Hardcore Hip Hop For Hardcore Training

Originally written 8/2005 I decided to write this article a few months ago but never got around to it until recently. It wasn’t until last weekend, when I scrolled through Dave Tate’s hip hop training mix on his iPod, that I realized this article was a necessity. Too many people are listening to, and worse yet, training to bad hip hop. Before I get into my recommendations of hip hop to train to I must first tell you why I feel I am qualified to write such an article. Afterall, if I saw a hip hop article written by some… continue reading.

The More Muscle Interview

Nutrition expert, Mike Roussell and I sat down for an interview recently and discussed the topic of building muscle. Check it out: MR: Jason, your transformation was pretty incredible going from 147lbs to 231lbs. How much trial and error did you think you went through training wise until you found what really worked? JF: Oh man, Mike, I can’t even begin to tell you. I tried so many different methods and systems it was unbelievable. I actually started out as a beginner on a six day a week high volume body part split. This was back in the… continue reading.

The Failure Mindset

I would like to thank everyone for all of the emails that have been flooding in during the last 48 hours and apologize for not being able to get back to everyone personally. I promise my staff and I are doing our best to get back to everyone and will be working around the clock today to handle all of your questions and concerns. I woke up this morning to find an email in my inbox that I wanted to share with everyone because it demonstrates one of the biggest mistakes people could ever make and essentially guarantees failure in… continue reading.

The Kids Are Alright

Originally published at EliteFTS.com 11/2005 Last night I closed the doors to my strength and conditioning facility for the last time. After over ten years in the same town and the same building, it was time for me to move on to new challenges. When I finished carrying the final few medicine balls out to my truck I locked the doors permanently. I pulled out of the parking lot and headed to meet a few friends for dinner. When I arrived I walked into a surprise party thrown for me by over thirty of my closest clients. I was touched… continue reading.

The Road to Recovery

In the quest to get bigger, faster, and stronger many athletes overlook the most important aspect of training, which is recovery. The faster you can recover from an intense workout the faster progress will be made. Recovery does not mean just getting as much rest as possible in between training sessions. There are many steps to be taken in the road to recovery and if you want to reach your training goals it would be wise to utilize as many as possible. Perhaps the best way to aid recovery is to avoid over-training. I will not go into great detail… continue reading.

Mass Confusion

For EliteFTS- Originally written in 2004 Am I the only one who reads articles by other strength coaches and wonders if I’m losing my mind? Reading about an iso-quasi-eccentric upside down fat bar hang clean supersetted with sub-maximal dynamic effort isometric depth jumps can have the profound effect of making you tear out your own hair in an effort to figure out a way to incorporate these methods into your workouts. The sad fact is that many of the people who read these articles don’t realize that much of these methods are unnecessary and even useless. By constantly trying all… continue reading.

Surviving Max Effort Day

Originally written for EliteFTS.com in 2003 I wasn’t feeling that great and should have known better. I didn’t sleep that well the night before and had been stressed out of my mind all day. I had a million things to do and barely had time to eat since breakfast. By the time my workout rolled around shortly after 6pm, I was shot. I thought about just putting my workout off until tomorrow. That would have been the smart thing to do. Unfortunately my training partners arrived and cranked up the music and started to talk some trash. I tried to… continue reading.

Natural Protein Powders

I have been getting a lot of questions about how to avoid aspartame and what kind of protein powder I recommend to those that still like to drink shakes. First of all, let me point out that there are several studies which show numerous detrimental effects from artificial sweeteners, such as memory loss, birth defects, links to cancer and erectile problems in males (if all the other ones don’t scare you, I’m guessing the last one might cause you to raise an eyebrow). Mysteriously, none of these studies are conducted in the United States. I’m sure everyone can figure out… continue reading.

Great Rules That Suck

For EliteFTS I was born with a rebellious streak. It’s been with me just about every day of my 32-year existence. When I wake up every day, I know that I’ll probably do or say something that will probably be nothing more than an act of rebellion in some form or another against something that I see as wrong or unjust. I don’t know why that is. I just accept it as part of my nature. I can’t control it so I embrace it. It’s who I am. Just like I can’t allow society’s rules to control the way I… continue reading.

The Fitness World: Insane in the Membrane!!

A Rant by Jon Hinds: In real life, we move our whole bodies almost 100% of the time. In sports, in martial arts, when climbing stairs or picking up kids or shoveling snow – we use our arms, our legs, our backs, our stomach muscles all together. Then why do 99% of all people who exercise, train their muscles in isolation instead of using functional fitness? What good is it to be able to bench 300 pounds with your back supported and your legs unengaged? Who cares if you can leg press the rack? These activities only train… continue reading.

Apple Mustard Pork Tenderloin

Recipe courtesy of Metabolic Cooking Makes 4 Servings Ingredients • 1 pound pork tenderloin • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar • 2 tablespoons unsweetened apple sauce • 1 clove garlic • 2 teaspoons soy sauce • ½ teaspoon grated ginger • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard Directions 1. Place the pork in a slow cooker (or in a baking dish). 2. Combine all remaining ingredients in a bowl and mix together. 3. Pour mixture over pork, coating the pork generously. 4. Cover… continue reading.

“Once Again, Back Is The Incredible!”

A few weeks ago I saw the all time greatest rap group and one of the best and most influential bands of any genre, ever; Public Enemy. It’s quite possible that I have seen more concerts than anyone on the planet but that was by far and away the best. If you don’t have any PE on your training mixes you are seriously missing out. Some must have, immediate downloads are: -Lost at Birth -You’re Gonna Get Yours -Bring The Noise -Night of the Living Baseheads -Rebel Without a Pause -Terminator X to the… continue reading.

Difference Makers

Originally written in 2005 for EliteFTS Despite the busiest summer I ever had both professionally and socially, my training has been better than ever lately. I’m hitting PR’s on everything and the weights on all of my assistance exercises are flying up. For the past several years not much has changed about the way I train, nothing drastic at least. This summer, however, I made several major changes which I believe all played a large part in helping attain the outstanding results I have been getting recently. Following is a list of the changes I made and why I think… continue reading.

The Business

Originally written in 2006 by Alwyn Cosgrove & Jason Ferruggia for EliteFTS Over the past year, we have both received tons of emails and phone calls that go something like this: “I have listened to you for a while now and have purchased several products from you. I’ve watched you and your reputation grow.” Or like this: “What was the one thing you did or the one step you made that took you from being a ‘personal trainer’ to a more accomplished fitness expert? Basically, what got the ball rolling for you and got you that first… continue reading.

Age is No Excuse

I would like to start by thanking everyone for all the positive responses to the last post on using age as an excuse. Here is just a small sample of what you guys had to say… “Good rant; problem many have is that the medical /allied health community sets the bar way too low. Unless there are serious orthopedic issues or other serious medical issues then most people underestimate their physical capabilities. Our job is to enlighten them and show them the way. Many of those medical conditions are diseases of misuse/ disuse, anyway. Use it or… continue reading.