Fitness Business

How to Gain 15 lbs. of Muscle in Your 40’s, Learning From My Biggest Mistakes, & Starting a Successful Online Biz – Episode 393

Can a guy in his 40’s gain 10-15 pounds of muscle? If so, how should he train to do it? What are the biggest mistakes I’ve personally made that prevented me from reaching my goals?  How did I overcome them? Get ready for an hour that can change your life!   continue reading.

Becoming Ageless with Nate Wilkins – Episode 387

After 27 years as a park and recreation administrator Nate Wilkins decided to reinvent himself.  Inspired to overcome his own weight gain and health issues he set out not only to reclaim his own health and fitness but to also help others do the same regardless of age.   He became a fitness coach and he is the co-creator of The Ageless Workout, founder of The NOW Group, and co-founder of Panache Wellness & Fitness.  He’s also the author of The Now Factors for Success book series and recognized as one… continue reading.

Tony Horton: P90X, Building an Empire, and Staying Fit at 62 – Episode 377

Tony Horton is the creator of the wildly popular and best-selling fitness series P90X and an icon of the fitness industry.  He’s also a world-class motivational speaker and the author of top-selling books, “Bring It,” “Crush It” and most recently “The Big Picture: 11 Laws that will Change Your Life.” In this episode, Tony gives you an insider look at how he helped build one of the most successful fitness empires in history.  He also gives hilarious accounts of his experiences training rock legends like Tom Petty and Billy Idol, explains how he stays jacked and strong at 62 years… continue reading.

Jen Widerstrom of The Biggest Loser & American Gladiator – Episode 356

Jen Widerstrom is one of the most bada$$ and successful women in the fitness industry today.  She’s also one of the kindest, most genuine and likeable people you’ll ever meet.    Inspired by her dad, Jen fell in love with fitness at an early age.  Her passion for training led her to LA where she became an American Gladiator and eventually took over for Jillian Michaels on TV’s, “The Biggest Loser”.   She’s an incredible coach and highly sought after personal trainer and the proud owner of her newest passion project,  GetUP CBD.   In this episode we cover making 2020 a GREAT… continue reading.

Surviving Cancer with Beau Whitman – Episode 354

Beau Whitman is a former competitive athlete, fitness coach, and a cancer survivor.   After undergoing six major reconstructive surgeries he thought he had seen the toughest of times.  However, in 2019 he was diagnosed with Stage III Germ Cell Cancer.  He realized his entire athletic background was training him for this defining moment in his life.   Calling upon the lessons he learned from his past challenges, he shifted his mindset, put his head down and went to work overcoming his illness.  Today he is cancer free! Following his mantra, “Rebuilt to Inspire,” Beau’s passion has expanded from coaching injured athletes… continue reading.

Building a Fitness Business Empire with “Body by Jake” Steinfeld – Episode 353

“Don’t Quit” is the mantra of Jake Steinfeld’s life.   The Chairman and CEO of “Body by Jake,” he was the world’s first professional fitness trainer.   The man created the industry we know and love today and opened the door for people to make an incredible living through their passion for fitness.   This amazing episode was instantly one of my personal all time favorites.   In a style that is all his own Jake shares stories, strategies, insights and wisdom that can help anyone achieve anything they set their mind to.  He gives us a glimpse into the infectious personality that has… continue reading.

The Return of Nate Miyaki: Training & Nutrition for Physique Transformation – Episode 344

Nate Miyaki is “The People’s Physique Champ,” and even more importantly, he’s one helluva nice guy who I’m proud to call a friend.  A 4-time Amazon #1 Best-Selling Author, Nate’s work has appeared in Men’s Fitness, Men’s Health, Muscle & Fitness, LIVESTRONG, and T-Nation.  He was named one of The 100 Most Influential People in Health and Fitness and one of the Top 50 Hottest Trainers in America.   This episode delivers incredible value to anyone interested in building a badass body that feels and performs as great as it looks!  You’ll benefit from me and Nate just catching up… continue reading.

