Abel James is a best-selling author, Top 10 App Developer, musician, podcast host, entrepreneur and veritable health crusader. But he hasn’t always enjoyed the glowing health and lean physique he has today.
In this awesome episode the author of The Wild Diet explains how he dramatically improved his health and effortlessly shed 20 pounds of fat in only 40 days by doing the opposite of what “experts” and even doctors told him to do. Even better, he explains how you can do the same.
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Show Notes:
- Why he decided to do the opposite of what doctors told him. [6:45]
- How he simplifies nutrition and fitness. [9:11]
- Why you should honor nature and eat like your grandmother. [11:20]
- What are his thoughts on the carnivore diet? [15:59]
- Ways to eat out and still stay on track with your nutrition plan. [19:23]
- His approach to intermittent fasting. [25:34]
- His Top 5 Foods. [30:48]
- Why organ meats are “the seafood of animals”. [32:04]
- How to follow the Wild Diet when you’re just starting out. [35:22]
- Lifestyle tips for optimal health, low stress, recovery and sleep. [37:12]
- Why limiting use of his phone and being without the internet was awesome. [44:31]
- What’s coming in 2021 from Abel? [48:13]
- Thoughts on his love for music. [49:38]
Connect with Abel:
Mentioned in the Episode:
- Abel’s podcast, The Fat-Burning Man Show
- His book, The Wild Diet
Wanna listen to another episode that provides incredible nutritional advice that will take your health and physique to the next level? Click HERE to listen to my discussion with Wade Lightheart, founder and CEO of biOptimizers.
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