
A Stronger Body, Sharper Mind and Stress-Proof Life with Aaron Alexander – Episode 322

Aaron Alexander is a manual therapist and movement coach who has helped the world’s best athletes, celebrities and everyone in between to relieve pain, increase strength and optimize their movement. He hosts the top-rated Align Podcast which features the world’s thought leaders on all things movement and wellness. He’s also the founder of the Align Method™, an integrated approach of functional movement and self-care that has helped thousands of people to remove pain and move optimally in daily life. If you want to learn how to move, perform and feel better than ever, listen to this awesome… continue reading.

How to Be Jacked & Athletic with WWE Strength Coach, Sean Hayes – Episode 320

As the WWE Performance Center’s Strength & Conditioning Coach, Sean Hayes is helping shape the physiques of NXT recruits and some of pro wrestling’s most recognizable superstars. The Harvard Grad, former linebacker, and former NFL Strength Coach knows what it takes to get people jacked, strong and ready to perform in any arena. If you’ve ever wondered how pro wrestlers build such amazing bodies, and more importantly how you can build one of your own, this episode is for you! Scroll down for show notes:… continue reading.

WWE Superstar, Mustafa Ali: Be The Light – Episode 312

If you have a dream of doing something amazing, something almost everyone around you will doubt you’ll ever accomplish, and of breaking down barriers of all types that threaten to keep you from the life you want, you simply cannot miss this episode of Renegade Radio. In this episode I sat down with a man who is an amazing human being and someone that has quickly became a great friend of mine, WWE Superstar, Mustafa Ali. We discuss how Mustafa has overcame seemingly insurmountable odds to make his dream come true. Scroll down for show notes:… continue reading.

How to Instantly Improve Your Breathing, Mobility, and Anxiety with Dana Santas – Episode 311

Known as the “Mobility Maker,” Dana Santas is a breathing, mobility and mind-body coach in professional sports, health & wellness expert for CNN, best-selling author of the book “Practical Solutions for Back Pain Relief” and international presenter on ways to breathe, move and feel better inside our bodies and minds for performance enhancement and healthier, happier living.  Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunesClick here to listen on SoundCloud… continue reading.

1 Policy to Live By, Changing Your Neurology, and Being Scared Sh*tless Every Day with JL Holdsworth – Episode 309

JL Holdsworth is a world champion powerlifter, published author, and former University of Kentucky strength and conditioning coach.  The guy can not only talk the talk, but he can walk the walk as well as anyone in the game.  With over 30,000 hours of practical experience and competition best lifts of a 905 lb. squat, 775 lb. bench press and a 804 lb. deadlift, he’s one of the strongest and most experienced S&C Coaches in the industry.  In 2010 he founded The Spot Athletics and has built that small private training facility into two 20,000sq ft. locations in… continue reading.

The Ultimate Workout For Guys Over 40 – Episode 306

For most people, most of the time, a simple full body workout is going to be your best bet. That will give you the most bang for your buck and the results you’re looking for. But what about if you’re in your 40’s or 50’s and have been lifting for years? What about if you’re banged up with an accumulation of nagging injuries? What about if you’re fairly strong and can move a lot of weight? What about if you still want to incorporate big barbell lifts? And do so in the safest manner possible? Then the rules… continue reading.

How to Optimize Your Hormones and Maximize Your Sleep with Dr. Kirk Parsley – Episode 303

This episode includes the deepest dive on hormone optimization and HRT that we’ve ever had on Renegade Radio. So, it will be of extreme interest to all men over 35, and especially those over 40. Find out everything you can and should be doing to get your testosterone and other hormones to optimal levels. And why NOT doing that could lead to all kinds of health problems. We also go into great detail on everything you should be doing to maximize your sleep so that you can always perform at the highest level. After retiring from active… continue reading.

The Benefits of Lower Rep Training, Building Muscle with Calisthenics, & Is Stretching Useless? – Episode 301

We’ve got another great Q&A episode of Renegade Radio today, featuring all the questions you guys sent in. In this episode you’ll learn the benefits of lower rep training, how to build jacked & strong legs, the most important thing to focus on doing your workouts, what you HAVE to do before you leave the gym, and a lot more. If you wanna take your training to the next level and build the badass body you deserve, you can’t afford to miss this one! Scroll down for show notes:… continue reading.

