Achieve More

The Warrior Mindset w/ Green Beret, Nick Lavery – Episode 448

Nick Lavery is an active duty member of The US Army Special Forces. He's here to share some of his experiences as an expert in mission planning & execution. continue reading.

How to Get Focused and Dominate – Episode 334

In this episode, I share my thoughts on coronavirus, essential businesses, gyms reopening, The Last Dance, MJ vs. LeBron, the importance of quality food, keeping your immune system strong, and Robert Pattison NOT wanting to train for his role as the new Batman (spoiler alert: f*ck him then; bring Christian Bale back). Then I do a deep dive on a listener question about getting focused, blocking distractions and going all on in your most important thing.  Hope you enjoy it.  Please share this episode and leave an iTunes review.  I appreciate you for listening. continue reading.

Reclaim Your Power and Create a Life Worth Living with Mike DeSanti – Episode 319

Mike DeSanti is not only one of the most impactful, successful Transformation Trainers in the world, but he also happens to be an incredible human being and someone I’ve had the privilege of being friends with since I was a kid. Mike’s passion is helping other men discover how to find real meaning and purpose in their own lives. His new book, “New Man Emerging: An Awakening Man’s Guide to Living a Life… continue reading.

How to Use Your Thoughts, Words and Actions to Create the Life You Want with Mary Shores – Episode 239

You have the ability to create the life you want. My guest, Mary Shores, is here to teach you how the thoughts you think, words you speak and actions you take shape the reality you live in today. Mary is the author of Conscious Communications: A Step-by-Step Guide to Harnessing the Power of Your Words to Change Your Mind, Your Choices, and Your life.  She has spent over a decade teaching people how to reach their goals through effective communication and new ways of thinking. If you want to achieve more success, create better relationships and become a happier, more… continue reading.