How to Develop Lagging Muscle Groups, Increase Mind-Muscle Connection, and Improve Your Pressing – Episode 423

Ready to obliterate obstacles, set PRs, and get shredded for summer? You asked the questions, I've got the answers! continue reading.
Ready to obliterate obstacles, set PRs, and get shredded for summer? You asked the questions, I've got the answers! continue reading.
Not getting the results you're seeking in the gym? In this episode I'm gonna give you the TRUTH about how to get jacked and lean as a hardgainer. continue reading.
Aside from your neck, the muscles that get exposed to the world more than any other are your forearms. So it’s a probably a good idea for them to be jacked, or least look halfway decent. A lot of guys with average to above average genetics will never need to do any direct forearm work and their forearms will grow just fine from presses and pulls. The rest of us won’t be so lucky. It’s funny because the common message preached to skinny hardgainers is to forget isolation training and only focus on compound lifts. This is… continue reading.
As you may know by now I suffered a torn rotator cuff and labrum that required surgery. The injury was a long time in the making and the destruction of my shoulder began many years ago when I was doing stupid things like isometronic training in the power rack and other high risk, low reward methods. Before surgery I was sitting at about 227 pounds. After several months of being incapacitated and eating like a normal human I was down to 179! Like I’ve always said, my hardgainer genetics are freakishly bad. Hell, my wrists don’t even measure seven inches… continue reading.
Question: I am a little confused about how to set up my conditioning workouts and what the guidelines and parameters should be. Could you help me out with that? Answer: Ok, when discussing conditioning the first thing that needs to be asked is what is your primary training goal at the moment? If it is to get huge and strong, then conditioning must be limited and can not interfere with your main workouts. If you… continue reading.
Excuses are everywhere. We’ve all got them and use them more than we should. I’ve been guilty of this and I’m sure you’ve probably been an offender at one time or another, yourself. But we need to stop. No one wants to hear them and no one gives a shit. Below is a list of some of my favorites. –I don’t squat because they’re bad for the knees. –You’re not supposed to squat below parallel. — I don’t need to do legs because I run and go on the stairclimber. –I’m just getting back into it. (For two years?!) –Today… continue reading.