
What Exercise is Not (Funny Sh*t)

This is a guest post by my buddy, Ryan Nemeth (brother of WWE wrestler, Dolph Ziggler. It’s from his book, How to be a Hardbody. That’s Ryan over there, on the left. EXERCISING IS NOT… Exercising is not war. Working out is not a bloody fight on a battlefield. Exercising is not a live-action wildlife sequence in a jungle with a tiger and a gazelle and sharp teeth and blood and victory and defeat now we have to separate the men from the boys and the predator from the prey and suddenly lightning strikes and there’s fire… continue reading.

3 Ways To Build Muscle With Bodyweight Training

Guest Post By Nick Nilsson Bodyweight training is awesome…however, due to the nature of bodyweight training (limited resistance), it can be tough to build substantial muscle mass with it. That’s where I come in… My name is Nick Nilsson (a.k.a. The “Mad Scientist of Muscle”) and these 3 “mad scientist” methods will help you build some serious mass with your bodyweight workouts. 1. Daily Specialization Training This is incredibly simple yet incredibly effective…you’re going to take one good bodyweight exercise (ideally something that allows you to only get 4 to 6 reps to start with, like chins, for example) and… continue reading.

Performance Based Fat Loss

Guest Post by Geoff Neupert, CSCS, Master SFG I have never bought into the popular fitness myth that you shouldn’t train to get stronger in order to lose fat. If strength is the foundation for every physical quality, and it is (according to Russian sports scientist Dr. L. Matveev, the “father of periodization”), then why wouldn’t you train for strength to lose fat? As strange as this concept may sound, if we simply open our eyes and look at the world of athletics, we’ll discover the answer. Have you ever noticed that some of the world’s greatest athletes are also… continue reading.

What Makes An Effective Pre-Workout Warm Up?

@JasonFerruggia What makes for a “good” warmup prior to lifting? — Will Thorburn (@wthorburn) January 8, 2014 Will, I like getting your core temperature elevated first. You can do this with 3-5 minutes of jumping rope. If you have any specific areas that are really locked up you’d probably want to spend a few minutes working them with a lacrosse ball or Rumble Roller. After that go through the muscles you’re training that day and get some blood in there and lubricate the joints around them. One thing that people should… continue reading.

Can You Get Strong While Losing Fat?

@JasonFerruggia is it possible to cut bodyfat and still increase strength for intermediates and what are realistic expectations thanks. — Ross Armstrong (@rossypotamus) January 6, 2014   Ross, Absolutely. There are two ways to gain strength. One is to increase the size of the muscle. The other is to increase the neural drive to the muscle (neural improvements). When you’re dieting for fat loss you obviously won’t be increasing the size of the muscle. So you’ll have to focus on neural strength gains, which is really what you should be doing anyway. Plenty of people… continue reading.

The Top 5 Healthy Habits Every Athlete Needs

Guest Post By Tyler Bramlett.  Creator Of The 27 Body Transformation Habits Whether you like it or not, who you are right now is a culmination of the daily, weekly and monthly habits that you have formed up to this point in your life. Let me be crystal clear about this so you can get the most out of this article. You are NOT and will never be better then your habits… Period! If you have bad habits, you will not build the strength, muscle and athletic abilities that meet your true potential. But… Bad habits are easily remedied… continue reading.

4 Changes Females Should Make to Their Workouts

For optimal results a female shouldn’t train exactly the same way males do. Below is a list of 4 things females should do to ensure better results from their training. 1) Increase Frequency I usually recommend that guys beyond the beginner level train each bodypart once every 4-7 days. The stronger and more advanced you get the more that stretches from four days to seven. Females, however, because they seem to recover faster than males do, can get great results from training bodyparts a minimum of twice per week. And in many cases they can make rapid progress training muscles… continue reading.

