My “Midlife Crisis?”

I always laughed or rolled my eyes when I heard about people going through a “midlife crisis.” It was usually associated with buying expensive cars, getting hair transplants and dating younger women. Seemed like a bunch of weak minded bullshit to me. Then I kind of went through one myself when I was turning forty. And it fucked me up. Confused the shit out of me and made me question who I was and why I do everything I do. I didn’t like the answers I came up with I had a long, serious sit down with the man in… continue reading.

3 New Recipes You’ve Gotta Try

Over the last year or so I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know and spend a lot of time with Diana Keuilian. Aside from being a super cool friend, Di is also one of the greatest cooks I’ve ever met. From celebrations at her house to tailgate parties before concerts, Di is always whipping up something delicious that I’ve been lucky enough to try. She just released her brand new book, The Recipe Hacker, and was kind enough to share three of my favorite recipes with you guys right here on the blog. Enter Diana… Wrapped Asparagus… continue reading.

An Open Letter To Your Excuses

When the average 30-40 year old guy like you decides to get in shape, the first thing you think of are thousands of reasons why you can’t do it. How can I stick to my diet while maintaining a social life? Am I supposed to never go out and have a drink again? What am I supposed to do on holidays or birthdays? I can’t just say no to my daughter when she bakes a cake for the family. It would crush her.  My family isn’t on board with this lifestyle. I’m doomed to fail, so… continue reading.

Paleo Nutrition: Chris Kresser Shows You How to Get Healthy

Today we have a throwback episode of The Jay Ferruggia Show. This was recorded earlier in 2014, before we officially started the show. As such it was previously only available to listen to if you were a member of The Renegade Strength Club. But now we’re posting the entire thing here for all of you guys to listen to (or read the full transcript below if you prefer).   Today’s Podcast Topics Include: The importance of optimizing your gut health Can gluten really cause depression? The power of supplemental prebiotics How to optimize your testosterone to… continue reading.

Diamond Cut Abs with Danny Kavadlo

We’re coming back at ya with episode 37 of The Jay Ferruggia Show. My guest this week is Danny Kavadlo. Danny recently released his latest book, Diamond Cut Abs, which, at the time of this recording was #1 on Amazon under health and fitness. With his love of old school hip-hop, WWF and tattoos, Danny and I are kindred spirits. In today’s episode, we covered everything from the human flag, how to be in the best shape of your life at forty to memories of Smash pinning Bret Hart for the win at SummerSlamm ’88. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: Bare-backing… continue reading.

Do You Know The #1 Most Important Factor For Building Muscle?

Sometimes it’s easy to get confused and lose sight of what’s most important. Especially when it comes to building muscle.  You read about all these different, fancy, confusing concepts and, of course, start trying them all. You make so many changes that you can’t really tell what’s doing what. And your training gets really, really complicated. When something is ultra complicated it’s never that fun. That’s why I believe in simplicity. Training should be fun and it should produce results you can track on a regular basis. If you can’t look at your training… continue reading.

The Real Secret to Success

Dedication, discipline and brutally hard work. That is the secret. Everyone wants hacks and shortcuts and instant gratification. They want it yesterday. I’m all for applying the 80/20 rule, when appropriate, and eliminating everything that isn’t essential. That’s how you get meaningful work done. But it’s still work. It’s called work for a reason. Just because you simplify or focus on a few important things doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. And you can’t blindly apply the 80/20 rule to everything. It just doesn’t work that way. If twenty hours of practice per week are required to be excellent… continue reading.

1 Exercise That Fixes 99 Problems

Guest Post By Chris Lopez, CSCS, SFGII In today’s world we spend the majority of our days doing things in front of us with terrible posture. We crouch over keyboards while our chests cave in and our hips shorten from sitting. We drive with our arms in front of us while, again, we’re seated with shortened hip flexors. We sit in “artificial wombs” (a.k.a. cubicles) for hours at a time not moving and making the front of our body even tighter. And then we go home and slouch on the couch further tightening the front of our bodies This overuse… continue reading.

Nutrition Myths with Dr. Chris Mohr

When it comes to nutrition we all get suckered. We all get confused and misled. I’ve been there. People try to make things more complicated than they should be. I’ve been guilty of that too. Next thing ya know you’re putting a stick of butter in your coffee, cutting all carbs, and running in fear past every Mexican joint you see because you think even coming near a bean is going to cause extreme joint pain. It’s all very confusing and stressful. It shouldn’t and doesn’t have to be that way. In the latest episode of The Jay Ferruggia Show… continue reading.

Why I Decided to Give Up $150k This Year

I woke up one morning last November and something felt different. It was later than my normal rising time. The sun was already shining. I didn’t hit the ground running like I always do. I wasn’t amped out of my mind and busting with excitement to get to work and dominate everything in my path. It was a feeling I wasn’t used to. I knew it was time to check myself. Where was the passion? Where was the hustle? Where was Jay?! What the hell happened? After some deep thought and introspection I discovered that I was lying. Lying to… continue reading.

Your Questions Answered

In this episode of The Jay Ferruggia Show, I give a brief recap of the American Airlines Skyball event in Dallas, benefiting our wounded warriors and their families. Jen and I both had an amazing time working with Chef Robert Irvine and his team. Over the last two weeks, our inbox has been flooded with your questions on training, nutrition, business, music and lifestyle design. The feedback I’ve been getting has been overwhelming. Enough so that I just had to do another Q&A. Keep sending your questions and feedback to and I will do my best to answer… continue reading.

Keepin’ It Simple: The Truth About Abs

Guest Post by Danny Kavadlo There are no quick fixes or instant transformations. The sooner we get that out of the way, the better. Sadly, in a world of office weight loss contests, celebrity dieting pageants and fantastical infomercials, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that transforming a body in any capacity takes time and effort. Though we are often told otherwise, training your abs is no exception. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve read articles claiming that with these “three easy steps” or “these five foods to avoid”, you can get six-pack abs. Yeah… continue reading.

Top 10 Healthy Foods I Can’t Live Without

I got this question from my buddy, Gary Deagle on Twitter. @JasonFerruggia Top 5 foods you can’t live without? — Gary Deagle (@GaryDeagle) October 18, 2014 But it was too hard to limit it to five so I cheated and doubled the number. And I’m answering it in a blog post instead of on the podcast. Slacker move? You decide. But maybe I’ll surprise you and do both. I’m crazy like that. If you’ve ever been around me when food is served you’d know that saying I love to eat is a gross… continue reading.

The Perfect Day

In this episode of The Jay Ferruggia Show, I recap a fantastic weekend at The Austin City Limits Festival, hanging out with my buddies, Luka Hocevar and Jay Jablonski. After a brief recap of ACL and my visit to Onnit headquarters I break down an important visualization exercise that will help you get closer to living the perfect day. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: Your feedback from the show and some shout outs to listeners How to eliminate people who drag you down Recap of the 2014 Austin City Limits Festival Who we saw, who was great, who sucked The one… continue reading.

2 Muscle And Fat-Loss Myths You Can Stop Worrying About

Guest Post By Sean Hyson C.S.C.S. When you’re a beginner, you don’t think too much about the program you’re on or what food you need to eat to maximize the results. It’s enough to just go to the gym and lift hard. And go ahead and ask an advanced lifter about his training. It’s probably so simple you won’t believe it. But when you’re in between those two stages—an intermediate meathead—you’ve been exposed to just enough information that you analyze, and then over-analyze, everything. And that’s when you fall for the tricks that hold back your progress. Jay… continue reading.