12 Renegade Holiday Gift Ideas

Voodoo Floss Bands These are awesome for instantly making your ankles, knees, hips, wrists, elbows or shoulders feel significantly better. I keep them in my gym back and break them out whenever anything isn’t feeling up to snuff. After a couple minutes of voodoo magic I’m good go. Rumble Roller
 A plain old basic foam roller is great. But once that no longer does anything for you it’s time to graduate to this bad boy. I use this 365 days per year on every muscle group from head to toe. continue reading.

Renegade Success Story: Matt Knox

Guest Post by Renegade Inner Circle Member Matt Knox I was the skinniest dude in my town. Period. Dot. Exclamation point. Don’t believe me? If I wanted to wrestle in school (9th grade), I would have had to gain at least 5 pounds. Yep I couldn’t even make the wrestling team because I didn’t weigh enough to make the smallest weight class of 93lbs. Pathetic. Did that stop me? Nope I would play football next year with all of my buddies right? Wrong, I was so small that my parents and coach did not want me to play because… continue reading.

Should You Train to Failure?

Should you train to failure or not? Nobody seems to know for sure. So I will end the confusion. And, just so everyone is clear, training to failure literally means that the weight is falling back down on you. You actually never want to do that. Instead you can train to technical failure. That’s the point where another rep with perfect technique would be impossible. But even that’s a little far for my liking. I always tell people to stop sets with 1-2 perfect reps in the tank. Now, granted those 1-2 reps will be hard and much slower than… continue reading.

4 Traits the Best Lifters Share

The biggest, strongest dudes in the world all do four things. 1) They Use a Limited Number of Exercises Per Workout In most cases that ends up being no more than about six, total, sometimes as high as eight. But certainly no more than that. So don’t make the mistake of thinking that you need to do what your favorite pro bodybuilder does and that you need four exercises each for chest, shoulders and triceps. That’s nonsense. One, or at the very most, two exercises, per muscle group is usually enough. While there may be some validity to… continue reading.

The Power of Less

An RSC Exclusive Report – Sign up HERE to become a member today. The Power of Less – A Jay Note By setting limitations we must choose the essential. So in everything you do, learn to set limitations. Limitless is weak. Learn to focus yourself within limits, and you’ll increase your strength. Never multitask. Use time blocks and turn off all distractions. Whatever you are doing, do just that and focus on it 100%. Focus on one habit at a time for 30 days. Write it down, tell others about it, post it publicly, report on your progress… continue reading.

Do You Need Carbs Pre & Post Workout?

Guest Post by Nate Miyaki, Author of Feast Your Fat Away Here’s the thing about gaining muscle in general. Anabolic activity takes time.  Protein synthesis is elevated for 48 hours post-workout.  So building up a gun show worthy of selling tickets to is not just about a 3-hour eating window or whatever, its about what you do with your overall diet. If you are training 3 or more days a week, every meal matters for muscle growth, not some magical shake at a magical time. If you strength train Renegade-style, and eat enough protein and calories, you will… continue reading.

5 Reasons You Should Eat Some Carbs On Rest Days

Guest Post by Nate Miyaki, Author of Feast Your Fat Away About a year ago, I was hanging out with a colleague and friend of mine.  We were downtown around lunchtime. In between intermittent deep thoughts about important nutrition topics, we were trying to look down the shirts and up the skirts of some fine looking women in their business attire. Now here’s what I don’t get. I had just returned from Hawaii, a place where women walking around in bikinis is the norm.  I wasn’t going to see anything different hiding under those work clothes… continue reading.

Life Lessons From The Prowler – Listen To Yourself

Guest Post by Kevin Kuzia There’s something that needs to be set forth in perfect clarity before the rest of this magical blog post unfolds: I have a deep, abiding love for EliteFTS’s Prowler. Oh sure, it’s probably a one-side, unrequited kind of love, but ahh… love it is. Like any good relationship, the attraction is more than just the physical. It began that way, much like the googly eyes you get the first time you spotted a comely lass from across the room in your favorite local watering hole. You become smitten.  Such was me with the Prowler in… continue reading.

How the “Busy Trap” is Sucking Your Soul & Ruining Your Life

You’re not “too busy.” Get over that lie. We keep ourselves eternally “busy” by checking email and Facebook, obsessively over-measuring and over-analyzing everything, second-guessing, waiting for perfect, asking too many opinions and essentially “working” round the clock while getting very little done. We all fall victim to it. It crippled me for years. While getting caught in the busy trap is horrible for your productivity at work, it can also ruin your social life. Because you keep yourself constantly “busy” by doing inconsequential nonsense you actually “don’t” have the time to do the things you want to do. For years… continue reading.

3 Ways to Open Up Your Hips

Guest Post By Eric Wong It’s been over 7 years since I first started training MMA fighters… I still remember the day I approached my “sensei” who had a 4-2 record at the time, fresh out of university where I earned my Kinesiology degree, nervous that he’d laugh me out of the dojo about my suggestion that I be his strength and conditioning coach for his next fight. Thankfully, he didn’t laugh at my suggestion off and instead we started training together. We won and lost together and we’re still good friends to this day. He even popped my “UFC… continue reading.

Creatine 101

Guest Post by Sol Orwell. What is creatine? Creatine is a peptide molecule, critical to the optimal functioning of a cell. It is best known as a ‘high energy molecule.’ Cells use a different molecule, called ATP, to function. ATP can be made through the use of fatty acids, or quickly by using sugars. Creatine, in its storage form, called creatine phosphate, is even faster than glucose, though limited by the amount of storage space it can take up. What does creatine do? Creatine is well known for increasing power output in athletes and gym goers. It… continue reading.

The Marshall Mathers School of Strength Training

Here are a few training lessons based on the titles of 37 Eminem songs (in bold italics). A lot of people start training and they’re all gung ho for a month or so. But how many people actually stick with it? It’s all about survival. You’ve gotta treat it like serious business if you ever want to see your body going through changes, and hope for people to one day refer to you as the monster. You’re a soldier and every workout is a battle. You can’t be brainless about it and go to the gym without… continue reading.

10 Renegade Rules for Being a Badass

When most people think of the word “badass” they think of Harley Davidson, the old Oakland Raiders, Iron Mike Tyson in his prime, Rambo, Charles Bronson and Bruce Lee. But there’s more to being a badass than just being the type of mofo people don’t mess with. It’s all about living your life a certain way. Following a certain code of conduct most others don’t adhere to. Here are 10 ways to become a badass: 1) Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable If you never push yourself outside of your comfort zone you’ll never know what you’re capable of in life. And… continue reading.

6 Ways to Improve Your Sleep

I’ve been a horrible sleeper since 1996. Don’t ask how I remember the date when it happened. Somehow I just do. I never had sleep problems before that. But then it started. Getting more and more awake as the evening went on. Taking at least an hour to fall asleep. Waking every two hours then taking another 30 minutes to fall back asleep. It was a nightmare (pun intended) that I had to deal with for 15 years until it finally started getting better the last few years to the point where now I am getting tired by 8pm, can’t… continue reading.

4 Simple Ways to Increase Mobility

Guest Post By John Alvino What is your main motivation for going to the gym? Does it stem from an intense desire to increase your mobility? I didn’t think so. Mobility training isn’t fun and it doesn’t give us the psychological satisfaction that “real” training provides. Not only that, it’s boring! And it takes patience, effort, and dedication. For these reasons, it’s rarely done. This is an unfortunate fact because for many of us, mobility is the most important fitness quality to develop and maintain. Without it, your movement ability, joint health, and quality of life can all be seriously… continue reading.