Stronger Relationships

Using FEAR to Fuel Your Success with Akshay Nanavati – Episode 296

Akshay Nanavati is a U.S. Marine veteran, speaker, entrepreneur, author and ultra runner. He has overcome many of life’s most difficult challenges by discovering that adversity is one of our greatest gifts and a necessary access point to reach the next stage of our personal evolution. He developed FEARVANA to teach people to find bliss through engaging in fear and pursuing their “worthy struggles”. He also wrote the amazing book, “FEARVANA: The Revolutionary Science… continue reading.

For Pain-Free Joints STOP Doing This ASAP, 4 Ways to Build Rapport Instantly, Rules for a Strong Life – Episode 295

Yo. We’ve got so much dopeness on this week’s listener Q&A that you will literally lose your mind. Literally. Because no one knows the definition of that word anymore. So I’m just saying it the way everyone does. I can’t even. But seriously. I’m dropping science, like Marley Marl, on all kinds of topics that will make your training and your life better. We’re talking everything from joint health to Game of Thrones. If you just listen to the first five minutes you’ll be able to build rapport instantly with anyone at anytime. That’s priceless. Plus I share… continue reading.

The #1 Limiting Factor in Your Training, Do you Need to Squat & Deadlift, IIFYM or Keto, Balancing Fitness & Life – Episode 287

Another solo Q&A episode coming at you this week. Pay extra special attention to what I’m spittin in the first and last answer. There’s a few tidbits in there that could make a huge difference in your training, your results, your recovery, and your overall enjoyment of life. Keep sending the awesome questions my way and I’ll keep answering. Thanks. Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes Click here to listen on SoundCloud Click here to subscribe via Stitcher Right-click here… continue reading.

Strong Mind, Strong Body & Strong Coffee with Adam Von Rothfelder – Episode 282

Do you like the NBC show, Strong? If so, you’re going to love this episode with Adam Von Rothfelder. A fitness coach of some of the country’s most elite CEO’s and Executives, Adam was featured on Strong as one of America’s Top 10 Trainers. He is also a former MMA fighter, successful gym owner, fitness model and the Founder and CEO of Strong Coffee Company. In this episode I sat down with Adam, and previous guest on Renegade Radio, Kenny Santucci of Solace New York, to discuss training, nutrition, overcoming adversity, the power of coffee, marijuana, success and life. Scroll… continue reading.

Overcome Your Fear with Self-Defense Expert, Tony Blauer – Episode 277

Everyone feels fear. From the biggest, toughest, most jacked dudes on earth to small children and frail, elderly women, fear is an emotion all humans know well. If we all feel it, what separates those who take action and do what’s necessary in the face of fear from those who let it cripple them? The answer can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. Tony Blauer has dedicated his life to teaching people how to understand and manage their fear even, and especially, in the most stressful, dangerous and violent situations. He is the creator of the Spontaneous Protection… continue reading.

How to Attract More Customers and Expand Your Influence with PR Expert, Heather DeSantis – Episode 267

Every business owner wants to attract more customers and make more money. But with so many businesses angling to be heard how can you ensure your product or service will be seen by more people? In this episode of Renegade Radio with Public Relations expert, Heather DeSantis you’ll learn why PR is one of the fastest ways to grow your business in today’s content rich world. Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes Click here to listen on SoundCloud Click here to… continue reading.

NY Giants Strength Coach, Aaron Wellman: How to Train Like a Pro – Episode 256

How would you like to be lean, muscular, strong and athletic like an NFL player? Maybe you weren’t blessed with the athleticism to ever make it to the pros but that doesn’t mean you can’t look like one! If you want to know the secrets to getting jacked like a pro don’t miss this episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast with NY Giants Strength Coach, Aaron Wellman. Aaron is in his third season with the Giants following a 20 year career coaching at the Division I collegiate level. He has helped thousands of players get jacked, strong and ready for battle on… continue reading.

How to Train for Gains and Longevity with Fitness Expert, John Alvino – Episode 254

In this episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast I sat down with my longtime friend, John Alvino. John is one of the most respected and knowledgeable strength and conditioning coaches in the fitness industry. He is also a successful fitness writer, a former competitive bodybuilder, and a veteran of the iron game. We discuss the crazy stuff we used to do in the gym, all for the sake of gaining muscle, and how our training has evolved over the years. John provides some great tips for preventing injuries and enhancing your performance in the gym. He gives valuable advice for anyone who… continue reading.

Becoming a Superhero with Don Saladino – Episode 253

Have you ever wondered how celebrities like Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman get their bodies so lean and muscular to prepare for roles like Dead Pool and Wolverine? While us mere mortals grind for years trying to build the perfect physique it seems like these guys are able to completely transform in a matter of months. What’s their secret? What (or who) do they know and do that the rest of us don’t? In this episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast you’ll be introduced to the man behind many of Hollywood’s most impressive physiques, Don Saladino. Don is one of the world’s… continue reading.

Kenny Santucci: MTV Reality Star to Fitness Guru – Episode 252

If you want to learn how to build a booming fitness business, while creating a culture of community, connection and contribution, Episode 252 of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast will be a game changer. Former MTV reality star, Kenny Santucci is my guest in this episode. Kenny is a fitness professional and owner of one of NYC’s greatest gyms, Solace New York. A former fat kid from an unhealthy Italian family, Kenny grew tired of not feeling good about himself so he decided to change his body and life. Inspired by the physiques of wrestling superstars and action film heroes of the 80’s,… continue reading.

How to Become a Jacked Nin-Jilla (Ninja-Gorilla) with John Wolf – Episode 247

John Wolf is Onnit’s Chief Fitness Officer, and an expert in unconventional training methods such as kettlebell, steel club, and suspension training. With 15-plus years of experience in the fitness industry, he has worked with rehab clients and athletes of all levels. He moves like Spider Man and can deadlift more than 500 pounds any day of the week. If you want to learn the training methods to help you become jacked, strong, mobile and healthy don’t miss this episode. Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes… continue reading.

Stop Being so F’n Fragile: 2x Highland Games World Champ, Matt Vincent – Episode 245

Matt is a traveling strength athlete, two-time Highland Games World Champion, author and host of the UMSO Podcast. He is also the founder of one of the most bad ass clothing and apparel lines around, HVIII Brand Goods. Throughout his travels Matt was able to connect with some exceptional people who were chasing strength, fulfillment and personal development in every way imaginable. These experiences taught him the philosophy of “The HVIII”, which is self-improvement through self-loathing. He learned how to use his hate (for excuses, bullshit stories and mediocrity) as motivation to improve and excel. This idea became the spark… continue reading.

The Formula for Success with Talent Manager and TV Film Producer, Barry Katz – Episode 243

My guest in this episode is Talent Manager, TV Film Producer and Consultant, Barry Katz. Over the past 30 years no one has had a wider reach in comedy than Barry. He has represented and influenced the careers of some of the biggest names in the industry including Dave Chappelle, Dane Cook, Louis C.K., Tracy Morgan, Jay Mohr and Wanda Sykes, just to name a few. Barry started out as a standup comedian in the late 80’s but quickly discovered that his talent and passion is in finding “the next big thing”. He has made a career out of discovering… continue reading.