
How to Find Your Purpose with Zander Fryer – Episode 220

If your life is missing purpose and passion the all new #RenegadeRadioPodcast can help you find both. Zander Fryer is my guest in this episode. He is the creator of the “SH*T You Don’t Learn in College” program, which helps people overcome their fears and turn their passions and goals into reality. Like so many others, Zander lived a “good” life and was successful by most peoples’ standards. He was a well paid IT Sales Executive for a large corporation and had a bright future ahead of him. The problem was, none if it made him happy or fulfilled. With… continue reading.

Steven Kotler on Ultimate Human Performance and Finding Your Flow – Episode 216

Think about the times when you’ve performed at your absolute best. The times when your focus and clarity were so intense that you knew exactly what to do from one moment to the next. The instances where you were your most productive, creative and powerful self. Athletes call it “the zone” but it’s also known as the flow state. Unfortunately, for most people flow states are sporadic and by accident, if they happen at all. But what if you could put yourself into a flow state anytime you need to? Imagine what it would do for your business, training, success,… continue reading.

Natalie Jill on Overcoming Adversity, Finding Your Purpose, and Building Your Business – Episode 212

You may know Natalie Jill as an ultra successful, inspirational fitness expert who’s in better shape than most women half her age. What you might not know is that she was once 65 pounds overweight and a million dollars in debt. If you’ve had setbacks and obstacles that have held you back, fear not. Your past doesn’t define you. Natalie has been there and she can relate. She can also help you rise up and turn your life around. Natalie hit rock bottom as newly divorced, single mother. During that time she was forced to endure some of the most… continue reading.

How to Protect Yourself and Your Family with Tim Larkin – Episode 210

Can you protect yourself and your family? I mean if shit gets serious, are you really ready? What if someone tries to seriously harm you or your loved ones? As much as we may dream about a nonviolent utopia, the reality is it’s better to be safe than sorry. And to be safe you have to be prepared. Violent, dangerous people are out there and wishing them away will never work. If you never want to become someone’s victim you can’t afford to miss the all new #RenegadeRadioPodcast with self-protection expert Tim Larkin. As a former military intelligence officer… continue reading.

Full Body vs. Splits, Increasing Chin Ups, 15-Minute Workouts, 2-Set Muscle Building, and More – Episode 209

It’s been way too long since I’ve done a solo episode of the Renegade Radio Podcast. So that’s what I’m doing in this one. I compiled a list of listener questions you guys sent in. Then I worked through as many as I could, in as much detail as I could give. I start with a quick recap of the last few months, telling you what I’ve been up to. We also talk about relationships, training, nutrition, weed, CBD, WWE, marketing, books, and more. You’ll also love the fact that I give fully detailed workouts with exercises, sets and reps… continue reading.

Chris Kresser on Healing Your Gut, Performance Nutrition, and Unconventional Medicine – Episode 208

Chronic disease is rising at an alarming rate and the current healthcare model is failing us. Chris Kresser, my guest in Episode 208 of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast, has a plan to help stop the crisis. Chris is a globally recognized expert in functional medicine, Paleo nutrition and ancestral health. In his new book “Unconventional Medicine,” he shows how combining proper diet and lifestyle with functional medicine can create a better healthcare model and provide more effective treatment to patients. If you want to learn the most effective ways to prevent chronic disease and enjoy glowing health you won’t want to miss… continue reading.

Dr. Andy Galpin: Training Methods For Faster Gains – Episode 204

Getting jacked, ripped, and strong is the topic at hand today with my guest, Dr. Andy Galpin. Wanna learn simple, stress-free ways to lose fat and build muscle? The good doctor has your prescription for proper programming in this episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast. Andy has a Ph.D. in Human Bioenergetics and he is a professor in the Center for Sports Performance at CSU Fullerton.  He is also the author of “Unplugged: Evolve from Technology to Upgrade Your Fitness, Performance, and Consciousness” and he’s the host of the popular podcast “The Body of Knowledge”. Listen as we discuss: Andy’s Top 5 hip-hop… continue reading.

