
Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn Ya

Renegade trainee, Marko Zivkovic sent me a note echoing the experiences of thousands. You’ll probably be nodding your head as you read. If you haven’t experienced this yet, pay close attention. You’ll save yourself years of pain and frustration. “For a long time I’d been doing the classic 5×5 squat, bench and deadlift. It was good at first but eventually I stalled out. I came across your programs and have been doing them for years. My body feels better and I’ve been getting great muscle and strength gains.”… continue reading.

This Should NEVER Happen

I always found it odd that training would make you worse. At least the way most people do it. You’d think it would make you faster, more athletic and able to do more real world stuff. But it usually ends up being the opposite. People use methods and exercises that continually make them less functional. They just turn into Frankenstein and are often riddled with pain and injury. That was always me for many years. Until I discovered a better way. When I share those methods… continue reading.

Ready to fight?

Just out of coincidence I’ve been around a few ex-military badasses lately. SEALS, green berets, marines. Guys who are always physically prepared and ready to do whatever, whenever. That’s a quality all men should strive for. You never know when some sh*t’s gonna go down. Even though most of us live soft, coddled lives I still like to think of our primitive roots. I like to think of men as warriors. There was a time when we had to fight to survive and hunt to eat. continue reading.

Do These Exercises Suck?

A lot of strength training purists argue that isolation exercises are useless. If we’re talking about a raw beginner I’d agree. Compound exercises that incorporate the most muscle will always be best. You don’t need anything else at the newbie stage. Later on things change. Isolation exercises can help create balance and prevent injury. They also help build muscle. I tried the “all-big-lifts” programs for years and all I ever got was hurt. And fat. I barely even looked like I lifted. It’s great… continue reading.

Badass or Fatass?

I was watching some UFC stuff last night and saw quite a few dudes with badass physiques. Pretty much the exact build that the majority of guys would wanna have. Jacked, ripped and athletic. Most of them weigh around 160-180 pounds. Let that sink in for a second and then forget about the obsession with gaining weight. Your first priority should be getting lean. I’ve never seen a fat superhero or action star. If you weigh 190 right now I guarantee you that you’d look a thousand… continue reading.

Low Reps = No Muscle Growth?

Like a lot of us Chris was struggling to gain muscle when he contacted me. He trained for years but barely looked like he’d ever touched a weight. He’d gotten stronger but was still skinny-fat. And was achy all the time. Shoulders were clicky, knees were creaky and his lower back was always tight. If I had a dollar for every time I heard that. I wasn’t surprised to hear he was doing one of those “hardgainer” programs with 5 reps or less on everything across the board. continue reading.

Street Workouts 101 With Danny Kavadlo

I believe you should surround yourself with people who back up words with actions, and always look to improve, grow, and make a positive impact. People like today’s podcast guest, Danny Kavadlo. Danny is a renowned expert in the field of bodyweight training and calisthenics, and one of the most entertaining, engaging, and all around cool dudes I know. He balances a New York attitude and a rebellious vibe with an evolved, introspective approach to the way he trains and lives. Every time Danny and I get a chance to chat, I walk away with a new perspective… continue reading.

How to Have the Best Workout Ever

Training is a skill. You improve with time, dedication, and practice. Progress comes in both the amount of weight you lift and the quality of your movement. Let me watch two guys of equal strength train together, and I can tell you who has been at it longer. There is just something about the way he lifts that screams experience. Over time, that experience leads to more effective workouts and better results. How to properly work up to a top end set, how heavy your sets should feel, and how fast your reps should look. All of those o details play a critical role in… continue reading.

Worst Way to Get a 6 Pack

This sounds insane to me now, but I used to do 500 sit-ups per day. Then I heard that sit-ups were bad for your back. That made sense since my back was starting to kill me. I was only in my early twenties so I figured I had to be doing something wrong. So I switched to crunches. And did 500 of those per day. Guess how my abs looked from all those sit-ups and crunches? I couldn’t tell you. Because I couldn’t see them. There was just a smooth,… continue reading.

Gettin’ Diesel With Smitty

“You’re a product of your experience.” You always hear that phrase as it applies to personal development. But it also applies to every other aspect of your life, especially your career. When I was coming up in the strength & conditioning world, I cut my teeth next to guys who spent thousands of hours on the gym floor. They coached athletes for 12+ hours. Every day. For years. I did the same and it made me into the coach I am today. One who cares about nothing but what works in the real world. Not what some study says or what some… continue reading.

My Bloodwork Results & Hormone Optimization Strategies

As you age, some of the most important factors in long term health are hormone optimization and regular blood work. While I always encourage my clients to rely on how they look, feel, and perform, at some point those signals can only tell you so much. You may feel great while some underlying health issue smolders under the surface. One day, you find out you have a chronic health issue because you didn’t know enough to take action early on. It doesn’t matter if it’s life threatening or just a burden to your quality of life. You gotta give yourself the opportunity to… continue reading.

The Best Rep Ranges, Rest Periods, & Diets For Getting Jacked

What are the best rep ranges to build muscle? All of them. Low, medium, and high rep sets all have their place in an effective strength training program. Low rep sets build maximal strength, but there’s always a risk when you hit max effort singles, doubles, or triples. Unless you have to hit a one rep max for some sort of competition or test, it’s best to make your low rep sets no fewer than six reps. A set of six is still heavy enough to achieve maximal muscle fiber activation while eliminating some of the injury risk If… continue reading.

How to Train Injury Free, Forever

The last thing you think about when you start lifting weights is being able to train injury free. You want to make gains now, push your limits and build muscle as fast as humanly possible. No matter how many times you read that it takes time build strength, that you have to be patient, it doesn’t sink in. You tell yourself you’re different, that the rules don’t apply. So, you  throw more weight on the bar, grind out reps, let your form go to shit, and believe you’re making big gains. Where does it get you? Eight weeks of solid training followed… continue reading.

Losing Your Pot Belly, Improving Athleticism & Training For Baby Boomers

If a few days of weight training is good, 6 days must be better, right? And let’s add some high intensity cardio at every workout to burn fat. Running faster and jumping higher is cool, too, so go ahead and throw in some spring training. And why not learn to do a backflip? And deadlift 500lbs. Next week. This insanity represents everyone who decides to make a big, physical transformation. They try to do everything under the sun and become a Marvel comic character. But, it doesn’t take long to realize realize you’ve gotten weaker, feel like you got hit by a bus, and look exactly the… continue reading.

How to Fix Your Posture, Eliminate Knee Pain, & Stay Motivated

“Aren’t you supposed to be a fitness guy?” That’s the question I got asked when I used to limp around after every leg day. Or when I couldn’t grab something from a high shelf because I had the shoulder mobility of the tin man. Or couldn’t play beach volleyball because my elbow felt like it was going to explode after making another one of the typical gym mistakes. Or when I…you get the point. Look, proper training is supposed to make you great. But it’s also supposed to… continue reading.