
How to Build a Jacked Back, Grow Your Triceps, and Leave a Lasting Legacy – Episode 457

I've got a few tips to help you dominate all aspects of your life in today's Q&A, and of course, plenty of training insight. continue reading.

Do Calories Really Matter? – Episode 456

Fat loss tips? How should you eat to add size? Is Liver King legit? You guys have questions, and I'm back at you live with the answers.  continue reading.

WARNING: These Household Items Are Killing You – Episode 455

On today's Q&A, I've got the ingredients you should be avoiding and some tips to help detoxify your body and stop you from unknowlingly killing yourself. continue reading.

Underrated/Overrated – Squats, Frequency, Kettlebells, Fasting & More – Episode 454

You don't have to look very far to find a bunch of overrated, gimmicky nonsense. Tune in for this round of underrated/overrated to get my thoughts on everything from tartufo to kettlebells. continue reading.

What Is Progressive Overload and Why Should You Care? – Episode 453

Progressive overload is the key to getting the results you desire in the gym and actually changing your physique. But what exactly does that mean? continue reading.

Avoid These Mistakes If You’re Looking to Get Shredded – Episode 452

Getting shredded is hard. It's also quite simple. I've got what you need to know in today's Q&A. The rest is on you to put in the work. continue reading.

How to Become Indispensable, Eliminating Knee Pain, and Does Soreness Matter? – Episode 451

We're covering everything you need to know to become unf*ckwithable in ALL aspects of your life in today's Q&A.  continue reading.

How To Get Chiseled Abs, Thrive Through Uncertainty, and The Top-5 Exercises for Bigger Biceps – Episode 449

Your goals must align with your actions and your actions must align with your words. If not, you're wasting your time and I'm here to help you change that. continue reading.

The Warrior Mindset w/ Green Beret, Nick Lavery – Episode 448

Nick Lavery is an active duty member of The US Army Special Forces. He's here to share some of his experiences as an expert in mission planning & execution. continue reading.

The Perfect Training Split to Get Strong & Shredded – Episode 447

You don't wanna miss this Q&A. What are the best splits and how can you design them to maximize results, how to become an influencer, and much more... continue reading.

The Insider’s Guide to Optimal Strength Training – Episode 446

You've got questions. And you know, I've got answers. I'm back with another jam packed Q&A to help you live and train optimally, feel your best, and crush your goals. continue reading.

30 Days to Ripped – Episode 445

Wanna know how to lose fat fast? If you're ready to finally see your abs and lose the love handles once and for all this is the episode for you. continue reading.

How to Build Confidence, Fix a Broken Metabolism, and Stay Lean For Life – Episode 444

The only thing holding you back from the life, body, bank account and whatever else you want is you. There's a greater version of yourself within and I'm here to help you unleash it.  continue reading.

How to Boost Your Metabolism to Lose Fat and Maintain Muscle – Episode 443

There is a way to eat carbs, gain size, feel better, think faster, AND get lean af. So listen up, because I want you to experience it for yourself.  continue reading.

How to Maximize Your Genetic Potential – Episode 441

What kind of workout and diet should you follow? And how do your genetics play into that? I address that in today’s episode and also answer your questions. continue reading.