4 Tips For Bigger Traps

I’ll never forget the first time I saw the Road Warriors back in 1984. I was ten at the time and my friend Lance had slept over the night before. We always watched WWF wrestling on Saturday mornings but on this day we happened to catch some AWA action on ESPN. Iron Man by Black Sabbath played and the two most jacked up, badass looking mofo’s I’d ever seen, wearing face pain and spiked shoulder pads ran to the ring. I didn’t even know what traps were called at the time but I knew that Hawk looked cool as hell… continue reading.

Interview with Champion Natural Pro Bodybuilder, Tyler English

Today I have a short interview with my buddy, Tyler English, who is a champion professional natural bodybuilder, strength coach, gym owner and author. Jay: Give me your top three best training tips for guys looking to get jacked. Tyler: Focus on the Big Movements This isn’t something new to your followers, but all too often bodybuilders are given the stereotype of training simply for the pump. In the natural bodybuilding world we use those compound movements as the staple of all our strength training programs. Training for the pump is still something I love, but only after… continue reading.

The Coconut Oil Miracle

An RSC Exclusive Report – Sign up HERE to become a member today. The Coconut Oil Miracle – By Bruce Fife I started using coconut oil myself and began recommending it to my clients (I am a certified nutritionist and naturopathic physician). I’ve seen it get rid of chronic psoriasis, eliminate dandruff, remove pre-cancerous skin lesions, speed recovery from the flu, stop bladder infections, overcome chronic fatigue, and relieve hemorrhoids, among other things. In addition to this, the scientific literature reports its possible use in treating dental caries (cavities), peptic ulcers, benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate), epilepsy, genital herpes,… continue reading.

A Simple Way to Give Back Without Breaking the Bank

One of our primary reasons for being is to give back. To help out those less fortunate and leave the world a better place. We can do this by donating time, talent or treasure. With some smart planning many of us can figure out how to donate time or talent. The last one is what many of us get stuck with. “How can I donate treasure (money) if I don’t have that much myself? I thought I was supposed to save my money? How will I pay my bills?” I used to struggle with the same questions myself for years. continue reading.

Vote For The Winner of the RIC Fat Loss Transformation Contest

We recently wrapped up our 90 day fat loss contest in the Renegade Inner Circle (which we are having a limited time special on right now). All of these guys followed the Inner Circle workouts and used the Renegade Diet. There were a lot of great submissions but we’ve gone through the after pics and narrowed it down to these guys. Now it’s up to you vote for the grand prize winner who gets an ALL EXPENSES PAID beach vacation to Santa Monica, California where he’ll hang out and train with me for four days. So… continue reading.

Shooting Down The Nightime Carb Myth

What’s up Renegades? Jay here doing the intro to this guest post by my brother, Nate Miyaki. Nate always drops pure unadulterated dopeness, but this may be his greatest post ever. Enter Nate… *Warning – It is highly recommended that you listen to “Regulators” by Warren G and Nate Dogg before reading this article. 1. Because its a bad ass song. 2. So you understand all of the references. Nate Dogg, where you been? I’ve been chasing skirts out in the 4-1-5. Fool, you know how we do it. Actually, I’ve just been busy as sh*t Hustlemania-style. But… continue reading.

Renegade Rule #1 for Building Muscle

When it comes to strength training most people love to mentally masturbate about meaningless minutia all day long. They get all stressed out about one concept followed by the next. Because so and so said this or they heard XYZ from this other guy. They can’t commit to any program because they second-guess the shit out of it. Then, if they actually do start a program they’re constantly worried about doing everything perfectly right. Or thinking there might be a better way. So they obsess over: •    How many days a week should I train? •    Should I do… continue reading.

Top 10 Slayer Songs to Train To

Guest Post by Mark Crook It was June 28, 1991 and I witnessed what was probably the most memorable “metal” moment of my life. I was standing with my brother about 10 rows back center stage in Madison Square Garden during the “Clash of the Titans” tour and there was an evil sounding chant blasting through the arena…. “join us, join us, join us”… but in reverse. It got louder and louder and concluded with a demonic shout of “Welcome Back!” followed by a crashing of drums and guitars with a blast of red light and smoke filling the entire… continue reading.

My Path Down The Iron Trail

Guest Post by Renegade Inner Circle Assistant Coach – Kyle Matthews I grew up painfully shy and can remember being self-conscious for as long as I can remember. I grew up playing sports year around. I played football, baseball, and basketball from the earliest age possible until I got to high school. I was always active. I also never excelled at any of those sports. I hadn’t developed the competitive spirit yet and my shy nature killed any aggression that I could have used to my benefit. Until I started pop warner football, that is. I loved football. continue reading.

Vote For The Winner Of the RIC- Muscle Gain Transformation Contest

We recently wrapped up our 90 day muscle gain contest in the Renegade Inner Circle. All of these guys followed the Inner Circle workouts and used the Renegade Diet (some with the advanced modifications we have in the RIC for faster gains). There were a lot of great submissions but we’ve gone through the after pics and narrowed it down to these guys. Now it’s up to you vote for the grand prize winner who gets an ALL EXPENSES PAID beach vacation to Santa Monica, California where he’ll hang out and train with me for four… continue reading.

Don’t End up Like This Douchebag

I was sitting in the downstairs lounge at Southern Hospitality in New York City Saturday night having a great conversation with Nate Green about life, productivity and happiness when Mike Geary wandered over. He wanted to discuss The Renegade Diet and get some more details about it. I broke it down for about a minute or two before one of the top twenty most annoying human beings on the planet made his way into the conversation. He told me had some type of hypnosis business and then started spewing out one excuse after another for his… continue reading.

The Ultimate Guide to Building Bigger Legs

“Ricky! What’s up, buddy? Long time, no see. Looks like you’ve been training pretty hard. Your entire torso is much thicker than the last time I saw you.” “Thanks for noticing, Jay. I’m trying, man. Been following the programs you laid out for me and it’s really working.” “That’s great to hear. Hey, I’m actually heading to the gym in a couple hours. Did you train yet today?” “No.” “You wanna jump in for a session with me?” “Seriously? You think I’m ready for that?” “Dude, you’re the size of Arnold. You’re jacked. You’ve been doing what… continue reading.

How To Safeguard Your Shoulders

Guest Post by Renegade Inner Circle Coach, Keith Scott Most of the shoulder injuries that I have seen and treated in my career from weight training come from pressing or pushing exercises. While shoulder problems can occur from pulling types of movements, in general, the shoulder is much safer and we see fewer injuries from most pulling types of motions. Many pressing movements can place the shoulder joint in a much more dangerous position. It is essential that people learn to do things to properly safeguard their shoulders as much as possible during pushing or pressing days. Whether you… continue reading.

5 Things About Training I Had To Learn The Hard Way

Guest Post From Renegade Inner Circle Coach, Sean Hyson 1) Periodization is Overrated Unless you’re an athlete with a firm schedule of competitions and a clear off-season, pre-season, and peak-season, you’re better off not planning your training too far into the future. Pick a variety of exercises that you want to get strong on or need to bring up weak points, find the appropriate rep ranges to work them in, and cycle through them. Allow yourself to adjust workouts based on how you feel on a particular day. Arnold and the other bodybuilders of yesteryear who never read a… continue reading.