Escape Your Limits with Matthew Januszek – Episode 293

If you’ve ever wanted to know what it takes to build an ultra-successful fitness business (or any business, for that matter) this episode is going to change the game for you. Matthew Januszek has been an entrepreneur for 25 years and he’s still going strong. He has built multiple successful businesses in UK, Germany, Poland and the United States. He’s the co-founder of Escape Fitness, which he has taken from a start up with minimal capital to a major international business chosen by premier fitness brands around the world. Escape has helped improve the bottom lines of over… continue reading.

How I Stay Strong & Lean at 44 – Episode 284

It’s my first solo Q&A episode in far too long and I’m answering your questions.  Don’t miss this one! Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes Click here to listen on SoundCloud Click here to subscribe via Stitcher Right-click here and choose “Save As”to download this episode __________________________________________________________________________ This episode is brought to you by Athletic Greens. With 75 ingredients working together to help with 11 different areas of health, Athletic Greens helps detoxify your… continue reading.

The 7 Keys to Longevity with Dr. Jonny Bowden – Episode 273

Do you love the rare instances when the sequel is even better than the original? If so, then you’re going to dig the hell out of this episode of Renegade Radio with Dr. Jonny Bowden. Known as the “Nutrition Myth Buster,” Jonny helps people sift through the dietary bull sh*t that is commonplace in the health and wellness industry and get to what actually works for weight loss and optimal health. In this episode he drops even more knowledge on the Renegade Nation to help YOU look great and feel amazing, without driving yourself insane trying to figure it out… continue reading.

How to Get Big & Strong on a Keto Diet with Strength Specialist, Danny Vega – Episode 265

You can’t get jacked and strong while you’re on a ketogenic diet, right? Think again. Danny Vega, my guest in this episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast, is a huge proponent of keto diets and he’s one of the strongest, most jacked dudes in the fitness industry. As a 220-pound raw powerlifter he has put up a 640 lb. squat, a 400 lb. bench press, and a 700 lb. deadlift. A former college football player, Danny began training to improve his performance on the field and he became obsessed with health and fitness. He received his Master’s of Science in Human Performance… continue reading.

NY Giants Strength Coach, Aaron Wellman: How to Train Like a Pro – Episode 256

How would you like to be lean, muscular, strong and athletic like an NFL player? Maybe you weren’t blessed with the athleticism to ever make it to the pros but that doesn’t mean you can’t look like one! If you want to know the secrets to getting jacked like a pro don’t miss this episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast with NY Giants Strength Coach, Aaron Wellman. Aaron is in his third season with the Giants following a 20 year career coaching at the Division I collegiate level. He has helped thousands of players get jacked, strong and ready for battle on… continue reading.

“The Muscle Doc”, Jordan Shallow: How to Gain Muscle, Get Strong, Move Better and Feel Amazing – Episode 251

Dr. Jordan Shallow not only talks the talk (he’s a chiropractor and one of the brightest and most insightful guys in the fitness industry) but, as a competitive powerlifter, Strength and Conditioning Coach and one of the strongest, most jacked dudes around, he also walks the walk. In this episode we delve into all things training.  Jordan reveals some of the biggest myths and misconceptions regarding training and provides information that will help you achieve your fitness goals, faster. He explains everything from how to perform the big lifts, so you get jacked and strong while avoiding injury,… continue reading.

Rise Above Your Past and Achieve Higher Health with Joseph Sheehey, CEO of Cured Nutrition – Episode 248

You do not have to let your past define who you are today. In this episode of the Renegade Radio Podcast with Joseph Sheehey you’ll learn how to use your past mistakes as stepping stones to an amazing new life. Joseph is a mechanical engineer, top ranked Men’s Physique competitor, online fitness coach and host of the Higher Health podcast. He is also the founder and owner of Cured Nutrition, a company comprised of athletes, dreamers and healers that believe in the power of hemp. They’ve created the best and most unique CBD infused products available anywhere, so people can… continue reading.