How to Feel, Move and Perform Better with Joe Yoon – Episode 328

Joe Yoon is a certified personal trainer, licensed massage therapist, and founder of JoeTherapy, a fitness training business that specializes in mobility, stability and flexibility. He helps some of the world’s best athletes, including players from the NFL and MLB and Olympic medalists, to move, feel and perform their absolute best. If you want to feel and perform like Joe’s athletes, don’t miss this episode! Scroll down for Show Notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes… continue reading.

Dream Big, Never Quit with Marc Megna – Episode 321

Marc Megna was never afraid to dream big. During his pro football career the retired NFL Linebacker was coached by some of the greatest in the game, including Bill Belichick, Bill Parcels, Pete Carroll and Dick Lebeau. The lessons he learned from these legends would carry over to his second act in life. After designing training programs for teammates, he realized he could make a career out of his passion for fitness. Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via… continue reading.

How to Be Jacked & Athletic with WWE Strength Coach, Sean Hayes – Episode 320

As the WWE Performance Center’s Strength & Conditioning Coach, Sean Hayes is helping shape the physiques of NXT recruits and some of pro wrestling’s most recognizable superstars. The Harvard Grad, former linebacker, and former NFL Strength Coach knows what it takes to get people jacked, strong and ready to perform in any arena. If you’ve ever wondered how pro wrestlers build such amazing bodies, and more importantly how you can build one of your own, this episode is for you! Scroll down for show notes:… continue reading.

Cut the BS and Keep Fitness Simple with Fighter Diet author, Pauline Nordin – Episode 317

Pauline Nordin has an incredible and inspiring transformation story. As a teen she struggled with body image and eating disorders. At one point she weighed an extremely low 85 pounds. Her life took a turn for the better when she started going to the gym. Motivated by the fitness models she saw on magazine covers, she took control of her life through fitness and proper nutrition. Within only three years of training, she not only transformed her physique, but she also became a fitness athlete and competitor. She won her first show at the age of 20. continue reading.

How to Instantly Improve Your Breathing, Mobility, and Anxiety with Dana Santas – Episode 311

Known as the “Mobility Maker,” Dana Santas is a breathing, mobility and mind-body coach in professional sports, health & wellness expert for CNN, best-selling author of the book “Practical Solutions for Back Pain Relief” and international presenter on ways to breathe, move and feel better inside our bodies and minds for performance enhancement and healthier, happier living.  Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunesClick here to listen on SoundCloud… continue reading.

1 Policy to Live By, Changing Your Neurology, and Being Scared Sh*tless Every Day with JL Holdsworth – Episode 309

JL Holdsworth is a world champion powerlifter, published author, and former University of Kentucky strength and conditioning coach.  The guy can not only talk the talk, but he can walk the walk as well as anyone in the game.  With over 30,000 hours of practical experience and competition best lifts of a 905 lb. squat, 775 lb. bench press and a 804 lb. deadlift, he’s one of the strongest and most experienced S&C Coaches in the industry.  In 2010 he founded The Spot Athletics and has built that small private training facility into two 20,000sq ft. locations in… continue reading.

How to be a Better Coach, Build Your Business, and Grow Your Instagram with Olympic Medal Winning Boxer, Tony Jeffries – Episode 299

To say Tony Jeffries is “successful” is an understatement equal to saying the NY Yankees have “good” hitters. It just ain’t enough. Tony is undefeated as a professional boxer, is a 2008 Olympic bronze medalist, holds 5 European medals and is a 7-time National Champion. For most people that’s more than a lifetime worth of achievement, and enough to make them spend the rest of their days on easy street, but not Tony. After his decorated boxing career was over, his drive and passion for helping people led him to the fitness industry. continue reading.

Escape Your Limits with Matthew Januszek – Episode 293

If you’ve ever wanted to know what it takes to build an ultra-successful fitness business (or any business, for that matter) this episode is going to change the game for you. Matthew Januszek has been an entrepreneur for 25 years and he’s still going strong. He has built multiple successful businesses in UK, Germany, Poland and the United States. He’s the co-founder of Escape Fitness, which he has taken from a start up with minimal capital to a major international business chosen by premier fitness brands around the world. Escape has helped improve the bottom lines of over… continue reading.