Top 10 Ways to Reduce Anxiety – Episode 485

Posted by Jason Ferruggia

Anxiety is a silent killer. 

It affects your body internally and externally.

Mentally and physically. 

And you could be killing yourself by following the commonly held fitness advice. 

Ya boy doesn’t want you out here killing yourself. 

I need your hormones and libido on point. Cognitive function optimized. Immune system boosted. 

Dominating across the board. 

So press play and take notes. I’ve got you covered with the BEST, real-world, tried and tested methods that will surely have your anxiety in check.

The Jay Ferruggia Show

#485: Top 10 Ways to Reduce Anxiety


      Listen to this episode on Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsStitcher, Podcast AddictOvercastPocket CastsCastbox, or your favorite podcast platform. 

      This episode is brought to you by:

      HVMN: Ketone-IQ is the competitive edge your brain and body will thank you for. Clinically proven to boost mental clarity, endurance, recovery, and more, you’ll be blown away by the results. Head over to and use promo code JAY20 to save.

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      WARNING: You could also be killing yourself by using these household products

      The Jay Ferruggia Show

      #455: WARNING: These Household Items Are Killing You


          For even more great listening check out:

          How to Boost Your Immune System, Dominate Your Day, and Live Your Dream Life

          9 Tips for Your Best Year Ever

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