Top 7 Ways To Boost Recovery (Build Muscle Faster) – Episode 476

What you do during the 23 hours outside of the gym is just as important as the hour you spend in it. These 7 tips will help you look and feel your best. continue reading.
What you do during the 23 hours outside of the gym is just as important as the hour you spend in it. These 7 tips will help you look and feel your best. continue reading.
Don’t smoke. Eat healthy food. Get enough exercise and quality sleep. Everyone knows the things they should and shouldn’t do to reduce their chances of getting chronic diseases like cancer. But what about the cell phone that’s constantly glued to your ear? Or the computer you sit in front of for 8 hours a day? Have you ever stopped to think about what those are doing to your health? Would you even know to think about it? Nicolas Pineault is the author of the best-selling book “The Non-Tinfoil Guide to… continue reading.
Do you want to finally build rock solid muscle, gain strength, and lose your love handles? Would you like to look and feel 10 years younger and have people wondering what your secret is? Wanna create laser-like focus and improve your mental clarity so you can start dominating the important sh*t on your to-do list? The “secret” to having all this and more is… SLEEP Nothing else you could do can positively impact your entire life like getting more deep, restful sleep can. Lucky for you, in this episode of Renegade Radio I’m going to teach you how to get… continue reading.
“4 TRILLION dollars was spent in the US healthcare system this past year and you can’t even prevent a f*cking cold? We could be saving so many lives if the system was focused on health.” Shawn Stevenson is the creator and host of The Model Health Show. Each week he releases a “masterclass” episode diving into a wide range of health-related topics. He uncovers the very best health information in the world and helps people create their own unique model of health, happiness and success. This week Shawn brought his masterclass right here to Renegade Radio. We cover why the… continue reading.
Dr. Michael Lewis is an expert on nutritional interventions for brain health. He is also a huge proponent of using proper nutrition for optimizing your gut health, building your immune system and safeguarding yourself from disease. Dr. Lewis shares simple and effective tips for boosting your immunity, discusses the mistakes that have been made during the pandemic and details a more effective approach going forward, and teaches you much more that will help keep you healthy and strong! Scroll Down for Show Notes: Click here to… continue reading.
Last week I celebrated my 45th birthday in Kauai. As a gift to you here are 45 lessons/tips I’ve learned during those years: Lift, carry & drag heavy things. Sprint, jump, & throw. Less is more. Spend more time outside. Play. Prioritize sleep. Meditate. Eat real food. Unplug more. Smile more. Compliment more. Hug more. Laugh more. Take more risks. Give more credit. Learn to write and speak effectively. Learn how to sell. Simplify, always. Make faster decisions. Act like a leader. Learn to tell better stories. Have a mission. Adopt a dog. Make… continue reading.
This episode includes the deepest dive on hormone optimization and HRT that we’ve ever had on Renegade Radio. So, it will be of extreme interest to all men over 35, and especially those over 40. Find out everything you can and should be doing to get your testosterone and other hormones to optimal levels. And why NOT doing that could lead to all kinds of health problems. We also go into great detail on everything you should be doing to maximize your sleep so that you can always perform at the highest level. After retiring from active… continue reading.
It’s my first solo Q&A episode in far too long and I’m answering your questions. Don’t miss this one! Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes Click here to listen on SoundCloud Click here to subscribe via Stitcher Right-click here and choose “Save As”to download this episode __________________________________________________________________________ This episode is brought to you by Athletic Greens. With 75 ingredients working together to help with 11 different areas of health, Athletic Greens helps detoxify your… continue reading.
Do you find yourself confused and overwhelmed when it comes to nutrition? How and what should you eat? What should you eliminate? One expert says to avoid carbs at all costs, and eat a high fat diet, and the next says the exact opposite. One says you need to eat 5-6 times a day for optimal results and the other says meal frequency and timing doesn’t matter. It becomes even more confusing when you look at the plethora of diets; carnivore, low carb, high carb, carb cycling, keto, paleo, low protein, high protein, vegetarian, vegan, IF, flex dieting, and that’s… continue reading.
Do you love the rare instances when the sequel is even better than the original? If so, then you’re going to dig the hell out of this episode of Renegade Radio with Dr. Jonny Bowden. Known as the “Nutrition Myth Buster,” Jonny helps people sift through the dietary bull sh*t that is commonplace in the health and wellness industry and get to what actually works for weight loss and optimal health. In this episode he drops even more knowledge on the Renegade Nation to help YOU look great and feel amazing, without driving yourself insane trying to figure it out… continue reading.
Are you consistently getting enough deep, restful sleep? If not, the bad news is you are nowhere near as healthy, happy and successful as you could be. The good news is, there are simple and effective ways to improve your sleep and episode 263 of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast with James Swanwick will show you how. James is an entrepreneur and online marketer. He is also the creator and co-founder of Swanwick Sleep, a company that makes stylish blue light blocking glasses. His products help people avoid the harmful effects of exposure to blue light and improves their quality of sleep. If… continue reading.
Your diet and lifestyle may be killing you slowly. What’s even worse is the doctors who are supposed to help you are only making you sicker. If you want to know the truth about how to restore glowing health, you can’t afford to miss Episode 261 with Carl Lanore. Once a 300 lb. man, Carl discovered that proper nutrition and exercise are the keys to good health. His transformation became the catalyst that drove him to help others. He is now on a mission to help people regain their health and vitality. Through his podcast, Super Human Radio, he exposes… continue reading.
Why is it so difficult and expensive to get healthy food? That’s the question my guest in this episode, Gunnar Lovelace, asked himself as a child and it’s the problem he’s determined to solve as an adult. Gunnar is the co-CEO of Thrive Market, an online wholesale buying club which offers the best natural and organic products on the market at 25-50% less than retail prices. Having grown from 10 to 400 employees in only 18 months, Thrive Market is the fastest growing health food e-Commerce company in history. As the child of a single mother, Gunnar… continue reading.