4 Essential Training Tips For Building High-Performance Muscle

I like to keep things simple. Why? Because it’s the only way to get things done and accomplish goals. There are four things you need to do to build lean muscle, get stronger, boost your endurance, and shred bodyfat. 1) Use Some Type of Progressive Overload Over the course of time you have to add weight, do more reps, decrease rest periods or increase volume. Your body will only adapt when forced. That means pushing yourself beyond what you are currently capable of doing. You can’t get comfortable. Always strive for some type of small improvement. 2) Use Bodyweight Exercises… continue reading.

Stop Being a Spectator and Start Playing to Win

By Jack Penner, one of the coaches in the Renegade Strength Club Two types of people walk through the world. Spectators and Players. Which kind are you? Do you let others fly by, achieving the goals you dream about? Sit there on Facebook, seething at photos of those living a better life than you? You don’t wake up as the person you’re proud of by watching things happen. You don’t leave a legacy by cheering from a position of comfort. The Signs of a Spectator 1. continue reading.

Start With Why: Simon Sinek Helps You Discover Your True Purpose

Why do you do what you do? Can you answer that question in a simple, concise, concrete sentence? Most will say, “No” because you use the same faulty approach many other entrepreneurs and business owners use. You care more about what you do, instead of why do you do it. At first glance, no one really cares what you do. It’s not special. Thousands of other people probably do it too. Whether you run a gym, work in sales and marketing, or have a restaurant, you can go anywhere in the world and find people doing the exact same thing. continue reading.

What’s Really Holding You Back?

Inside of you, there is a man, a leader, dying to get out. But he’s trapped. Trapped by your insecurities, social anxiety, and low self-esteem Trapped by your unwillingness to work through the difficult questions, to find your purpose, to take control of your life. It’s time to free yourself from these shackles holding you back. I know, it sounds impossible. It’s not. I’ve been there. Six figures in debt, twice. Depressed and unhappy with zero close friends or social skills. Like you, I wanted so desperately to become a man that inspires others and makes people better. That commands… continue reading.

7 Muscle-Building, Testosterone-Boosting Tips for Guys Over 40 (& All Hardgainers)

Here’s a question that was asked recently in The Renegade Strength Club Forum, followed by my response. I’m posting it here because it could help a lot of people suffering through a similar plight. Jay, I’m coming back from multiple injuries. I recently got my bloodwork done because I just felt like something was off. And I was right. My estrogen levels are higher than my testosterone, which is low. My cortisol is high as well. I’m 5’10, 168 pounds. I am skinny fat! A guy I hired put me on six meals a day and… continue reading.

Eric Cressey On Training, Avoiding Injuries, and Building a Successful Business

Nothing makes me happier than seeing friends succeed. The journey of improving yourself, building a successful business, and creating a life you’re proud of can be long and tiring. But having inspiring people around you serves as the most potent source of motivation. Today’s guest, Eric Cressey, is one of those people. Eric is a highly respected strength & conditioning expert who has made a name for himself in the world of fitness and baseball training. President and co-founder of Cressey Sports Performance, Eric has worked with countless athletes all the way up to the professional and Olympic levels. continue reading.

Handstand Pushup Zero to Handstand Pushup Hero

Guest Post by Logan Christoper I was incredibly weak when I was growing up. My brother, who was a star football player in high school, got me to sign up to play freshman year. The summer before that started he began training me. It’s sad to say but on that first day I couldn’t even do a regular pushup. While within a few days I was able to achieve that goal I was still far from strong. When I started benching I struggled for a long time before I could handle even a real plate on each side of the… continue reading.

How to Struggle Less & Accomplish More

Guest Post by Mitch Calvert Are you struggling with a goal right now – unsure how you will accomplish it? Maybe it’s finally getting around to building the body you want. Maybe it’s a career change you’ve been dying to make. Or maybe it’s popping the question to your girl, moving into new digs and starting the next chapter of your life. Whatever it is, do you have the goal written down with actionable steps to get there along the way? The make-it-up-as-you-go approach might get you there eventually (if you’re lucky), but it’s not optimal. Sure, that paddle… continue reading.

