Free Yourself

An RSC Exclusive Report – Sign up HERE to become a member today. Free Yourself – By RSC Asst Coach Jack Penner Why’d you get into training? To look better? To gain confidence? At your core, whether you think you wanted muscle, chicks, veins, or all of the above, you really just wanted to live a better life. You wanted the inherent quality that comes with a better life: Freedom. Freedom to pursue your passions Freedom to participate in whatever activities you want. Freedom… continue reading.

Featured Member – Matt Knox

Matt Knox is an American Badass. He’s also one of the oldest serving Renegade OG’s. If you want to join Matt and thousands of others, click HERE to check out the Renegade Strength Club. Give us a little background on your training history, what brought you to the RSC in the first place, and how you’ve changed since you joined. I was the smallest person in the world and the biggest p*ssy all the way till I was in my 2nd or 3rd year in the military. I was sick of being the small guy so I googled mass gaining… continue reading.

Optimal Workout Design For Less Fat, More Muscle & Fewer Injuries

After the last Renegade Q&A, I asked for more of your questions. My team was immediately flooded with hundreds of emails. Obviously I can’t answer them all in one setting so I decided to break it up a bit. Over the next few weeks, we will be releasing a Q&A podcast on Training, Nutrition, Productivity, Business & Entrepreneurship and a few miscellaneous questions. This episode is dedicated to all of the training questions that were sent in. I discuss some of the best way to structure your workouts for physique transformation and enhanced performance. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: Should you… continue reading.

The Truth About Fruit, Protein & Supplements

The latest episode of Renegade Radio is fueled by YOU. I asked for your questions and you guys responded in a big way. In this episode, I answer some of the most commonly asked questions about nutrition, supplements and cardio. Does fruit really make you fat? Can you heal your gut issues naturally? Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day? I hear these questions every single day and it’s time to finally give a cut and dried answer. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: The Renegade Diet revisited Does fruit make you fat? How much protein do you really… continue reading.

“It’s Too Hard”

I always figured the harder ya work, the better your results. And that works incredibly well with strength training… for about 6-8 weeks. Then you’re fried. Overtrained. Joints are aching. Sleep goes to shit. You’re tired but wired. Anxious. Irritable. In a bad mood. Sex drive drops. Can’t get stronger anymore. Weights feel heavy as f*ck. Why does that always happen? Because the body ain’t designed for that kind of pummeling on a regular basis. No sports practices are conducted with such balls to the wall intensity.  You always leave… continue reading.

Getting Jacked Without The Joint Pain

You often hear that skinny guys, aka “hardgainers,” should do nothing but the big power lifts. That’s sh*t advice. Most “hardgainers” have pencil necks, pipe cleaner forearms, string bean calves and tiny joints. They’re also tight and immobile. All this is what makes you a “hardgainer.” If being skinny was your only issue but you had big joints and the right structure for big lifts getting jacked would be easy. You could do any of those typical programs and you’d feel great and get huge. But you don’t, so you… continue reading.

The Rock Says…

When reading about training it’s easy to get confused. So lemme simplify it. Progressive overload will always be king. Period. The end. Every other factor like volume, rest periods, etc. is finite. You can do more sets but only up to a point. You can reduce rest periods but where do you go when you’re at zero? The only thing that matters is this- are you making strength gains? “But what about guys like The Rock? I see him doing incline dumbbell presses with no more… continue reading.

Is Alcohol Really Going To Ruin Your Gains?

An RSC Exclusive Report – Sign up HERE to become a member today. Is Alcohol Really Going To Ruin Your Gains? by RSC Asst Coach Jack Penner A fundamental aspect of the Renegade philosophy lies in enjoying life as much as possible. If this lifestyle of strength training and being jacked leads to a life full of workouts without any fun, you’ve wasted your time. As Stephen King wrote, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” But many of you have a problem. Your dedication to the iron game leads to just that. continue reading.

Featured Member – Vasiliy Trubitsyn

Hailing all of the way from the USSR, Vasiliy Trubitsyn, known inside the forum as “Turbic”, is consistently a great competitor in weekly competitions and record board submissions. To join Vasiliy and hundreds of others, click HERE now. Give us a little background on your training history, what brought you to the RSC in the first place, and how you’ve changed since you joined. I began to train from my childhood. Started with gymnastics and acrobatics, I moved to the power lifting gym, after the only acrobatics school in my city was closed. I was training in different gyms for about 6… continue reading.

The Way of the Seal with Mark Divine

On the latest episode of Renegade Radio, I had the pleasure of talking with Navy Seal Commander and Bestselling Author, Mark Divine. At the age of 26, he walked away from a lucrative corporate career to become the ultimate badass. Mark’s diverse background and resume is a real testament to his ability to get shit done. Not only was he a best selling author and a Navy Commander, he is also a CPA, serial entrepreneur and he holds two black belts in karate.   Today’s Podcast Topics Include: How Mark went from being a CPA to being a US Navy… continue reading.

MMA Legend, Frank Shamrock on Overcoming Struggles, Living With Passion, & Achieving Excellence

On the latest episode of Renegade Radio we’ve got a man who revolutionized the sport of mixed martial arts, “The Legend,” Frank Shamrock. During his prime Frank was considered the greatest fighter in the world and had quite an impressive run. Frank’s early life was filled with violence, poverty and trouble. He became a ward of the state of California by age 12 and a prison inmate by age 18. As soon as he got out of prison he started fighting, and went on to become one of the best ever. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: Some of the biggest struggles… continue reading.

Dave Chapelle’s an Idiot

Not really. Not at all, actually.  I love Dave. Huge fan of everything he does. I watched his new Netflix specials recently and laughed my ass off. But I really cringed at one point. Not because he said something politically incorrect or insensitive. That’s comedy… something that, sadly, needs explaining to a lot of people these days.   No, what got me was when Dave said that salt is what’s killing more people than anything else. Ugh… Here we go again. continue reading.

UFC Hall of Famer Randy “The Natural” Couture on Renegade Radio

On the latest episode of Renegade Radio, Randy “The Natural” Couture stopped by for a great conversation. We covered everything from training to nutrition and business to Hollywood. Not only is he an NCAA All American, a 3x UFC Heavyweight champion, UFC Hall of Famer, and now actor, he’s also a very successful entrepreneur. Xtreme Couture has multiple gym locations, a clothing line, nutrition line and cologne. Clearly this is a man that knows how to get things done. He’s breaks it all down for us on Renegade Radio. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: How he runs multiple successful businesses What… continue reading.

The 4 Killers of Muscle Growth

Renegade Strength Club member, Keith Schwartz asked me an interesting question. “Jay, how the hell do you do it? Before doing your workouts I used programs by a lot of the big names in fitness. My joints were always hurting, I never had much energy, and my gains were pretty shitty.  Forget about the XXX (deleted) workouts. Don’t even get me started on how much those suck. Every time I did those I left the gym feeling smaller and weaker and was totally exhausted.  Then I had to drag my… continue reading.

Why Dudes Should Do Yoga

Guest Post By Yuri Elkaim Think Downward Dog and Cat Pose is stuff for sissies? Think again. You may be hitting the gym hard, spending hours on the court, but skimp on the stretching and you’ll never reach your A-game. Yoga hasn’t been used for thousands of years by women only. It’s not just for old people that live in Asia. It’s actually a tool that’s helped millions of men, monks, and—yes—even elite athletes find their focus, get strong, and discover their ultimate ability. Tap into the age-old wisdom of yoga, and you’ll find a whole new level of… continue reading.