What’s the Difference Between The Inner Circle & an eBook?

A lot of people ask me the moment when things started to “click.” When I was finally able to start gaining size and muscle and stop being a skinny punk. Or when I was able to take what I had learned and turn it into a successful business. The answer was I stopped trying to do everything on my own and found good coaches and mentors. Look at the people that consistently dominate at what they do and make good decisions. Successful athletes, businessmen, and musicians—they all have coaches. Michael Jordan had someone work on his… continue reading.

NJ Strength Disaster Relief Results

I want to start by thanking all 1,112 of you who contributed to the NJ Strength Disaster Relief sale. During the course of the sale over a quarter of a million people visited this site but you guys took action. I truly appreciate that, as do the people of New Jersey. Here is the screen shot from my Clickbank account: So you guys raised $8,188.88 for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Then I got three incredible emails from friends… First Chad Waterbury donated $500: Then Dave Draper’s wife, Laree did the same: And finally, Matt of Fat… continue reading.

Why You MUST Train Your Neck

“Ya best protect ya neck.”
-Wu Tang Clan In the past I’ve always recommended neck training but said that it was optional. That was a mistake. It’s not optional. It’s mandatory. You look infinitely cooler and more badass with a bigger neck and it’s a life insurance policy. No one can argue either of those two facts. Countless athletes and lifters have sustained injuries that, based on their own accounts, could have been life threatening or left them paralyzed, had their necks not been as strong as they were. I was genetically cursed with a pencil neck so I will… continue reading.

Eat Dessert Every Night Without Becoming a Fatass

What’s up guys? I’m coming at you from the Hyatt Regency in Denver where I’m getting read to go train with my buddy, Craig Ballantyne. Then I will be meeting up with fitness icon, Shawn Phillips, for lunch. I’m in town to do a charity toy drive on Saturday with Craig and about twenty others. We’ll be buying thousands of toys to give to marines to distribute to local kids. If you’re in the area come by and hang out. Last night Craig and I had an awesome steak dinner at Elway’s where we watched the Bronco’s game while talking… continue reading.

How John Gained 10 Pounds & Got Yoked

Today we have a guest post from Renegade Inner Circle member, John P, detailing his last twelve weeks of training. *** Hey guys,

I just finished up my final week of Yoked so I figured I’d throw out my review in case it’s useful to anyone. A bit about myself: I’m 33 years old, I’ve been training seriously for approximately a year and a half. Starting this program, I had just completed a 3-4 month phase of trying to get lean, where I started around 19-20% body fat and got down somewhere around 11-12%, which was around 186-188 pounds. After… continue reading.

What to do When You Think You Might be Injured

Guest Post by Keith Scott. Not all injuries are really injuries. Huh? What the hell does that mean? It’s simple…over the years I have “magically cured” a lot of people’s injuries quickly because so many injuries are not really injuries, rather they are muscle spasms or knots that are causing pain and dysfunction. This is not to say that these knots don’t cause major pain and problems…they do. It also doesn’t mean that they are to be ignored, because many spasms or knots are a sign that either something was tweaked and needs to be fixed, or that the… continue reading.

Why Cardio Sucks… And What to do Instead

I hate doing cardio. There are very few things I find less appealing than the thought of getting on a stair master and huffing away for thirty minutes straight. I’d imagine five rounds with Mike Tyson in his prime to be less painful. Going for a long walk or bike ride a few times per week at a low intensity is a great idea and I think everyone should do it. Pounding your joints on a machine at a high intensity for 45 minutes, five times a week? Horrible idea. When I opened Renegade Gym back in the early 90′s… continue reading.

Mike’s 18 Year Journey as a Renegade Trainee

What’s up guys? I hope you had a great weekend. Although I doubt it was as wild as the one my friend Mike had a few weeks back. Mike came into my gym for the first time as a skinny 12 year old. His dad hired me to get him bigger and stronger for football and wrestling. At the time I was only training regular people, still earning my chops as a beginner personal trainer helping people lose fat. But I really wanted to get into high performance training and help guys get bigger, stronger and faster. So Mike became… continue reading.

