Training Splits

Here’s Why Your Legs Aren’t Growing

Find out how to finally grow your legs, the most effective method of cardio for fat loss, how to elevate your life, and more, in today's episode... continue reading.

Optimize Your Sex Life with Intimacy Expert Susan Bratton

Whether you want a bigger package, or to ensure that your woman is never sexually dissatisfied, Susan Bratton has countless, actionable tips for you to improve your sex life... continue reading.

The Top-5 Muscle Building Mistakes

I've spent 28 years getting guys jacked. And today, I'm giving you the top-5 mistakes to avoid if you're looking to build muscle... continue reading.

How Much Do You Really Need to Eat to Gain Muscle?

Are you eating enough to gain muscle? There's something we need to address before we even get to that question. Find out in today's Q&A... continue reading.

The Sweet Spot for Muscle Growth

There's a sweet spot for muscle growth. And I'm sharing it with you today. Press play, get the answers you need, and let's get to work...  continue reading.

4 Things I Wish I Did Years Ago

Avoid these four common mistakes and watch the fat melt away (WITHOUT sacrificing your gains or energy levels).  continue reading.

Look and Feel 20 Years Younger w/ Jon Hinds

My guest today, Jon Hinds, is here to help you look and feel better than ever in your 40s, 50s, and beyond.  continue reading.

More Boners and Bigger Biceps w/ Ali Gilbert

My guest today, Ali Gilbert, is back to help you optimize your testosterone, conquer nutrition, and get the two that things all guys want... More boners, and bigger biceps. continue reading.

Maximize Gains With These Protein Powerhouses

In today's Q&A you'll learn the truth about range of motion, how to get the most from your upper body training, and more... continue reading.

The Ticket to Building the Body You Want (AND Keeping It) w/ Ben Bruno

Today's guest, Ben Bruno, is one of the best trainers in the game. His approach to training focuses on the individual, instead of a specific method, and he's here today to help you build the body you want (AND keep it)...  continue reading.

How to Stay Safe in a Dangerous World w/ Tony Blauer

Tony Blauer is a self-defense & fear management expert who's here to help you get to know your fears and use them to stay safe in a dangerous world.  continue reading.

Fit Over 50 w/ Ashley Borden

Today's guest, Ashley Borden, is one of the most sought-after experts in her field and is here to help you stay fit in your 40s, 50s, and beyond.  continue reading.

Hunting for Good w/ Robbie Kroger

Biologist, and wildlife conservationist, Dr. Robbie Kroger, is here to take on some misconceptions about hunting and hunters, and counteract these views. continue reading.

13 Life & Fitness Lessons From 500 Episodes – Episode 500

Today, I’m condensing 500 episodes worth of knowledge down to 13 lessons that will dramatically improve your fitness, mindset and life. continue reading.

How to Break Free of Mediocrity – Episode 498

Break free of mediocrity, make more money, improve your relationships, and become the man you're destined to be with today's Q&A. continue reading.