Anya Fernald is the co-founder and CEO of Belcampo Inc., a group of innovative, agricultural ventures in California and Belize.
Under Anya’s leadership, Belcampo strives to grow awareness, availability, and production of sustainably farmed food through its operations of organic farms, butcher shops and restaurants, as well as unique, luxury agritourism destinations.
In this episode we discuss the story behind her passion for delicious and nutritious foods and how Belcampo came to be. Anya also shares incredible insights on nutrition, habits, mindset, business building and more. Don’t miss this one!
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This episode is brought to you by Athletic Greens. With 75 ingredients working together to help with 11 different areas of health, Athletic Greens helps detoxify your body, boost your energy, and strengthen your immune system.
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This episode is also brought to you by Cured Nutrition. CBD is a game changer when it comes to reducing inflammation and improving sleep quality. Cured Nutrition makes CBD-infused products from Colorado-grown organic hemp. Their spices and nut-based cookie dough are delicious and so easy to incorporate into any well-rounded health and fitness program. For deep relaxation and ultimate recovery try their concentrated oils and gel caps.
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Also, Anya and Belcampo have been kind enough to extend a special offer only for listeners of Renegade Radio.
For a limited time you can get 20% off their organic, grass-fed and grass-finished meat when you order.
Go to Belcampo.com/JAY and use the coupon code “RENEGADE20” to receive 20% off your order today!
Show Notes:
- How Anya has used the pandemic to build positive new habits. [3:09]
- Why she says looking and feeling great is all about what you eat. [11:00]
- What is the difference between grass-fed and grain-fed meat? [16:28]
- Are you eating stress? [22:18]
- The real reasons to eat antibiotic-free chicken…. They’re NOT what you think. [25:54]
- The differences between traditional farming and Belcampo’s regenerative farming practices. [28:04]
- Is meat an essential superfood? [32:22]
- Why she says going vegan wrecked her health. [38:24]
- Can a high fat meal help you feel calm, cool and collected? [43:34]
- Why taking a casual approach to what you eat will hurt your health. [47:02]
- How a few key shifts in business have helped Belcampo survive the pandemic. [52:09]
Connect with Anya:
Excited about the thought of improving your nutrition so you look and feel better than ever? Wanna learn the realistic approach to eating right?
Click HERE to listen to my discussion with Dr. Chris Mohr, a man who has made a career out of teaching people simple, practical and effective ways to eat for optimal health.
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If you have any questions shoot them my way via email at podcast@JasonFerruggia.com.
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