A lot of people ask me the moment when things started to “click.”
When I was finally able to start gaining size and muscle and stop being a skinny punk.
Or when I was able to take what I had learned and turn it into a successful business.
The answer was I stopped trying to do everything on my own and found good coaches and mentors.
Look at the people that consistently dominate at what they do and make good decisions.
Successful athletes, businessmen, and musicians—they all have coaches. Michael Jordan had someone work on his jump shot. Tiger Woods has someone teach him how to swing. Richard Branson has advisors that help him make decisions.
That’s why I created The Renegade Inner Circle. Because I know that to achieve a high level of success in life you need coaching—regardless of the endeavor. And it can’t be so expensive that no one is ever able to taste success.
A lot of people ask me what the difference is between just buying an ebook or training program from me versus joining The Renegade Inner Circle.
As a member of The Renegade Inner Circle you get more than just a printed workout. You receive a new workout every single week. But more importantly, you get coaching directly from me, every single day of the year.
I’m there to answer all of your questions or make any adjustments to your workouts based on the equipment you have available, any injuries you may have or if you’re on the road traveling.
But it’s more than just that. It’s a place where we improve your diet and discuss strategies you won’t find in magazines or online. We discuss the best exercises and the latest advances in muscle building, strength gains, and upgrading your entire life and channeling your inner Renegade.
For the last 3 years we’ve made more progress in the RIC than most gyms or trainers will ever experience. But I wanted more—so we’ve made some upgrades to give you even more access to the best coaches in the world.
The Renegade Inner Circle Coaching Staff
When you join the Renegade Inner Circle, you also have access to other elite coaches.
The first is my good friend and colleague, Keith Scott. Keith is one of the leading experts in troubleshooting and fixing your body. If you want to feel healthier and eliminate all your aches and pains, there’s no one better than Keith. He is consulted by the biggest and best in the fitness industry, and he’s on-call in the RIC.
Just grabbing a 12-week workout and doing it on your own is what most people do. And if you want the results that most people get then that’s fine. But having a workout doesn’t compare to having a coach. And now, you have access to three of the best coaches in the world.
My Latest & Greatest Stuff
That’s the other big reason why I created The Renegade Inner Circle. I never want you to wait to make changes. I want you to have real time access to my latest and GREATEST stuff.
My system is always evolving and I am constantly getting better and helping people build muscle and strength as fast as possible.
By the time I write an entire ebook, send it to my graphics guy and get everything set in place to launch, I have already come up with a slight improvement on the workout. I discovered a way to make it a little bit better.

As a member of The Renegade Inner Circle you get new workouts EVERY SINGLE WEEK. So as soon as I come up with a slight twist or tweak you get instant access to it. This is huge!
We’re just finishing up a 12-week program right now that every member has called the best workout they’ve ever done.
And, by the way, The Renegade Inner Circle is completely douchebag free. You will meet some of the coolest cats on the planet, all of whom are there to help you get better.
I’m talking about guys like Jack Penner, Kyle Matthews, Dave Jarzebowski, Koosh, Yoz, Volquarsten, and tons of others who have all become like part of mine and each other’s extended family.
In the Inner Circle there’s no trash talking or any of the negativity that pervades the entire online fitness world. Friendships and relationships have been built all around the globe via The Renegade Inner Circle.
But back to the current workout… Aside from the size and strength gains it’s the fact that they all feel incredible and have less joint pain than ever that makes me happiest.
And I’ve got even more killer training programs and big surprises coming up for members very soon, including our big transformation contest.
Get 30 Days for Just a Buck
If you haven’t given The Renegade Inner Circle a try yet I’d love to have on board. That’s why we’re giving away an entire 30-day trial right now for just a buck!
Only $1.
But this offer is only available to newsletter subscribers. So you’ll have to make sure you’re on our insider’s mailing list. If you’re not simply click HERE, scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your email in the box.
Give it a one-month test run and if you don’t love it, simply cancel your membership and be on your way. Our support staff will take care of it right away for you and there will be no hard feelings.
But I think you will find that your results will be even better than ever before and that you’ll meet some really cool people. I look forward to getting to know you on the inside.
And by the way, when you register, consider using your real name as you username. Simply because we all become such a tight knit community in there and it helps to get to know everyone better and become closer when we’re all using our real names. But it’s up to you.

I’m gonna go log in right now and start answering questions and dropping knowledge.
And next weeks brand new TT13 workout will be going up this weekend. It’s gonna be an awesome 12 week program to start 2013 in a big way.
Let me know how I can help you.
To take advantage of the $1 trial you have to click HERE, scroll down and enter your email in the box or, if you’re already a member, go check your inbox and you should find the $1 trial link in there waiting for you.