
If I Were You, This Is How I’d Train

On the last episode, we went over everything you need to know to take your nutrition to the next level.  So now that we’ve got your diet covered, let’s talk training… What are my Top-5 training splits? [0:57] What’s the sweet spot for reps? [8:17] Do this for a month and your strength gains will thank you. [15:23] Something is wrong if you don’t experience this every time you hit the gym. [22:04] How do you know if an exercise isn’t for you? [27:13] Listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts, … continue reading.

The Proven Path to Get Shredded in 2025

You don’t need hours of cardio to lose fat.  Circuits, intervals, and all that other silly sh!t… Nah. Don’t need that either.   So how exactly do you drop that stubborn fat?  I’ve got you covered in today’s episode… Are you a victim of these fat loss misconceptions? [0:31] What are the Top 5 protein sources? [3:37] … And the Top 5 carb sources? [6:29] How about fat? [10:48] The real cause of your elbow pain and what to do about it. [16:50] Is there a king of training splits? [18:50] Does the number of meals you eat impact insulin… continue reading.

12 Muscle Building Mistakes Men Over 40 Make

Even with amazing genetics, making gains after 40 can be a challenge.  But it’s not impossible… You need to be dialed in.  Everything has to be on point.  And you definitely wanna avoid these 12 mistakes… Listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform.  Sponsors BiOptimizers: An all-in-one solution. Improve your sleep, mood, stress tolerance, and so much more. Go to and use code JAY10 for your exclusive Renegade Radio offer. continue reading.

How to Save Your Joints, Best Form of Cardio, Staying Lean For Life, Isolation Vs. Compound Exercises

In today's episode, I'm addressig how to to Save Your Joints, Best Form of Cardio, Staying Lean For Life, Isolation Vs. Compound Exercises, and more... continue reading.

Midlife Muscle

Today I'm taking you behind the curtain of Midlife Muscle. It's been my best selling program of all-time and it's built just for you... continue reading.

The Ticket to Building the Body You Want (AND Keeping It) w/ Ben Bruno

Today's guest, Ben Bruno, is one of the best trainers in the game. His approach to training focuses on the individual, instead of a specific method, and he's here today to help you build the body you want (AND keep it)...  continue reading.

Metabolism School w/ Sam Miller

Today's guest, Sam Miller, is giving you a masterclass in macros, metabolism, and functional health.  continue reading.

Stop Training Like This

I've cracked the code to getting lean. And today I'm letting you know how you should be training to lose fat, build muscle, and optimize your health. continue reading.

5 Keys to Getting Ripped for Summer – Episode 497

I can't allow you to go through another scorcher filled with shame and mediocrity. So press play and check out the 5 keys you need to get ripped for summer.  continue reading.

Why High Rep Sets ARE Effective – Episode 491

I'm back with another powerful Q&A to help you get jacked, healthy, and live your best life.  continue reading.

How To Eliminate Injuries, & Why Studies Suck – Episode 489

5 tips to help you prevent and eliminate injuries without sacrificing results. I'll also fill you in on a simple approach to nutrition, my thoughts on the latest studies, and more... continue reading.

Life Lessons from U.S. Special Forces Member, Bryan Ray – Episode 486

U.S. Special Forces member, Bryan Ray, joins me today to discuss the remarkable power of ketones, effective leadership, and much more. continue reading.

How I Built a 7-Figure Business, Approaching the Unknown, & a Quick Fix for Back Pain – Episode 483

I'm back with another powerful Q&A to help you become your strongest self.  continue reading.

If I Started Training Today HERE’S What I’d Do Differently – Episode 480

I'm back with another powerful Q&A to help you level up your training, and get the body and life you desire. continue reading.

Top 7 Ways To Boost Recovery (Build Muscle Faster) – Episode 476

What you do during the 23 hours outside of the gym is just as important as the hour you spend in it. These 7 tips will help you look and feel your best. continue reading.