Mobility Matters

Guest Post By Al Kavaldo,  Author of Stretching Your Boundaries The first time I ever took a yoga class I was 24 years old. I had been working as a personal trainer at a commercial gym for a little while and decided it would be good for me to get firsthand experience at some of the classes we offered. Like many young guys, I arrogantly went to that first class with the expectation that it would be very easy and very boring. I was wrong on both counts! The class challenged me in new… continue reading.

How To Train Hardcore With Light Weights

Guest Post By Sean Hyson One time, I made the mistake of Tweeting that I had to modify my workout in order to make better use of light dumbbells, which was all the equipment I had available to me at the moment. Seconds later, some “bro” responded, smugly suggesting that if I’m serious about training, I should seek out a better, more “hardcore” gym with heavy dumbbells. Obviously, he didn’t know me, because there are few places on earth I’d rather be than in a hardcore gym at any given moment. And, normally, I have no interest in using light… continue reading.

Bikini Body Workouts

Just a quick note today to let everyone know that the Bikini Body Workouts 60 Day Transformation program that my wife, Jen, and I put together for all the female Renegades out there is finally live. It’s available for immediate instant download right now. And it’s on sale until the end of the week for 50% off the regular price. In the program you get: The fully 60 day workout guide The nutrition plan The 21 Day Booty Blast Videos of all the exercises And, of course, some pretty sick results along the way. This the perfect plan to help… continue reading.

Renegade Success Story: Matt Knox

Guest Post by Renegade Inner Circle Member Matt Knox I was the skinniest dude in my town. Period. Dot. Exclamation point. Don’t believe me? If I wanted to wrestle in school (9th grade), I would have had to gain at least 5 pounds. Yep I couldn’t even make the wrestling team because I didn’t weigh enough to make the smallest weight class of 93lbs. Pathetic. Did that stop me? Nope I would play football next year with all of my buddies right? Wrong, I was so small that my parents and coach did not want me to play because… continue reading.

Should You Train to Failure?

Should you train to failure or not? Nobody seems to know for sure. So I will end the confusion. And, just so everyone is clear, training to failure literally means that the weight is falling back down on you. You actually never want to do that. Instead you can train to technical failure. That’s the point where another rep with perfect technique would be impossible. But even that’s a little far for my liking. I always tell people to stop sets with 1-2 perfect reps in the tank. Now, granted those 1-2 reps will be hard and much slower than… continue reading.

4 Traits the Best Lifters Share

The biggest, strongest dudes in the world all do four things. 1) They Use a Limited Number of Exercises Per Workout In most cases that ends up being no more than about six, total, sometimes as high as eight. But certainly no more than that. So don’t make the mistake of thinking that you need to do what your favorite pro bodybuilder does and that you need four exercises each for chest, shoulders and triceps. That’s nonsense. One, or at the very most, two exercises, per muscle group is usually enough. While there may be some validity to… continue reading.

5 Reasons You Should Eat Some Carbs On Rest Days

Guest Post by Nate Miyaki, Author of Feast Your Fat Away About a year ago, I was hanging out with a colleague and friend of mine.  We were downtown around lunchtime. In between intermittent deep thoughts about important nutrition topics, we were trying to look down the shirts and up the skirts of some fine looking women in their business attire. Now here’s what I don’t get. I had just returned from Hawaii, a place where women walking around in bikinis is the norm.  I wasn’t going to see anything different hiding under those work clothes… continue reading.

Life Lessons From The Prowler – Listen To Yourself

Guest Post by Kevin Kuzia There’s something that needs to be set forth in perfect clarity before the rest of this magical blog post unfolds: I have a deep, abiding love for EliteFTS’s Prowler. Oh sure, it’s probably a one-side, unrequited kind of love, but ahh… love it is. Like any good relationship, the attraction is more than just the physical. It began that way, much like the googly eyes you get the first time you spotted a comely lass from across the room in your favorite local watering hole. You become smitten.  Such was me with the Prowler in… continue reading.