In this episode, I share my thoughts on coronavirus, essential businesses, gyms reopening, The Last Dance, MJ vs. LeBron, the importance of quality food, keeping your immune system strong, and Robert Pattison NOT wanting to train for his role as the new Batman (spoiler alert: f*ck him then; bring Christian Bale back).
Then I do a deep dive on a listener question about getting focused, blocking distractions and going all on in your most important thing.
Hope you enjoy it.
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Mentioned in the Episode:
- The Last Dance – The Untold Story of Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls
- Robert Pattinson’s weak ass excuse for not training to play Batman
- The real Batman, Christian Bale
- Bedros Keuilian and his crusade to have gyms and fitness businesses deemed as essential
Staying strong in tough times is something we ALL need to know how to do, especially in the world we live in today. If you want to learn how to do it, and more, click HERE.
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If you have any questions shoot them my way via email at podcast@JasonFerruggia.com.
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