Fitness Business

Man Up with Bedros Keuilian – Episode 290

My guest today is the Immigrant Edge and the American Dream. He’s the founder and CEO of Fit Body Bootcamp, author of the best-selling book “Man Up,” and one of the most successful and iconic figures in the fitness industry. Most importantly, he is an amazing human being and a man I’m proud to call one of my best friends, Bedros Keuilian. In this episode Bedros explains the strategies, habits and shifts in mindset that can help take anyone from a struggling “crop… continue reading.

Strong Mind, Strong Body & Strong Coffee with Adam Von Rothfelder – Episode 282

Do you like the NBC show, Strong? If so, you’re going to love this episode with Adam Von Rothfelder. A fitness coach of some of the country’s most elite CEO’s and Executives, Adam was featured on Strong as one of America’s Top 10 Trainers. He is also a former MMA fighter, successful gym owner, fitness model and the Founder and CEO of Strong Coffee Company. In this episode I sat down with Adam, and previous guest on Renegade Radio, Kenny Santucci of Solace New York, to discuss training, nutrition, overcoming adversity, the power of coffee, marijuana, success and life. Scroll… continue reading.

Fit to Fat to Fit with Drew Manning – Episode 281

Drew Manning knows what it’s like to be overweight, out of shape, unhealthy and uncomfortable in his own skin. He knows the burden of being physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. If that’s where you are currently, he can relate. He also knows how amazing it feels to be healthy, lean and muscular. He has experienced what it’s like to have almost limitless energy and unshakeable confidence. If that’s where you want to be, he can show you how. Drew is a Fitness Expert, Personal Trainer and the creator of the #FitToFatToFit TV show and He is… continue reading.

Becoming Unstoppable with Craig Ballantyne – Episode 279

Do you want to learn how to 10x your productivity, so you get more done in less time? Do you want to know how to identify what really matters to you, so you can spend your time, energy and effort on it, instead of burning yourself out on things that are meaningless? Would you like to know how you can achieve your goals AND have time to do things you enjoy? There is no one better to learn from than my guest in this episode of Renegade Radio. He’s often referred to as “The World’s Most Disciplined Man,” but I’m… continue reading.

The Body Coach, Joe Wicks: How to Get Lean in 15 – Episode 276

Joe Wicks is a man on a mission. Growing tired of seeing people struggle following the advice of an awful dieting industry, he decided to take action. He created a plan to educate people on how to correctly use food and exercise to build strong, lean and healthy bodies. Known as “The Body Coach,” he has helped over 100,000 clients transform their physiques and change their lives. He has sold almost 3 million copies of his books, including the best-selling diet book of all-time, “Lean in 15 – The Shift Plan: 15 Minute Meals and Workouts to… continue reading.

Celebrity Trainer, Ashley Borden: Improving Lives Through Fitness – Episode 260

From a young age Ashley Borden felt an inherent connection to fitness. But she was plagued with an eating disorder throughout most of her teens. At only 18 years old she hit rock bottom. It wasn’t until she found the right balance of exercise and nutrition that her life began to change for the better. Overcoming her own personal struggles sparked Ashley’s passion for helping others. She became a Personal Trainer, Lifestyle Consultant and one of the most successful, sought-after women in the fitness industry. Her clientele includes some of Hollywood’s most recognizable faces and elite professional athletes from the… continue reading.

How to Train for Gains and Longevity with Fitness Expert, John Alvino – Episode 254

In this episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast I sat down with my longtime friend, John Alvino. John is one of the most respected and knowledgeable strength and conditioning coaches in the fitness industry. He is also a successful fitness writer, a former competitive bodybuilder, and a veteran of the iron game. We discuss the crazy stuff we used to do in the gym, all for the sake of gaining muscle, and how our training has evolved over the years. John provides some great tips for preventing injuries and enhancing your performance in the gym. He gives valuable advice for anyone who… continue reading.

Kenny Santucci: MTV Reality Star to Fitness Guru – Episode 252

If you want to learn how to build a booming fitness business, while creating a culture of community, connection and contribution, Episode 252 of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast will be a game changer. Former MTV reality star, Kenny Santucci is my guest in this episode. Kenny is a fitness professional and owner of one of NYC’s greatest gyms, Solace New York. A former fat kid from an unhealthy Italian family, Kenny grew tired of not feeling good about himself so he decided to change his body and life. Inspired by the physiques of wrestling superstars and action film heroes of the 80’s,… continue reading.

Be Stronger, Healthier and More Successful with Adam and Vanessa Lambert of Bee the Wellness – Episode 244

My guests in the all new episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast are the creators and co-owners of Bee the Wellness, Adam and Vanessa Lambert. They are here to teach you how to optimize your diet and training, recover faster from workouts , achieve more success in business, find balance in your life and much, much more! Adam is a former Battalion Chief for the third largest fire department in the US and he is recognized as one of the leading strength and conditioning coaches in the fire service. Vanessa is a former competitive athlete in multiple sports and a health and… continue reading.

How to Overcome Insecurity and be Stronger Inside and Out – Episode 218

How can you overcome your insecurities and be a stronger, more confident person? I’ll tell you what took me from being shy, insecure and socially awkward to the person you see me as today. In addition we’ll talk about the safest, most effective ways to include Progressive Overload in your training. What’s the ideal training split for someone who is burned out and beat up? You’ll learn what’s worked for me and thousands of my clients. Wanna know how to improve your fitness biz, or any business for that matter? I’ll give you actionable steps to help take your business… continue reading.

Natalie Jill on Overcoming Adversity, Finding Your Purpose, and Building Your Business – Episode 212

You may know Natalie Jill as an ultra successful, inspirational fitness expert who’s in better shape than most women half her age. What you might not know is that she was once 65 pounds overweight and a million dollars in debt. If you’ve had setbacks and obstacles that have held you back, fear not. Your past doesn’t define you. Natalie has been there and she can relate. She can also help you rise up and turn your life around. Natalie hit rock bottom as newly divorced, single mother. During that time she was forced to endure some of the most… continue reading.

From Dumpster Diving to Multi-Millionaire: Bedros Keuilian

Bedros Keuilian is the American dream and an amazing and inspirational success story. He and his family escaped Communist Russia and came to the United States when he was six. They grew up rough, dumpster diving for food. But Bedros eventually turned it all around. He went on to build an ultra successful multimillion-dollar business, which helps hundreds of thousands of people every year. On top of that, he is also one of the greatest and most down to earth, loving, caring, generous, fun, funny people you will ever meet. And one of my best friends in the world. Topics… continue reading.