Nutrition Tips

How to Fix Your Digestion with Wade Lightheart – Episode 350

“We aren’t what we eat.  We’re what we digest, absorb, and utilize.”   Wade Lightheart has built his career on helping people understand this philosophy and implement it in their lives.   He is the co-creator and President of biOptimizers, a company that delivers the best in health and nutrition supplements.  A 3-time Natural Bodybuilding Champion, Wade is one of the world’s premier authorities on Natural Nutrition and Training Methods.   If you want to know how to improve your physique and optimize your health, we have ya covered in this episode.   Scroll Down for Show Notes:… continue reading.

Macros, Muscle, & Million Dollar Marketing Tips with Jason Phillips – Episode 340

Jason Phillips is one of the most knowledgeable and successful entrepreneurs in the fitness game.   After building an incredibly successful nutrition coaching business of his own, where he worked with everyone from pro athletes to weekend warriors, he discovered his passion had evolved over time.   With a clear new vision and sense of purpose, he set out to help other people build their own thriving nutrition coaching business.  He founded the Nutritional Coaching Institute.  Today he helps provide his students with the tools, mindset, and confidence they need to achieve… continue reading.

Best Split For Mass Gain, Training Beginners, 1 Dumbbell Workouts, & Perfect Pushups – Episode 330

This week we have another quarantine Q&A solo episode. Hopefully this will provide you with some entertainment, quality info and the knowledge you need to keep getting jacked, strong and lean during these challenging times. Listen as I answer your questions on training, nutrition, books, mentorship and more. Scroll down for Show Notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunesClick here to listen on SoundCloudClick here to subscribe via Stitcher… continue reading.

2 Keys to Gains, How to Combat High Cortisol, & Working Out Vs. Training – Episode 327

In this solo Q&A episode I’m answering your training questions on a variety of topics. The most important one being the two most overlooked and underappreciated keys to muscular hypertrophy. I also share my thoughts on Kobe Bryant’s life and legacy, and what it all means to me. There’s still time left to pack on size before summer. If you want to learn how to do it and much more, don’t miss this episode! Scroll down for Show Notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes… continue reading.

Boners & Biceps with Ali Gilbert – Episode 326

There is an epidemic facing the health of all men across the world. They have exponentially lower testosterone levels than their fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers did. And that’s what I’m talking about on this episode of Renegade Radio with my guest, Ali Gilbert. A two-time Golf Digest Top 50 Golf Fitness Professional, Ali has become highly sought after for her unique approach that combines training, nutrition, and lifestyle hacks to alter body composition, optimize metabolism, and maximize testosterone levels. Scroll down for Show Notes: Click here to subscribe via… continue reading.

KETO 101 – The Right and Wrong Way to Do It with Yemeni Mesa – Episode 318

Yemeni Mesa has spent his life pursuing two passions that are as different as night and day – his love for sugary, carby foods and all the pleasure it brings and an equal love for being lean, strong and healthy.   These opposing forces put him on a mission to optimize his health without compromising on the great joy that food brings.   In this episode of Renegade Radio the former bodybuilder, entrepreneur and founder of HEKA Good Foods shares some of his best strategies for enjoying food while still… continue reading.

Cut the BS and Keep Fitness Simple with Fighter Diet author, Pauline Nordin – Episode 317

Pauline Nordin has an incredible and inspiring transformation story. As a teen she struggled with body image and eating disorders. At one point she weighed an extremely low 85 pounds. Her life took a turn for the better when she started going to the gym. Motivated by the fitness models she saw on magazine covers, she took control of her life through fitness and proper nutrition. Within only three years of training, she not only transformed her physique, but she also became a fitness athlete and competitor. She won her first show at the age of 20. continue reading.

How to Get Jacked – Episode 314

In this Q&A episode I cover exactly what you need to know in order to get jacked. Everything from frequency to volume to sets, reps, intensity and more.  Of course, I think everyone should train like an athlete and in a way that leaves you “always ready.” So I cover what you need to do to ensure that you stay explosive and athletic as you get older. Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes… continue reading.

