
The Way of the Seal with Mark Divine

On the latest episode of Renegade Radio, I had the pleasure of talking with Navy Seal Commander and Bestselling Author, Mark Divine. At the age of 26, he walked away from a lucrative corporate career to become the ultimate badass. Mark’s diverse background and resume is a real testament to his ability to get shit done. Not only was he a best selling author and a Navy Commander, he is also a CPA, serial entrepreneur and he holds two black belts in karate.   Today’s Podcast Topics Include: How Mark went from being a CPA to being a US Navy… continue reading.

MMA Legend, Frank Shamrock on Overcoming Struggles, Living With Passion, & Achieving Excellence

On the latest episode of Renegade Radio we’ve got a man who revolutionized the sport of mixed martial arts, “The Legend,” Frank Shamrock. During his prime Frank was considered the greatest fighter in the world and had quite an impressive run. Frank’s early life was filled with violence, poverty and trouble. He became a ward of the state of California by age 12 and a prison inmate by age 18. As soon as he got out of prison he started fighting, and went on to become one of the best ever. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: Some of the biggest struggles… continue reading.

UFC Hall of Famer Randy “The Natural” Couture on Renegade Radio

On the latest episode of Renegade Radio, Randy “The Natural” Couture stopped by for a great conversation. We covered everything from training to nutrition and business to Hollywood. Not only is he an NCAA All American, a 3x UFC Heavyweight champion, UFC Hall of Famer, and now actor, he’s also a very successful entrepreneur. Xtreme Couture has multiple gym locations, a clothing line, nutrition line and cologne. Clearly this is a man that knows how to get things done. He’s breaks it all down for us on Renegade Radio. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: How he runs multiple successful businesses What… continue reading.

How To Get Better Every Day

There’s an old Japanese principle known as Kaizen. Translated it means continuous improvement. That’s what life should be all about. Striving to get a little bit better in some way every day. That could be as a father, a writer, a football player, a listener, a friend, a coach, a musician, a philanthropist, a husband, a cook, or anything you could think of really. The goal is to eliminate the bad habits and replace them with good ones. My good friend, Luka Hocevar is as dedicated to constant self improvement as anyone I know. Every time we speak he blows… continue reading.

Aubrey Marcus Talks Shamanism, Travel, Business, Alternative Medicine and Poetry

In today’s episode, I sat down for a one on one chat with CEO and Founder of Onnit, Aubrey Marcus. On top of his duties at Onnit, Aubrey manages WarriorPoet.Us, a blog dedicated to expanding exploring the tools of modern philosophy and spirituality. In this wide ranging interview, we discussed shamanism, his travels across the globe, poetry and how he founded Onnit. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: What is shamanism and why YOU should care about it Why Aubrey hits the float tank at least once a month How Marijuana enhances deep tissue and mobility work Blue Lotus Oil and the… continue reading.

Increase Testosterone, Improve Sleep, Cure Hangovers

When it comes to the science of bio-hacking and strength training, Dr. Mike Hart is the go-to expert. Not only is he an MD, he is also a nationally published author and speaker in both the US and Canada. On today’s episode, we talked about the importance of maintaining your testosterone level as you age, debunking some of the myths around the treatments available, and how to stay in optimal condition as you age. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: The best way for athletes to get in shape How to rewire your brain The importance of breathing properly How guys can… continue reading.

Joe DeFranco on Training, Business, Family, Partying and His Personal Growth

If you are a trainer, strength coach or a gym owner, you want to listen to Joe DeFranco. Not only is he a fitness icon and successful gym owner, he just happens to share my passion for sporting the chrome dome. Joe is the co-founder of the CPPS coaching certification and has recently teamed up with Lionsgate Films to produce a series of DVD’s on strength and conditioning. My buddy Jay Jablonski joined us for what became an instant Renegade Radio classic. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: The hidden meaning behind every Journey song Joe’s favorite supplements His thoughts on Crossfit… continue reading.

Jim Smith on Success Through Adversity, Stress Management and His Love for Chris Cornell

Jim “Smitty” Smith is one of the most innovative and respected strength coaches in the industry. He’s been featured in Men’s Health, Muscle & Fitness, Men’s Fitness and every top training website. Jim trains athletes, fitness enthusiasts and weekend warriors, helping them all achieve beyond their potential. He’s also a close personal friend of mine whom I’ve known for over ten years. If there’s a nicer, more giving, positive person in the world I’ve yet to meet him.  Today’s Podcast Topics Include: One of Jay’s biggest regrets of the last few years Smitty’s take on parenting Life lessons he teaches… continue reading.

Ryan Holiday on Growth Hacking, the College Dilemma and Stoicism

Ryan Holiday gets shit done. I’m talking about a lot of shit. He’s a master of productivity and has accomplished a great deal in his relatively short life. Holiday left college to study under strategist and best selling author, Robert Greene. (The 48 Laws of Power, Mastery) From there he became the Director of Marketing at American Apparel at the age of 21. In addition to his writing and his day job, Ryan has gone on to consult for several New York Times bestselling authors. His work has been used as case studies by Twitter, YouTube and Google and he… continue reading.

Leo Babauta on Minimalism, Productivity and Creating Positive Habits

Leo Babuta, the best selling author of The Power of Less, sat down with Alli and I to discuss minimalism, productivity, how to establish positive habits and so much more. This weeks podcast was brought to you by Onnit, Total Human Optimization. Go to Onnit.com/Renegade to get 10% off your entire order.   Today’s Topics Include: How Leo turned his life upside down The biggest reason why people fail to keep their habits How spending less time on social media can actually increase your following Leo shares his social media strategy How to create truly great content Leo’s daily… continue reading.

Nate Miyaki on High Performance Nutrition

Nutrition expert, trainer, and former professional wrestler Nate Miyaki joins the Renegade Radio podcast this week. Topics of discussion include: Nate’s approach to intermittent fasting. His Paleo plus starch plan. How many meals per day he recommends. The truth about meal timing. What the latest nutrition research has shown. If any of it has made Nate rethink his approach. Why your diet plan has to be practical. Is white rice better than brown? Is there any difference in the approach a physique competitor would take vs an average person? How does the approach change when gaining muscle is the main… continue reading.

Overcome Resistance, Increase Productivity, Live Sustainably, and Pull Wacky Pranks with John Alvino

In this episode Jay has fitness pro, John Alvino on for a WrestleMania XXX recap, a discussion about sustainable living, productivity, training, nutrition, personal struggles and recaps of past pranks.       Highlights include:     The Ultimate Warrior’s HOF induction and shocking death     Thoughts on the Undertaker’s streak ending      Sustainable living and the choices we all have to make     Why Jay always wanted to be like the Fonz but decided against it     Jay’s favorite productivity boosting app     What Jay and John’s current workouts and diets look like     Why no one hangs out… continue reading.

Renegade Radio – Episode 01

This is the first ever episode of Renegade Radio. Jay keeps it short and sweet in this one with an intro of what the podcast will be all about, what you can expect and what kind of guests he’ll be talking to teach week. Also included in this weeks episode: •    What Jay’s been up to •    The next evolution of his career •    His next big project •    His semi “mid life crisis” last fall •    Why he decided to get braces at age 39 and how that’s working out •    What… continue reading.