Tim Ferriss on Accelerated Learning and Becoming Superhuman

You’re putting too much stock in talent. Don’t get me wrong, to make it to the absolute elite level of the NFL or NBA, you need a certain amount of natural ability. But when it comes to the goals 99% of people pursue, the importance of talent is a myth. Thousands have proved this, including myself. Let me make it clear. I was born a nitwit. I had horrible people skills, didn’t understand business, and was a skinny runt. But by reading the right books, associating with the essential mentors, and drilling the most high-yield habits, I’ve focused my way… continue reading.

Top 10 Dumbbell Exercises for Strength & Size

If you don’t have access to a full gym or even any barbells and other standard equipment fear not, my friends…. You can still get great results in the confines of your own basement or garage with nothing but your bodyweight and a set of dumbbells. Below I have listed my top 10 dumbbell exercises for strength and size. I tried to keep myself honest by only including exercises that were better with dumbbells than they are with kettlebells. So that’s why there are no swings, Turkish get ups, farmers walks (because dumbbells tend to roll out of your… continue reading.

The Evolution of Jay Ferruggia: Past, Present, and Future

“Just when they think they got the answers, I change the questions.” – Rowdy Roddy Piper Things get flipped upside down this week as I let my good buddy, Craig Ballantyne, interview me on my personal development throughout the course of our friendship. I leave no topic untouched as Craig pulls out the stories and thought processes behind my growth over the past two decades. We dive into the critical factors behind Renegade’s growth, the ways I keep my marriage and friendships healthy, and the strategies I use to maintain balance. You’ll notice we all go through the same… continue reading.

14 Tips to Help You Sleep Better

I used to think the definition of a “hardgainer” was a skinny dude who had trouble gaining muscle. But now I know that’s not true. A skinny ripped dude is just too lazy too eat. That’s his only problem. A “hardgainer” is the skinny fat guy who has zero muscle mass with an A-frame physique, narrow shoulders, pipe cleaner arms, a little belly and soft pecs. They’re everywhere these days. For some odd reason it seems like not as many of these guys existed years ago. The majority of skinny guys were leaner. The ever declining quality of our food… continue reading.

Strength Circuits, Carb Cycling, & Daily Self Improvement

People often say, “Anyone can do anything.” I’ve said it. But is this really true? It’s a harsh reality to accept, but some of us have opportunities others never will. Success, happiness, financial security: these can all stem from opportunities many people never see. But you do. You see them every day. It’s no secret that once you make enough money, more does not equal more happiness. The same is true for opportunity and success. Once you hit a certain amount of resources, a lack of opportunity does not hold you back. You hold yourself back. You decide you have… continue reading.

Craig Ballantyne On The 5 Pillars of a Highly Successful Life

If you want to get better, surround yourself with the right people. Never be the smartest person in the room. It hinders your growth. Living by these concepts allows me to interact with some of the sharpest minds in the fitness business, including today’s guest, Craig Ballantyne. A Men’s Health Magazine Training Expert and my long-time friend, Craig runs multiple mastermind groups and is part of some of the world’s most highly acclaimed online business seminars. Over the years, Craig has helped me become more productive, get focused and make more money, and today, he’s here to do the same for you. After the… continue reading.

Deadlifts, Daily Goals, & Eating For Fat Loss

What’s up, Renegades? I’m coming at you for another Q&A episode with more thoughts on training, business, and life. One thing I noticed is how much these answers reflect changes in my mindset. For example, you guys wanted to know my stance on deadlifts for size, strength, and athletic performance. What I think today is very different from what I did ten years ago. The same goes for the way I handle money and approach my day-to-day goals. Muhammad Ali has a great quote that summarizes… continue reading.