
Is Alcohol Really Going To Ruin Your Gains?

An RSC Exclusive Report – Sign up HERE to become a member today. Is Alcohol Really Going To Ruin Your Gains? by RSC Asst Coach Jack Penner A fundamental aspect of the Renegade philosophy lies in enjoying life as much as possible. If this lifestyle of strength training and being jacked leads to a life full of workouts without any fun, you’ve wasted your time. As Stephen King wrote, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” But many of you have a problem. Your dedication to the iron game leads to just that. continue reading.

Featured Member – Vasiliy Trubitsyn

Hailing all of the way from the USSR, Vasiliy Trubitsyn, known inside the forum as “Turbic”, is consistently a great competitor in weekly competitions and record board submissions. To join Vasiliy and hundreds of others, click HERE now. Give us a little background on your training history, what brought you to the RSC in the first place, and how you’ve changed since you joined. I began to train from my childhood. Started with gymnastics and acrobatics, I moved to the power lifting gym, after the only acrobatics school in my city was closed. I was training in different gyms for about 6… continue reading.

The 4 Killers of Muscle Growth

Renegade Strength Club member, Keith Schwartz asked me an interesting question. “Jay, how the hell do you do it? Before doing your workouts I used programs by a lot of the big names in fitness. My joints were always hurting, I never had much energy, and my gains were pretty shitty.  Forget about the XXX (deleted) workouts. Don’t even get me started on how much those suck. Every time I did those I left the gym feeling smaller and weaker and was totally exhausted.  Then I had to drag my… continue reading.

Why Dudes Should Do Yoga

Guest Post By Yuri Elkaim Think Downward Dog and Cat Pose is stuff for sissies? Think again. You may be hitting the gym hard, spending hours on the court, but skimp on the stretching and you’ll never reach your A-game. Yoga hasn’t been used for thousands of years by women only. It’s not just for old people that live in Asia. It’s actually a tool that’s helped millions of men, monks, and—yes—even elite athletes find their focus, get strong, and discover their ultimate ability. Tap into the age-old wisdom of yoga, and you’ll find a whole new level of… continue reading.

The Gymnastic Secret To Stronger Abs

Guest Post By Tyler Bramlett Take a look at any gymnast and the first thing you’ll notice is the development of their abdominal muscles. The reality is, you would be hard pressed to find an athlete with stronger abs then a gymnast. Most people believe that the reason gymnasts have such strong abs is their ability to do endless sets of perfect leg raises, v-ups and challenging ab skills like front levers and planches. However, in my mind I like to reverse the scenario and instead acknowledge that the reason why gymnasts can do endless sets of perfect of perfect… continue reading.

Renegade Success Story: Michael O’Neill

A few weeks ago, Michael O’Neill emailed me to share his success. Today I wanted to share it with you guys. For the last twelve weeks, he has followed MGS 2.0 and The Renegade Diet to the letter. I love hearing success stories like this. Here’s what Mike had to say: “Good afternoon, Wanted to give a positive testimonial for Muscle Gaining secrets 2.0 and Renegade Diet. 12 week progress, weight remained same, BF loss 7%, neck +.5″, shoulders +1.5″, chest +1.5″, waist -1.5″, thigh +2″, bicep +2″ All PB’s out the window. Best routine I’ve ever had the pleasure… continue reading.

The Renegade Kitchen

An RSC Exclusive Report – Sign up HERE to become a member today. The Renegade Kitchen by RSC Asst Coach Jack Penner You’re ready to take your status as a hardcore Renegade to the next level. Like Shannon Sharpe, you have an unrivaled obsession with transforming yourself into the perfect specimen, the pinnacle of invincibility. You train harder than anyone you know, religiously follow the Renegade Diet, and take every step imaginable to optimizing you’re recovery. “I’ve got it all dialed” you say, as you shovel some more jasmine rice into your perfectly healed gut. Or, so… continue reading.

