How the Renegade Way Saved My Bodybuilding Career

Guest Post by Natural Bodybuilding Champion, Tyler English The “Renegade Way” as I’ve come to understand it, has given me more then ever imagined. Since stumbling upon this blog after graduating college, it’s been a combination of the way in which I approach my life, training and business, in which one could deem, the Renegade Way. To say this happened overnight would be a fallacy, much like my approach to training, life, bodybuilding and business, it’s been a natural progression of growth. And it’s taken me a few years. My progression continues today and this growth will continue until the… continue reading.

Better Than Ever at 40?

Every time I log into the Renegade Strength Club I get inspired. There’s always something that makes me smile. Sometimes it’s the new found confidence guys have after they’ve started the program. Other times it’s seeing their transformations or hearing about their incredible strength gains and new PR’s. But being over 40 with a long history of injuries, one thing I really appreciate is hearing about guys who finally found a pain free way to train. “I have trained Renegade style for probably close to 6 years now… continue reading.

From a Skinny Fat Weakling to Jacked and Strong

Renegade Strength Club member, Michael Hodge sent us this message recently: *** My name is Michael Hodge, and I have been a member of the Renegade Strength Club for over 5 years. In October of 2011 I was weak and skinny fat, and I could not, for the life of me, figure out a way to break through my “plateau.” After finding Jason, I discovered that there was no plateau, and I was, in fact, just training the wrong way. Since I had seemingly tried everything else, I figured I… continue reading.

“People Treated Me Differently”

On my flight back from Seattle I sat next to a 52 year old guy named Dexter. Cool dude who was super easy to talk to. I love meeting new people and flapping my gums to just about anyone. So we rapped for most of the three hours. We talked about psychology, mindset, leadership, marketing, evolution, political correctness and the pussification of man. He told me about his recent foray into lifting and what he was doing in the gym. Seemed to be really into it and said he felt… continue reading.

He Gained HOW Much Muscle?

I got an email and very impressive before and after pics from Renegade Strength Club member, Mike Bulin. He said… “I started following the Renegade Strength Club programs 3 years ago. I must say they changed my life. I used to go into the weight room with zero guidance and zero confidence. Then I stumbled across Jay. I read a bunch of his articles and I was convinced he knew his stuff so I spent the money to join the club. I saw great results immediately. continue reading.

Keep It Simple, Get Jacked

Everyone’s over-thinking and over-complicating this whole training and nutrition thing. You should see some of the questions I get on a daily basis. It’s mind boggling. It doesn’t have to be this hard, my friends. Lift heavy, get strong, get a pump at the end. Sprint hard, do some lower intensity conditioning. Eat more carbs on training days, less on off days. Unless you’re skinny and ripped. In that case eat a shitload of carbs every day. Sleep eight hours a night, take a nap if you can, do your best to eliminate stress. Use a foam roller and… continue reading.

Conditioning: Just Make it a Damn Habit Already

Its summer so a lot of people get all concerned about having their pretty little abs showing at the beach. Because of this they crank up their conditioning and cut down on carbs. That’s all well and good but that shouldn’t be the only reason you condition regularly. You should do it all the time with passion and intensity because it makes you more of a badass. A guy who is big or can squat a lot of weight is pretty useless if he can’t make it up a flight of stairs or play some flag football or volleyball at… continue reading.

The Importance of Maximal Tension

It was on a trip out to California many years ago that Diamond first taught me the importance of staying tight and how it could bulletproof me against injuries and instantly add 20-40 pounds to all of my lifts. I arrived from Newark Airport on a Wednesday night in LA and was scheduled to meet Diamond at Gold’s Gym in Venice the next morning at 10am. His name was Darren but everyone called him Diamond. Apparently it had something to do with his time playing for numerous baseball teams in the minor leagues. Diamond was about 230 and ripped at… continue reading.

Do You Know the Fastest Way to Lose Fat?

You want to lose fat fast. So what do you do? Find a hill and run up it. Today. Seriously. Do it. You don’t have to go balls out like you’re trying to beat Usain Bolt in a race, just run fairly hard. About 75% of your top speed would be a good start. Walk back down, catch your breath and do it again. Then go home. That’s it for Day 1. No need to kill yourself or get injured. Only clowns train themselves into the ground like that. Smart people take the time necessary to prepare and adapt. Two… continue reading.

How to go From Strong to “Strong as a Mothef*cker”

Over the course of the three years Daryl had transformed himself into one strong dude. That’s because Daryl was smart enough to know not waste time pussyfooting around with little foo-foo exercises. He focused on big, manly exercises like squats, deadlifts and presses. Progressive overload was all that mattered to Daryl so he added weight or reps and gradually built up his strength to a very impressive level. Of course, with that added strength comes a lot of added size, too. The best way to get bigger is to get stronger. We all know that by now. There are no… continue reading.

Some Tips For Those Who Train Early in the Morning

Training first thing in the morning is never going to be ideal. In a perfect world you’d be up for a few hours so that you give your body temperature a chance to get elevated and get the fluid moving that has settled in your discs overnight. But we don’t live in a perfect world and a lot of people have to train first thing in the morning or they’ll never get their workouts done. If that describes you I have some advice that could help you out. First of all you really need to be awake for an hour… continue reading.

4 Tips For Bigger Traps

I’ll never forget the first time I saw the Road Warriors back in 1984. I was ten at the time and my friend Lance had slept over the night before. We always watched WWF wrestling on Saturday mornings but on this day we happened to catch some AWA action on ESPN. Iron Man by Black Sabbath played and the two most jacked up, badass looking mofo’s I’d ever seen, wearing face pain and spiked shoulder pads ran to the ring. I didn’t even know what traps were called at the time but I knew that Hawk looked cool as hell… continue reading.

Interview with Champion Natural Pro Bodybuilder, Tyler English

Today I have a short interview with my buddy, Tyler English, who is a champion professional natural bodybuilder, strength coach, gym owner and author. Jay: Give me your top three best training tips for guys looking to get jacked. Tyler: Focus on the Big Movements This isn’t something new to your followers, but all too often bodybuilders are given the stereotype of training simply for the pump. In the natural bodybuilding world we use those compound movements as the staple of all our strength training programs. Training for the pump is still something I love, but only after… continue reading.

The Coconut Oil Miracle

An RSC Exclusive Report – Sign up HERE to become a member today. The Coconut Oil Miracle – By Bruce Fife I started using coconut oil myself and began recommending it to my clients (I am a certified nutritionist and naturopathic physician). I’ve seen it get rid of chronic psoriasis, eliminate dandruff, remove pre-cancerous skin lesions, speed recovery from the flu, stop bladder infections, overcome chronic fatigue, and relieve hemorrhoids, among other things. In addition to this, the scientific literature reports its possible use in treating dental caries (cavities), peptic ulcers, benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate), epilepsy, genital herpes,… continue reading.

A Simple Way to Give Back Without Breaking the Bank

One of our primary reasons for being is to give back. To help out those less fortunate and leave the world a better place. We can do this by donating time, talent or treasure. With some smart planning many of us can figure out how to donate time or talent. The last one is what many of us get stuck with. “How can I donate treasure (money) if I don’t have that much myself? I thought I was supposed to save my money? How will I pay my bills?” I used to struggle with the same questions myself for years. continue reading.