13 Commandments of a Razor Sharp Mind

The decisions you make have a powerful inpact on your mental state. So what are the 13 commandments of a razor sharp mind? Find out, and much more... continue reading.
The decisions you make have a powerful inpact on your mental state. So what are the 13 commandments of a razor sharp mind? Find out, and much more... continue reading.
The president of BrainCO USA is here today to discuss their flagship brand, FocusCalm, and how you can use this powerful neuroscience based tool (affordably) to unlock your brain's potential. continue reading.
Dan Freed, CEO of the forward-thinking nootropics company, Thesis, knows what it takes to optimize your brain chemistry. Tune in as we discuss his journey from high school dropout, to earning a Master’s degree from Yale and starting his company. Dan shares lessons learned along the way and gives you tips and insights on how you can enhance your cognitive abilities. continue reading.
Lauren Johnson, former Mental Performance Coach for the New York Yankees, is responsible for aiding in the development of athletes and staff through education, application, and support.Lauren's practical, straight-forward advice and mental performance strategies help individuals develop mental toughness so that they can perform at their best regardless of circumstance. continue reading.
Do you want to finally build rock solid muscle, gain strength, and lose your love handles? Would you like to look and feel 10 years younger and have people wondering what your secret is? Wanna create laser-like focus and improve your mental clarity so you can start dominating the important sh*t on your to-do list? The “secret” to having all this and more is… SLEEP Nothing else you could do can positively impact your entire life like getting more deep, restful sleep can. Lucky for you, in this episode of Renegade Radio I’m going to teach you how to get… continue reading.
Everyone feels fear. From the biggest, toughest, most jacked dudes on earth to small children and frail, elderly women, fear is an emotion all humans know well. If we all feel it, what separates those who take action and do what’s necessary in the face of fear from those who let it cripple them? The answer can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. Tony Blauer has dedicated his life to teaching people how to understand and manage their fear even, and especially, in the most stressful, dangerous and violent situations. He is the creator of the Spontaneous Protection… continue reading.
Have you ever wondered how the stars of the WWE eat and train to build the amazing bodies they display in the ring? Or how they maintain the mental toughness required to compete at the highest level, day in and day out? In this all new episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast with WWE Superstar, Cesaro, you get to go behind the curtain for a backstage look at the nutrition, training and mindset it takes to become a champion in the ring and in life. Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes… continue reading.
Imagine what would happen if you were able to connect with the world’s highest performers and somehow convince them to teach you their secrets to success. What if you learned what the most successful people on the planet do to create such phenomenal results? From their actions and habits to their mindset and philosophies, what if you came to understand exactly what separates the top 1% of achievers from the rest of the world? Now you can, thanks to my guest in this episode of Renegade Radio, Douglas Vermeeren. Often referred to as “the modern day Napoleon Hill,” Douglas is… continue reading.
In this episode I sit down with Brandon Lilly. Brandon is a top ranked power lifter, author of “The Cube Method”, and “365STRONG”, as well as a respected strength coach. Brandon is ranked as one of the strongest power lifters of all-time. He has world class totals in multiple weight classes, both raw, and equipped — *2,110 lbs Raw Belt Only, *2,237 lbs Raw with Knee Wraps and *2,612 lbs Multiply Equipped. We discuss learning from every situation, how a devastating injury changed his life, being happy is his new drug, self-awareness, and, of course, training to get jacked and… continue reading.
Why is it that so few people receive so many of the rewards in life? What does the top 1% know and do that most people, who are struggling to achieve their goals, don’t? If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels and start making real progress in life, you do not want to miss this episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast. James Clear is an author, entrepreneur, photographer and gym rat. Through his writing on JamesClear.com, he educates, entertains and inspires readers. In this episode, we discuss the mistakes that most people make when setting goals and how it hinders progress. continue reading.