Health And Fitness

Top 7 Ways To Boost Recovery (Build Muscle Faster) – Episode 476

What you do during the 23 hours outside of the gym is just as important as the hour you spend in it. These 7 tips will help you look and feel your best. continue reading.

The Unpopular Reality Of Progressive Overload – Episode 475

I'm sure you've heard that progressive overload is the most important thing in strength training. But you may be looking at it all wrong. continue reading.

WARNING: Don’t Buy Into These 5 Training Myths – Episode 473

Through thirty years of experiments I've figured out what works and what doesn't... These 5 common training myths simply don't work. continue reading.

Redefining the Midlife Male w/ Greg Scheinman – Episode 472

Midlife and crisis don't have to be synonymous. Today's guest, Greg Scheinman, is here to help you live your best life in your 40s, 50s, and beyond.  continue reading.

5 Reasons You’re Not Gaining Muscle – Episode 471

Are you frustrated by the lack of results you're getting in the gym? Make sure you're not violating any of these 5 training mistakes that kill muscle gains... continue reading.

Machines vs. Free Weights: The TRUTH About What’s Better, When & Why – Episode 470

I'm here today with the answers you need on the machines vs. free weights debate, body part by body part, to help you build your best body ever. continue reading.

How to Lose Fat During the Holidays – Episode 469

From Thanksgiving to New Year's, the average person gains around 10 pounds of body fat. Here's the blueprint for you to avoid being one of them. continue reading.

Building a 7 Figure Health Brand w/ Billy Bosch – Episode 467

Billy Bosch is a consumer products entrepreneur, most known for founding ICONIC Protein - a natural foods company specializing in premium, grass-fed protein products - and he's here today to share some of his knowledge and experience with you. continue reading.

Are You a Sheep? Or Are You a Lion? – Episode 466

Are you a leader, firm in your beliefs, committed to showing up and doing the hard work day in and day out? Or are you just another sheep in the herd, following the crowd, giving in to pleasure, and taking the path of least resistance? continue reading.

Should You be Bulking & Cutting? – Episode 465

Should you be bulking and cutting to add size? Wanna finally know the secrets to building muscle without drugs or above average genetics? continue reading.

Optimize Your Health w/ Dr. Jaime Schehr – Episode 464

As a nationally recognized expert in integrative medicine and nutrition and holding duel licenses as a Naturopathic Physician and Registered Dietitian - Dr. Jaime Schehr's expertise is unquestionable. She's here today to drop some of that knowledge on you that will have you feeling better than ever. continue reading.

How to Become the Man People Aspire to Be, The Best Time to Train, and Your Guide to Supplementation – Episode 463

Is supplementation the key to fat loss, muscle building, and optimal health? And with everything that's out there, how do you know what's legit and what you should be taking? I've got the answers to those questions, and many more, in today's Q&A. continue reading.

Are You Up to the Challenge? – Episode 462

Stop letting yourself down, make the decision to live on 10, and then press play because I'm here to help you crush your goals with today's Q&A.  continue reading.

How to Break Frustrating Plateaus – Episode 461

You guys continue to bring the heat with questions, and I'm back today with more of the answers.  continue reading.

Are You Doing Too Much Volume? Or Not Enough? – Episode 460

How much volume is too much? How do you know if you're doing enough? And how do you differentiate between ramp up and work sets?  continue reading.