Maximize Your Body and Life with Bobby Maximus – Episode 313

A lot of people say they don’t want to be average but it’s a rare breed of man that lives their life like it’s their mission to destroy mediocrity. Bobby Maximus, my guest in this episode of Renegade Radio, is one of the few. He’s a former police officer and Defensive Tactics Instructor. He has competed in the UFC, won submission of the night at Ultimate Fight Night 5, starred on Spike TV’s The Ultimate Fighter Series, and was the Ring of Fire light-heavyweight champion. He has also served as General Manager at Gym Jones, an elite… continue reading.

How to Combat Anxiety, Training Around Shoulder Pain, The Best Diet Tip Ever – Episode 307

In this episode of Renegade Radio I’m rocking the mic solo and answering your questions. Everyone has at least some anxiety some of the time about something. And that can be crippling. It can compromise your health and really hold you back. So you have to do whatever you can to combat it. I address my # 1 tip on how to do so, in the most foolproof manner. I also tackle a bunch of other topics you guys had questions about. This is a hot one. Don’t sleep! Scroll down for show notes:… continue reading.

45 Quick Lessons From My 45 Years Alive

Last week I celebrated my 45th birthday in Kauai. As a gift to you here are 45 lessons/tips I’ve learned during those years: Lift, carry & drag heavy things. Sprint, jump, & throw. Less is more. Spend more time outside. Play. Prioritize sleep. Meditate. Eat real food. Unplug more. Smile more. Compliment more. Hug more. Laugh more. Take more risks. Give more credit. Learn to write and speak effectively. Learn how to sell. Simplify, always. Make faster decisions. Act like a leader. Learn to tell better stories. Have a mission. Adopt a dog. Make… continue reading.

The Best Training Program For Muscle and Strength Gains – Episode 297

I’m back from some recent travels with another solo Q&A episode. I start by sharing my thoughts on the end of Game of Thrones, Sorinex Summer Strong, old school kicks, wasting money and more. I also discuss my good friend, WWE Women’s Champion, Becky Lynch. Then we get into your questions and much more! Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunesClick here to listen on SoundCloud… continue reading.

For Pain-Free Joints STOP Doing This ASAP, 4 Ways to Build Rapport Instantly, Rules for a Strong Life – Episode 295

Yo. We’ve got so much dopeness on this week’s listener Q&A that you will literally lose your mind. Literally. Because no one knows the definition of that word anymore. So I’m just saying it the way everyone does. I can’t even. But seriously. I’m dropping science, like Marley Marl, on all kinds of topics that will make your training and your life better. We’re talking everything from joint health to Game of Thrones. If you just listen to the first five minutes you’ll be able to build rapport instantly with anyone at anytime. That’s priceless. Plus I share… continue reading.

NFL Veteran, Heath Evans on Training, Nutrition, Recovery and Mindset – Episode 289

My guest in this episode is 10-year NFL Veteran, Heath Evans.   A lifetime fitness fanatic, Heath was one of the most jacked dudes to ever play the game.  Since retiring from pro football, he has turned his focus towards helping other people build their bodies.   He founded Heath Evans Strength Academy, where he provides members with daily workouts, nutrition advice and other exclusive online content.    In this episode we talk training, nutrition, growing up with a Marine, what it takes to play in the NFL, his favorite recovery methods and much more including: Building his… continue reading.

Fit to Fat to Fit with Drew Manning – Episode 281

Drew Manning knows what it’s like to be overweight, out of shape, unhealthy and uncomfortable in his own skin. He knows the burden of being physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. If that’s where you are currently, he can relate. He also knows how amazing it feels to be healthy, lean and muscular. He has experienced what it’s like to have almost limitless energy and unshakeable confidence. If that’s where you want to be, he can show you how. Drew is a Fitness Expert, Personal Trainer and the creator of the #FitToFatToFit TV show and He is… continue reading.