$$ and successful women in the fitness industry today. She’s also one of the kindest, most genuine and likeable people you’ll ever meet. Inspired by her dad, Jen fell in love with fitness at an early age. Her passion for training led her to LA where she became an American Gladiator and eventually took over for Jillian Michaels on TV’s, “The Biggest Loser”. She’s an incredible coach and highly sought after personal trainer and the proud owner of her newest passion project, GetUP CBD. In this episode we cover making 2020 a GREAT… continue reading.
You guys had a ton of great questions for me this week. So this episode is packed with info you need to take your physique to the next level. We’ll get your exercise selection, set up and execution optimized. We’ll get your diet on point. And we’ll get your abs to pop. Bottom line, you wanna know how to build a badass body, THIS is the episode for you! Scroll Down for Show Notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes… continue reading.
Michael Chernow is a modern day Renaissance Man. The restaurateur and entrepreneur has leveraged his creative genius, vision and relentless drive to found some of NYC’s most successful restaurants, including Seamore’s and The Meatball Shop. He’s also a meathead at heart. His love for fitness has not only led him to compete in bodybuilding, but also to use his entrepreneurial skills to create WellWell, a functional fitness beverage made with all natural ingredients. The man is dedicated to inspiring the world through positivity, hospitality, and service. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a fitness enthusiast, or someone who just wants to… continue reading.
Here in Southern Cali we are on day 278 of quarantine. Or something like that. Who knows? It’s all blending together. Is it Tuesday or is it Friday? Who knows? All I know is you gotta stay strong, stay positive and stay training. To break up the monotony of staring at your four walls, I’ve got a brand new Renegade Radio podcast for you where I answer quite a few listener questions, like these… Scroll down for Show Notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes… continue reading.
Phil Daru is a rapidly rising strength coach for professional MMA athletes. He coaches athletes on strength and conditioning, sports specific performance, body transformation (build muscle and lose fat), and fitness. Maybe you never plan to step into the octagon yourself but that doesn’t mean you can’t look like you could. To learn how, listen to this awesome episode! Scroll down for Show Notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunesClick here to… continue reading.
Marc Megna was never afraid to dream big. During his pro football career the retired NFL Linebacker was coached by some of the greatest in the game, including Bill Belichick, Bill Parcels, Pete Carroll and Dick Lebeau. The lessons he learned from these legends would carry over to his second act in life. After designing training programs for teammates, he realized he could make a career out of his passion for fitness. Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via… continue reading.
Yemeni Mesa has spent his life pursuing two passions that are as different as night and day – his love for sugary, carby foods and all the pleasure it brings and an equal love for being lean, strong and healthy. These opposing forces put him on a mission to optimize his health without compromising on the great joy that food brings. In this episode of Renegade Radio the former bodybuilder, entrepreneur and founder of HEKA Good Foods shares some of his best strategies for enjoying food while still… continue reading.
In this episode of Renegade Radio I’m rocking the mic solo and answering your questions. Everyone has at least some anxiety some of the time about something. And that can be crippling. It can compromise your health and really hold you back. So you have to do whatever you can to combat it. I address my # 1 tip on how to do so, in the most foolproof manner. I also tackle a bunch of other topics you guys had questions about. This is a hot one. Don’t sleep! Scroll down for show notes:… continue reading.
Every day, wherever I look l see terrible training advice being spewed. Especially when it comes to training advice for those over 40. Often times it’s by inexperienced “fitness influencers” who have very little real world experience with real world clients. But sometimes it’s hard to know, right? Well, here’s something hard to believe… Almost EVERYTHING you have been told or taught to believe about proper training is incorrect. That, my friend, is the sad truth. And here are some more hard truths about training: High volume is not the key… continue reading.
We’ve got another great Q&A episode of Renegade Radio today, featuring all the questions you guys sent in. In this episode you’ll learn the benefits of lower rep training, how to build jacked & strong legs, the most important thing to focus on doing your workouts, what you HAVE to do before you leave the gym, and a lot more. If you wanna take your training to the next level and build the badass body you deserve, you can’t afford to miss this one! Scroll down for show notes:… continue reading.
We’re celebrating two milestones this week. It’s episode 300 of Renegade Radio. And, on top of that, as of July, I’m officially celebrating 25 years in the fitness industry. To kick off the show I’m giving away hundreds of dollars’ worth of supplements. So be sure to listen for your name. If you missed this giveaway, you’ll have another chance next week. On this episode I’ll get into serious detail on precisely how you should be training for the best results. I’ll give you the specifics of what to do when injured. And talk about the… continue reading.