How to Lead, Command Attention, and Increase Confidence with Michael Port – Episode 203

Whether it’s in a boardroom in front of a group of co-workers, having dinner with potential clients, or giving a speech in front of your gym members, we all perform in some way.  If you want to learn the skills to deliver a great performance every time don’t miss Episode 203 of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast. Michael Port is my guest in this episode.  He was once a professional actor, guest starring on many hit TV shows.  Now Michael is the NY Times best-selling author of “Book Yourself Solid” and “Steal the Show.”  He is also the creator of and the… continue reading.

Getting More out of Less with Josh Becker – Episode 199

In the wise words of Tyler Durden, “We buy things we don’t need, with money we don’t have, to impress people we don’t like”. It really is true that the things we own end up owning us.  If you’re ready to free your mind, body, and life from the shackles of possessions then you won’t want to miss Episode 199 of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast.  My guest today is Josh Becker, the founder, and editor of  Josh is also the author of the books “The More of Less”,… continue reading.

How to Change Your Life Through Fitness with Chris Dufey – Episode 195

Training is not just about building bigger muscles. It’s about building a new you, inside and out. Ask anyone who’s experienced a real transformation. They’ll tell you the physical changes are only part of the equation.  It’s the newfound confidence and emotional strength that truly changes a person and sets them on course towards a new life. Chris Dufey is a personal trainer, author, speaker and podcast host.  As an overweight kid, Chris struggled with depression, shyness, and inability to make friends.  After high school he found fitness and it changed his life.  His incredible transformation inspired him to help other people change their… continue reading.

Smash Goals, Crush PR’s, and Optimize Your Life with James Clear – Episode 193

Why is it that so few people receive so many of the rewards in life? What does the top 1% know and do that most people, who are struggling to achieve their goals, don’t? If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels and start making real progress in life, you do not want to miss this episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast. James Clear is an author, entrepreneur, photographer and gym rat. Through his writing on, he educates, entertains and inspires readers. In this episode, we discuss the mistakes that most people make when setting goals and how it hinders progress. continue reading.

Leaner, Stronger, Healthier with Chris Bell – Episode 191

Wanna learn how to manage pain and addiction without resorting to dangerous pills that wreck your health? I discuss those topics and more with Chris Bell on the new #RenegadeRadioPodcast. Chris is an accomplished filmmaker and the director of many outstanding documentaries including Bigger, Stronger, Faster, Prescription Thugs and Trophy Kids.  In this episode, we discuss his struggles with pain and addiction, and how he found natural ways to regain sobriety and alleviate his pain. We delve into what inspired him to become a filmmaker, how his brothers have influenced and inspired him, his latest documentary, and so much more. continue reading.

WWE Diva Torrie Wilson on Fitness, Wrestling and Overcoming Adversity – Episode 188

My awesome friend, Torrie Wilson joins me for a great new episode of the Renegade Radio Podcast. Torrie was a fitness and cover model who eventually found her way into pro wrestling.  She became a mainstay during the WWE Attitude Era where she shared the spotlight with the likes of The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin. She was regularly featured in memorable on air segments that were seen by millions of viewers. Since retiring Torrie has started a new career, helping people get fit. She’s in the best shape of her life, happy, healthy and successful. She’s here today to… continue reading.

WWE Superstar, Becky Lynch on Chasing Your Dreams, Getting Fit, and Constantly Evolving – Episode 186

The first WWE Women’s Smackdown Champion, and of the nicest people you could ever meet, Becky Lynch is my guest on today’s Renegade Radio Podcast. Becky is a total badass who left home at 15 to pursue her dream of becoming a professional wrestler. Along the way, she got into bodybuilding, became a personal trainer, worked as a flight attendant, took acting classes, became a stuntwoman, took a seven-year layoff… and then finally made it to WWE. The culmination of her journey and hard work was when she became the first ever, WWE Women’s Smackdown Champion. Topics Discussed Include: The… continue reading.

She Comes First: Be Better in Bed featuring Ian Kerner – Episode 184

Wanna be better in bed and satisfy your partner every time? Then listen up. Ian Kerner, the author of the best selling book, She Comes First is my guest on today’s Renegade Radio Podcast. Ian has authored several other books on sex and has appeared on CNN, The Today Show, Dr. Oz, and NPR. In addition to regularly meeting with patients he frequently lectures on topics related to sex and relationships with recent appearances at New York University, Yale, Princeton, Indiana University, the French Institute Alliance Française, the inaugural Sex and Attachment conference in NYC and the 2016 Psychotherapy… continue reading.