How to Prevent Metabolic Diseases w/ Dr. Latt Mansor – Episode 490

We all want to live longer, avoid metabolic diseases, think clearer, and perform better. Today's guest, Dr. Latt Mansor, is here to help you do just that. continue reading.
We all want to live longer, avoid metabolic diseases, think clearer, and perform better. Today's guest, Dr. Latt Mansor, is here to help you do just that. continue reading.
Dr. Thomas Hemingway practices holistic and integrative medicine, is the host of the top-rated health podcast "Unshakeable Health", and is here to help you optimize your health. The natural way. continue reading.
We’re finally settled in Austin, and I’ve got another info packed listener Q&A session this week. If you’re busy AF (as we all are) and think you don’t have time to get jacked and feel great, this is the episode for you. Thanks to everyone who submitted questions. Please keep them coming and I’ll keep cranking these episodes out for you. Scroll Down for Show Notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunesClick here… continue reading.
“We aren’t what we eat. We’re what we digest, absorb, and utilize.” Wade Lightheart has built his career on helping people understand this philosophy and implement it in their lives. He is the co-creator and President of biOptimizers, a company that delivers the best in health and nutrition supplements. A 3-time Natural Bodybuilding Champion, Wade is one of the world’s premier authorities on Natural Nutrition and Training Methods. If you want to know how to improve your physique and optimize your health, we have ya covered in this episode. Scroll Down for Show Notes:… continue reading.
In this solo Q&A episode I’m answering your training questions on a variety of topics. The most important one being the two most overlooked and underappreciated keys to muscular hypertrophy. I also share my thoughts on Kobe Bryant’s life and legacy, and what it all means to me. There’s still time left to pack on size before summer. If you want to learn how to do it and much more, don’t miss this episode! Scroll down for Show Notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes… continue reading.
Have you tried losing weight in the past but just couldn’t make progress no matter how little you ate or how much you exercised? Even worse, have you managed to lose weight in the past only to gain it all back, and then some? The problem most likely is NOT a lack of discipline and consistency, or any character flaw. The problem is your current “Setpoint,” and learning what it is and how to change it will help you finally get the results you want. Jonathan Bailor is the founder of His SANE program is rooted… continue reading.