The Unpopular Reality Of Progressive Overload – Episode 475

I'm sure you've heard that progressive overload is the most important thing in strength training. But you may be looking at it all wrong. continue reading.
I'm sure you've heard that progressive overload is the most important thing in strength training. But you may be looking at it all wrong. continue reading.
Are you frustrated by the lack of results you're getting in the gym? Make sure you're not violating any of these 5 training mistakes that kill muscle gains... continue reading.
Today's episode is gonna help you stop wasting time and start actually transforming your body. continue reading.
You guys had a ton of great questions for me this week. So this episode is packed with info you need to take your physique to the next level. We’ll get your exercise selection, set up and execution optimized. We’ll get your diet on point. And we’ll get your abs to pop. Bottom line, you wanna know how to build a badass body, THIS is the episode for you! Scroll Down for Show Notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes… continue reading.
In the beginning of this episode I share my thoughts on racism in America, all that has gone on, and all that has to change. As regular listeners know this is the cause that I have been most passionate and outspoken about for my entire life. I explain why that is, share some of my life experiences, and what I plan to do going forward. After that we get into a bunch of great listener questions. You don’t want to miss this one! Scroll Down for Show Notes:… continue reading.
Thank you guys for all the positive feedback on the last two Q&A episodes. And thank you for continuing to submit great questions and leave iTunes reviews. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. This show is for you so the more you let me know exactly what you want, the better I can make it. To kick this episode off I’m giving away several bags of Athletic Greens. So please listen for your name at the beginning of the show. After that I tackle the questions you guys asked! Scroll down for show notes:… continue reading.
How can you overcome your insecurities and be a stronger, more confident person? I’ll tell you what took me from being shy, insecure and socially awkward to the person you see me as today. In addition we’ll talk about the safest, most effective ways to include Progressive Overload in your training. What’s the ideal training split for someone who is burned out and beat up? You’ll learn what’s worked for me and thousands of my clients. Wanna know how to improve your fitness biz, or any business for that matter? I’ll give you actionable steps to help take your business… continue reading.
Friday night Jen and I finally finished watching the TV show, Lost. Man, did that ending suck. I’d heard about it for years from everyone. They were even still joking about it on the Oscars a couple months back. I said to Jen, “we put in all that time for that?!” I was so disappointed. All that for nothing. Which is exactly how people feel after finishing many of the popular training programs out there today. They hop around their… continue reading.