
Wanna Train With Me?

A few years ago I had to stop taking on new training clients. I simply didn’t have any time left and if I kept saying “yes” my life would start to really suffer. So, even though it pained me to do so, I said “no” to a well-known UFC fighter. And I said “no” to Hollywood entertainers. Time after time I continued to say “no,” no matter who asked. But there was a method to my madness. I did it, so that in the long term, I’d be able to say, “yes” to you. By freeing up some time I… continue reading.

What Are the Best Natural Testosterone Boosters For Men?

Question: Are there any natural testosterone boosters that could raise my levels without having to resort to drugs? What about lifestyle choices? Answer: Low testosterone is no fun. It leads to less muscle, more body-fat, depression and, of course, the inability to get it up. This is a recipe for a disastrous, unhealthy, lonely life. The problem, though, is what happens when you look for ways to boost testosterone. You get bombarded with supplement scams that claim 697% increases in testosterone. If only that were true. continue reading.

The Most Overlooked Habit For Getting Jacked

Now, some people out there seem to be completely immune to stress. These guys are just blessed with invincibility. I’m talking about the ones who… -Build muscle by looking at weights -Don’t need to sleep more than 4 hours per night -Stay ripped and jacked while eating Cinnamon Buns and Bagel Bites -Work 18 hours per day and stay more relaxed than the Dalai Lama -Never read about training on the internet -You aren’t one of those guys. I’m not either. We’re the ones with… Stress prone tendencies- constantly over thinking, staying indecisive, getting worked up about nothing Tons of life stressors like a… continue reading.

Why you should NOT work out

You want to lose fat, build muscle and look sexy at the beach.  So, you gotta work out, right? Screw that. You do NOT need to workout. You need to train. There’s a huge difference. Have you ever watched a dude at the gym walk from one machine to the next? He’s got a puzzled look on his face, clearly trying to figure out what the hell to do next? That’s working out. I know you’ve seen this group of guys at the gym. They go from flat bench, to incline bench, to dumbbell bench, to machine bench… And, finally,… continue reading.

Muscle Building Workouts You Can Do at Home

You wanna build muscle? You wanna get strong? You wanna get ripped? You wanna do it with short muscle building workouts you can do at home? In a sweet, minimalist garage or basement gym? Where you can avoid the expensive public gym memberships and the nonsense that goes along with those hell holes? I feel you. I hate most public chain gyms. Walking into that type of place usually sickens me and makes me question humanity as a whole. The sight of guys loading on weight plates and doing a two inch range of motion. The smell of fake tanner… continue reading.

Improve Your Sleep Instantly

Sleep is the single most important thing for improving your body composition and overall health. In Anthony DiClementi’s amazing book, The Biohackers Guide you’ll learn how to instantly improve your sleep. Topics include: -Why is it that dozens of influential thinkers, inventors, businessmen, and politicians can get away with 5, 4, or even 3 hours of sleep each night and function at a high level? The answer will surprise you – pg. 172 -5 sleep biohacks, 14 sleep improvement tools, 10+ smartphone apps, dozens… continue reading.

Do These to Become Bulletproof

I love loaded carries and include them in every training program I design. There is nothing more functional than picking up something heavy and walking with it. It’s manly, hardcore, old school shit. Makes you feel like a badass. Especially when you’re doing them in a public gym where no one else would dream of doing such a thing. Loaded carries bulletproof your entire body from head to toe. Ankle, knee and hip stability is increased from loaded carries. Your toes, feet and abs get stronger. continue reading.

Can You Get Ripped Through Diet Alone?

Yes, you can. Absolutely. What you shove down your pie hole is the single most important factor relating to fat loss. Diet, diet, diet. That should be your focus. You could do nothing but get up and go to work each morning, come home, sit on the couch and repeat. And still lose a significant amount of bodyfat if you’re eating properly. But that is the worst message in the world to be promoting. I hate it more than people texting at the dinner table. I loathe it. It’s that oafish, unathletic, unfit 80’s bodybuilder type of mindset. The… continue reading.

5 Steps For a Perfect Warm-Up

Guest post by Coach Robert Dos Remedios One of the often overlooked aspects of training is the warm-up, or  what I  like to call “Activation and movement preparation”. For many years we have used a simple yet effective and efficient pre-workout routine to get folks primed for a great training session. This is our 5-step sequence 1. Soft Tissue drills (2-3 minutes) Foam rolling has become mainstream and anyone who has ever got on a roller will attest that it can be quite addictive. We keep it direct… continue reading.

10 Steps For High Performance Hormone Optimization

There are thousands of guys out there who follow a proven workout and muscle building diet. Look at their training and nutrition plan, and you’d think they were all jacked out of their minds. Yet so many stay skinny and weak, with tube steak arms, hideous belly fat, and droopy man boobs. The reason? They’re missing a critical piece of the performance puzzle. Hormone Optimization. Hormones are the signaling molecules that let you see the results of your work. Check out the 5 most important ones. And learn how… continue reading.

Pro Wrestler Getting His Best Results Ever

I just received some great feedback I needed to share with you. It’s from a professional wrestler I know who has trained Renegade style for years now. He hasn’t made it up to the main WWE roster yet, but he’s still putting in that hard work, chasing his dream, 24/7. Anyway, here’s his email: “My man. I’ve been getting your emails about Brad Pilon’s How Much Protein, and since changing my diet my protein count is down to 95 grams per day. Amazing… continue reading.

Do You Know The 85% Rule For Maximal Progress?

True or false: the harder you train the better your results? If you just arrived here from another planet you might assume that’s true. It makes sense on the surface. But it never seems to pan out that way for most of us. You can only put the pedal to the medal for so long. When you do it constantly your progress slows down. Sometimes it comes to a halt. Worse yet, you might start to regress. Sadly, it’s always the skinny-fat, high stress, hardgainer types who want to test this theory. They’re the last people who should be doing this. continue reading.

53 Ways to Build Muscle, Gain Strength & Be F*ckin Awesome

1. Think safety first. If you are always getting hurt no progress can be made. 2. Identify the exercises that hurt you and stop doing them. Just because lots of people tell you an exercise is great that doesn’t mean it’s for you. If it hurts stop. 3. Have a clearly defined goal. You can’t increase your 40 time, lose 20 pounds of fat and gain 20 pounds of muscle at the same time. 4. Train like an athlete. Blend dumbbells, kettlebells, bodyweight exercises and various forms of movement. 5. Train for strength gains. continue reading.

4 Essential Training Tips For Building High-Performance Muscle

I like to keep things simple. Why? Because it’s the only way to get things done and accomplish goals. There are four things you need to do to build lean muscle, get stronger, boost your endurance, and shred bodyfat. 1) Use Some Type of Progressive Overload Over the course of time you have to add weight, do more reps, decrease rest periods or increase volume. Your body will only adapt when forced. That means pushing yourself beyond what you are currently capable of doing. You can’t get comfortable. Always strive for some type of small improvement. 2) Use Bodyweight Exercises… continue reading.

7 Muscle-Building, Testosterone-Boosting Tips for Guys Over 40 (& All Hardgainers)

Here’s a question that was asked recently in The Renegade Strength Club Forum, followed by my response. I’m posting it here because it could help a lot of people suffering through a similar plight. Jay, I’m coming back from multiple injuries. I recently got my bloodwork done because I just felt like something was off. And I was right. My estrogen levels are higher than my testosterone, which is low. My cortisol is high as well. I’m 5’10, 168 pounds. I am skinny fat! A guy I hired put me on six meals a day and… continue reading.