
How to Become a Super Ager w/ Jim Owen – Episode 438

Determined to get fit in his 70s, the 80 year-old former Wall Street executive, best-selling author, social entrepreneur and global speaker, Jim Owen, inspires others through his fitness journey and in his recent documentary film, The Art of Aging Well. continue reading.

How to Eat More, Drink Alcohol, AND Get Lean – Episode 437

Is the all-in approach the only way to get lean? Can you really get jacked without sacrificing EVERYTHING? continue reading.

Stop Being a B*tch – Episode 436

Success isn't easy. Living an unsatisfied, purposeless, meaningless life isn't either. If you're trying to be the man people respect, and have the bank account body, and life of your dreams, you've gotta cut the bullsh*t! continue reading.

How to Grow Your Gym and Make More Money w/ Ryan Obernesser – Episode 435

Having made multiple 6-figures, Ryan now shares his knowledge with gym owners on how to add more clients, build amazing teams, and take home more profits.  continue reading.

The Only Way to Actually Transform Your Body – Episode 434

Today's episode is gonna help you stop wasting time and start actually transforming your body. continue reading.

Pre-Workout Supps, Pain-Free Pressing, and Dieting Made Easy – Episode 433

Is there a better pre-workout supplement than coffee? What should you be eating pre-workout? Intra? Post? Should you be obsessing over macros? continue reading.

The One Mistake to Avoid in Your Fat Loss Journey – Episode 432

I'm here today to shed some light on the biggest misconceptions and put you up on the mistakes to avoid to maximize muscle gain and fat loss.  continue reading.

How to Instantly Improve Your Confidence – Episode 431

Do you command respect, display authority, and attract winners? If not, it begins in the mirror. And I've got the advice you need to change it. continue reading.

The #1 Key Ingredient to Health & Happiness – Episode 430

Learn my key to happiness, the holy grail of training, the best dumbbell squat variations, and more, in today's Q&A episode. continue reading.

The Cheat Code for Getting Jacked & Lean – Episode 429

Are you training efficiently? Or are you like the countless others wasting time and energy every time you step into the gym? continue reading.

Myth of Work-Life Balance, My Current Training Split, Virtue Signaling 24/7 – Episode 427

Work-life balance, virtue signalling... We're bombarded with these, and the many other, cultural "norms" on the daily. Well, I think they're all bullish*t. continue reading.

How to Build Big Arms, High Carb vs. Low Carb, When to Take a Rest – Episode 426

Looking to add more muscle? Arms not busting out your sleeves like you'd like? I'm back with the answers you need to maximize your gains... continue reading.

Get Jacked w/ Calisthenics Plus Weights ft. Danny Kavadlo – Episode 420

Danny Kavadlo knows how to help people get jacked and strong AF.  He's here on the Renegade Strength Show to teach you how to do it.  continue reading.

Why 99% of People Who Work Out Fail Miserably – Episode 419

After you listen to this episode your training will be changed forever and you will get SO MUCH more out of every workout you do. Can anyone say GAINZ? continue reading.

The Real Secret to Getting and Staying in Great Shape for Life – Episode 418

Want to drop the excuses, cut through the bullsh*t and finally get in great shape… and stay there for life? continue reading.