How to Build Big Arms, High Carb vs. Low Carb, When to Take a Rest – Episode 426

Looking to add more muscle? Arms not busting out your sleeves like you'd like? I'm back with the answers you need to maximize your gains... continue reading.
Looking to add more muscle? Arms not busting out your sleeves like you'd like? I'm back with the answers you need to maximize your gains... continue reading.
Over the last few years you may have heard some relatively new (less than 10 years of real world experience) trainers and online fitness guru’s regurgitate the following statement, “volume is the key driver of hypertrophy gains.” That statement is continually made these days because of some studies showing that those who did more sets gained more muscle. But it’s hardly conclusive and hardly the advice that everyone should adhere to. If you lack the requisite 10-25 years of real world coaching experience that it takes to wade through all this stuff, you just go with whatever’s popular at the… continue reading.
Everyone wants to be build a strong, ripped physique. But you don’t want to wreck your joints in the process. In this episode I’ll give you 7 great ways to protect your joints, improve your recovery and enhance your training longevity. A lot of people (many, unknowingly) suffer from adrenal fatigue or some form of burnout. This is due the unnatural, fast paced, high stress life we lead. When you crash you often crash hard. Then it takes a long time and a concerted effort to bounce back. I’ve got 10 great tips for you that will make a huge… continue reading.