
Create Lasting Connections and Grow Your Brand w/ Bruce Cardenas

Bruce Cardenas is a master of building lasting relationships and growing brands. He's here to discuss how to create lasting connections, use them to grow your brand, and much more... continue reading.

How to Stay Safe in a Dangerous World w/ Tony Blauer

Tony Blauer is a self-defense & fear management expert who's here to help you get to know your fears and use them to stay safe in a dangerous world.  continue reading.

Fit Over 50 w/ Ashley Borden

Today's guest, Ashley Borden, is one of the most sought-after experts in her field and is here to help you stay fit in your 40s, 50s, and beyond.  continue reading.

The Keys to Unlocking New Levels of Success

Today, I'm giving you the keys that are sure to help you unlock new levels of success in all areas of your life. continue reading.

Overcoming Addiction & Dominating Life w/ Bryce Henson

Today's guest, Bryce Henson, is here to share his passion for fitness and dropping knowledge to help you grow your business, overcome addictions, and find success in all your endeavors.  continue reading.

13 Commandments of a Razor Sharp Mind

The decisions you make have a powerful inpact on your mental state. So what are the 13 commandments of a razor sharp mind?  Find out, and much more... continue reading.

9 Keys to Winning Your Day – Episode 501

Today, I'm giving you the morning routine that will leave you winning all day, every day.  continue reading.

13 Life & Fitness Lessons From 500 Episodes – Episode 500

Today, I’m condensing 500 episodes worth of knowledge down to 13 lessons that will dramatically improve your fitness, mindset and life. continue reading.

How to Break Free of Mediocrity – Episode 498

Break free of mediocrity, make more money, improve your relationships, and become the man you're destined to be with today's Q&A. continue reading.

How to Double Your Income & Self Confidence – Episode 496

If you're not getting what you want out of life, take notes. I'm here today to help you double your income AND self confidence. continue reading.

How to Unleash Your Strongest Self – Episode 494

I'm back with another powerful Q&A to help you unleash your strongest self! Get those notebooks ready, as my brother John Alvino and I will be dropping plenty of knowledge bombs on ya. continue reading.

I HATE Training Like This – Episode 493

Find out what training to failure actually looks like, why machines are invaluable, and much more in today's Q&A.  continue reading.

Top 10 Ways to Reduce Anxiety – Episode 485

Anxiety is a silent killer. I've got you covered with the BEST, real-world, tried and tested methods that will surely have your anxiety in check. continue reading.

How to Get the Most Out of Cardio, Protein Shakes for Breakfast, and Unlocking Your Ultimate Superpower – Episode 484

Some evils in life are unavoidable. Cardio doesn't have to be one of them. Find out how to make your cardio more enjoyable AND effective... continue reading.

Divide and Conquer – Are You Falling Victim to the Propaganda? w/ Tony Brasunas – Episode 481

Censorship is at an all-time high. The disinformation and "fake news" is prevalent. Today's guest, Tony Brasunas, is here to expose the truth. continue reading.