Should You Make Your Own Gym Equipment?

Unless you’re the ultimate McGuyver like handyman and you truly enjoy doing it, there’s rarely a time that it’s worth building your own equipment. It’s like saving twenty bucks at the car wash and doing it yourself. It takes you two hours to do a good job. So now it cost you ten bucks an hour. Surely your time is worth more than that. And you could have done something more productive. It’s a mindset shift that can make a huge difference in your life. Save money on material possessions, yes. I’m all for that. Buy cheaper clothes, drive a… continue reading.

7 Reasons Why You Should Be Deadlifting

Special guest post by world record holding deadlift champion, Andy Bolton The Deadlift is a superb exercise. Now you might think I’m biased, given that I’m pretty good at it (In case you don’t know – I’m that big dude that’s pulled over a 1000lbs. Twice)… that said – by the time you’ve finished reading this article I’m sure you’ll want to start hitting the deadlift HARD. Here are 7 reasons why the Deadlift is a superb exercise for serious Athletes… 1. If you’re a bodybuilder, or a guy who wants to be JACKED, very few things add slabs… continue reading.

My Massive Eating Ability & the Need for Renegade Cardio

Man, I’ve really been on some grubbin’ streak lately. It seems like every time I turn around over the last two weeks another one of my friends is in town wanting to meet up for dinner at one of LA’s finest restaurants. While my wife is a five star chef and makes incredible meals each night it’s always nice to get out amongst the people, give the local females a thrill and order half the items on the menu. Or in the case of a recent brunch at Post in Manhattan Beach with my long time buddy, Mike Schwalb- everything… continue reading.

How Excess Stimulant Use Can Lead to Overtraining

There’s a helluva a lotta cats out there addicted to pre-workout stimulants. Gotta be cranked for your workout; bouncing off the walls or ready to run through ‘em. So you slug down a triple espresso and stack with it with some 3 Hour Energy Blaster, NO Explode-aria and whatever else they sell at the checkout counter of GNC. Anything short of an 8-ball of coke is fair game. After twenty minutes or so it starts kicking in and you feel superhuman. You’re no longer a guy who barely slept because you were stressed out all night or the guy who… continue reading.

13 Rules For Injury Free Training

An RSC Exclusive Report – Sign up HERE to become a member today. 13 Rules For Injury Free Training – By Keith Scott LEARN to listen to your body! Being intuitive to what your body is telling you is not easy, but if you take the time to really “listen” you will be able to master it and know when to back off, ramp up, or modify. The obvious sign is pain….if it hurts, stop doing it! But the more subtle forms of pain and dysfunction are harder to notice at first. Here are a few pointers: 1 –… continue reading.

How Many Carbs Should You Eat Per Day to Build Muscle?

One of the most frequently asked nutrition questions I get is, “How many carbs should you eat per day to build muscle?” Everyone always focuses on protein but if you want to get jacked carbs are crucial. High fat and Paleo style eating can be great for getting lean but not for getting big. That job requires some rice and potatoes. Carb intake should be directly correlated to weekly training volume. For example, let’s say Billy does an old school 5×5 routine twice per week because he believes that as a hardgainer that’s all the training he can handle. There… continue reading.

Quinoa Burritos

Recipe courtesy of Metabolic Cooking Makes 2 Servings Perfect for a snack, spread or sandwich Ingredients • 2 small whole wheat tortillas • ½ cup quinoa, cooked • 4 egg whites • ½ avocado, cubed • 1 cup lettuce, shredded • ½ cup salsa • ¼ cup red onion, diced • ½ cup black beans • ¼ cup fresh cilantro Directions 1. Cook quinoa and egg whites separately. Then mix with black beans, cilantro and onion. continue reading.