Apple Mustard Pork Tenderloin

Recipe courtesy of Metabolic Cooking Makes 4 Servings Ingredients • 1 pound pork tenderloin • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar • 2 tablespoons unsweetened apple sauce • 1 clove garlic • 2 teaspoons soy sauce • ½ teaspoon grated ginger • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard Directions 1. Place the pork in a slow cooker (or in a baking dish). 2. Combine all remaining ingredients in a bowl and mix together. 3. Pour mixture over pork, coating the pork generously. 4. Cover… continue reading.

“Once Again, Back Is The Incredible!”

A few weeks ago I saw the all time greatest rap group and one of the best and most influential bands of any genre, ever; Public Enemy. It’s quite possible that I have seen more concerts than anyone on the planet but that was by far and away the best. If you don’t have any PE on your training mixes you are seriously missing out. Some must have, immediate downloads are: -Lost at Birth -You’re Gonna Get Yours -Bring The Noise -Night of the Living Baseheads -Rebel Without a Pause -Terminator X to the… continue reading.

Difference Makers

Originally written in 2005 for EliteFTS Despite the busiest summer I ever had both professionally and socially, my training has been better than ever lately. I’m hitting PR’s on everything and the weights on all of my assistance exercises are flying up. For the past several years not much has changed about the way I train, nothing drastic at least. This summer, however, I made several major changes which I believe all played a large part in helping attain the outstanding results I have been getting recently. Following is a list of the changes I made and why I think… continue reading.

The Business

Originally written in 2006 by Alwyn Cosgrove & Jason Ferruggia for EliteFTS Over the past year, we have both received tons of emails and phone calls that go something like this: “I have listened to you for a while now and have purchased several products from you. I’ve watched you and your reputation grow.” Or like this: “What was the one thing you did or the one step you made that took you from being a ‘personal trainer’ to a more accomplished fitness expert? Basically, what got the ball rolling for you and got you that first… continue reading.

Age is No Excuse

I would like to start by thanking everyone for all the positive responses to the last post on using age as an excuse. Here is just a small sample of what you guys had to say… “Good rant; problem many have is that the medical /allied health community sets the bar way too low. Unless there are serious orthopedic issues or other serious medical issues then most people underestimate their physical capabilities. Our job is to enlighten them and show them the way. Many of those medical conditions are diseases of misuse/ disuse, anyway. Use it or… continue reading.

"Not Bad For An Old Man"

Last night, UFC legend Randy Couture came out of retirement and won the world heavyweight title at 43 years old. And your excuse for why you are not stronger or biggeer or leaner or a better athlete is because you are… too old? How sad and pathetic you must be. Last night was like watching a real life version of Rocky Balboa and the only way not to be motivated by it was if you slept through the fight. Sylvia was the odds on favorite against the older Couture yet he was completely dominated from start to finish. continue reading.

Underground Training Interview with Zach Even-Esh

Today we have part one of a new interview with my friend and colleague, the Underground Strength Coach, Zach Even-Esh. Zach, tell us how you learned about “Underground” training? ZE – Well, without a doubt, my very first days of training at a gym always leave me with the recollection of George, a jacked dude who was built like he was carved from stone. This guy was solid muscle! He never did what the rest of us did. He trained his own way, his own style and he never cared what others said to… continue reading.

Paleo Recipes: Lemon Meringue Pie

Here’s a tasty dessert from Paleo Cookbooks. Ingredients Lemon Filling 1 cup lemon juice 5tsp finely grated lemon rind (approximately 4 lemons) 1/2 cup maple syrup 1/2 cup coconut milk 4tbs arrow root 5 egg yolks Meringue 5 egg whites 2tbs maple syrup Instructions Preheat a fan-forced oven to 160o Celsius/325o Fahrenheit. Place lemon juice, lemon rind and maple syrup in a medium size pan on low heat. In a small bowl, combine coconut milk and arrow… continue reading.

Interview with Alwyn Cosgrove

Originally written for EliteFTS in 2005 Q: Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you get started? AC: I was a competitive martial artist – LOVED to fight. After winning a few fights, and losing a few I realized that the people I beat, or didn’t beat knew the same martial art as I did. This fascinated me. How could one man beat another man, who had the exact same knowledge about fighting? Strategy plays a part, but that’s part of what you should already know. It kind of hit me… continue reading.

Interview with CJ Murphy

Originally written in 2005 for Elite Fitness Systems This week I have the pleasure of introducing you to the newest member or our writing staff, CJ Murphy. Raised in Boston’s roughest housing projects, Murph has gone on to make quite a name for him in the strength and conditioning industry and was recently named one of the top 25 trainers in the US by Men’s Health magazine. An avid strongman competitor and powerlifter, Murph has years of experience in the game and knows what it takes to get bigger, stronger and faster. Although he has the unique… continue reading.

“I Can’t Live Without My Radio”

Since I constantly publicize my obsessive love for music, I often get emails from people asking for recommendations of some good stuff to train to. Music is one of the most important components of a good workout, so in no particular order here are a few of my favorites that are always in high rotation at the gym. We’ll stick with rock and metal today and focus on hip hop later in the week. Wake Up Call- The Prodigy Disposable Teens- Marily Manson Millionaires- Queens of the Stone Age Bullet with Butterfly Wings- Smashing Pumpkins The Fight Song- Marilyn Manson… continue reading.

How to Squat Properly: A Quick Primer on Perfecting Your Form

If you want big legs you have to squat. For the first few years of your training you should squat, squat and squat some more. A good goal is to squat double bodyweight. I’m talking about real, full squats, at least to parallel. Read on and you’ll learn exactly how to squat properly. Before we get into technique I have to tell that the one thing I recommend to 99% of people out there is a good pair of high quality squat shoes. These will make a TREMENDOUS difference in your form and keep you safer. Guys… continue reading.

Music Please

“At first I was afraid, I was petrified…” No way they’re playing this… “Kept thinkin I could never live without you by my side…” What did I do to deserve this? Say it aint so. “But then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong…” Holy shit, they really are playing I Will Survive, in a “gym” in New York City. How a travesty like this could ever be allowed to occur is something that will always boggle my mind. If you own a gym or training center of any kind, one of… continue reading.

Keep It Simple, Stupid

“Hey Jay does your training system focus more on sarcoplasmic hypertropy or myofibrillar? Do you believe in hyperplasia? What fibers do you focus on hypertrophying? Type IIA, IIB, IIDD, type 36-26-36? How do you vary rep speed within a set to take advantage of the dynamic effort motor unit induced reverse dialysis of the brachialis which has been shown to cause paralysis of the urine analysis consumed post workout in the hopes of inoculating thermogenesis of the breastesses?” HUH?! These are the kinds of training questions I am asked on a daily basis. The one asking the questions is usually… continue reading.

How to Fast Track Your Career In the Fitness Industry

Last week I had the great pleasure of visiting my very good friend and colleague, Alwyn Cosgrove. Sometimes when you’re close to someone you forget about their level of expertise or start to overlook it after a while. For those who don’t know, Alwyn is one of the leaders in the fitness industry and one of the most brilliant people around. I knew that Alwyn was the leading expert in the field when it comes to business coaching for fitness professionals but I really had an awakening to just how good he is this week. I visited his training facility,… continue reading.