Featured Member – Herb Hernandez

The Renegade Strength Club is a group of genuinely great people who are all rooting for you to succeed. No one embodies this more than Herb Hernandez. He is consistently the first person to offer advice or lend a hand. To join Herb and hundreds of others in the Renegade Strength Club, click HERE. Give us a little background on your training history, what brought you to the RSC in the first place, and how you’ve changed since you joined. The past 20 years for me has always been the ups and down in training, Jason has written about this… continue reading.

Biceps Specialization Program

I was celebrating my buddy Chad Waterbury’s birthday Sunday at the Bungalow in Santa Monica. Between shots of tequila, Chad and I were discussing the release of his new program HFT 2 . It’s chock full of specialization programs for each body part. So I asked him if he’d write a high frequency biceps-building plan for the Renegade nation. He obliged. This is what he recommends: Enter Chad… 1. Do brief, high-tension sets. Gymnasts that do the rings have the best biceps because they’re frequently stimulating them with intense isometric holds. 2. Use different hand positions: Rotate… continue reading.

Vince Gironda: Legend & Myth

A lot of you are very interested in the Vince Gironda: Legend & Myth book. And you know me, I could talk and read about the old school Iron Game legends all day. Here’s a small sample of what’s revealed for those of you who emailed me asking exactly what’s included: Vince Gironda: Legend and Myth by Alan Palmieri is the most complete and comprehensive writing on Vince Gironda ever. This is a must read for anyone interested in Vince Gironda. The “Iron Guru” was perhaps at his pinnacle of fame in the “Golden Years” of bodybuilding,… continue reading.

Featured Member – Luke Baumbach

Give us a little background on your training history, what brought you to the RSC in the first place, and how you’ve changed since you joined. During fall of my senior year of high school my girlfriend at the time poked fun at me for not having a butt in front of a couple other friends. At 5’11” and 155lbs she was probably right. I had never thought much about lifting since I played soccer, tennis, and volleyball. In the past I had messed around with my friends in the weight room but never for more than a week at a time. continue reading.

My Simple, “Lifestyle” Approach to Nutrition

The last thing I could ever imagine doing is carrying around Tupperware containers and weighing my food all day. I need freedom and simplicity in everything I do. Otherwise my life sucks. So my approach to nutrition reflects that. When I wake up in the morning I’m not that hungry. I just need to get shit done. That’s my most productive time of the day and I need to attack my MIT (Most Important Task) with a vengeance. That means I’m drinking water and coffee and skipping food for the first couple hours. Some people freak out and… continue reading.

The Stoics Approach to Strength Training

“It is quality rather than quantity that matters.” – Seneca Author, Ryan Holiday recently came out with a great book about stoicism. It’s been selling out like a Led Zeppelin reunion tour. While reading it I couldn’t help but think how the philosophy applies to training. As Ryan says, “stoicism doesn’t concern itself with complicated theories about the world, but with helping us overcome destructive emotions and act on what can be acted upon… it’s built for action, not endless debate.” That’s like the Renegade philosophy of training. There’s no need to make it complicated. What worked for Arthur Saxon… continue reading.

Can You Build Muscle with Nothing But Dumbbells, Kettlebells and Bodyweight?

The simple answer is yes, of course you can. Resistance is resistance. I don’t think you will get huge without a barbell, though. No, check that. I know you won’t. Squats, deadlifts and presses are hard to beat when it comes to packing on size. If you just did those and the rest of your exercises with dumbbells, bodyweight and kettlebells you’d be fine. But if using a bar of any sort isn’t an option for you lets look at what you CAN do, which is build some serious size and strength. We’ll start from the top. continue reading.

How to Build Big Shoulders

In this post we’re gonna talk about how to build big shoulders. I’ll give you a quick bit of anatomy on the shoulders and then we’ll get into the best shoulder exercises and the ultimate shoulder workout. Here’s a question a reader emailed me recently… Question: Jason, I have a question about shoulder training. First, of all should I even train shoulders directly? Some people say they get enough work from other upper body exercises. And secondly, if you recommend training them, what are the best exercises? Answer: First of… continue reading.